Don't Go

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Date: Tuesday 10th June 2014

Kyungsoo was slowly getting into better shape as time went on. He no longer needed his wheelchair to get him places; he used his cane to help him navigate where to go now. He had the option to opt for a guide dog, but he didn't want to draw more unnecessary attention to himself. Especially when he couldn't see it. Kyunsgoo's relationship with Kai hasn't been going good, but it hasn't been going bad either. The last two weeks, all Kyungsoo thought about was his heated conversation. That one comment that Sehun had made. It's all he repeated to himself in his head.

"If you're in this position now then you probably did something to deserve it!"

Word for word, the hoarse throated yell that sounded those words, was all Kyungsoo's mind would eventually drift off to no matter what he was doing. For this reason, Kyungsoo's attitude slightly changed. He was more sad than usual. Kai noticed this, but he just thought it was because he was visionless.

"Kyungsoo..? Are you listening?" Kai asked while he waved his hand in front of Kyungsoo's eyes trying to get his attention. Of course, he felt dumbfounded when he realised that Kyungsoo couldn't see that hand.

"Oh, sorry Jongin. I was just thinking of something else."

"You know it's really hard to tell if you're zoned out or just.." Kai didn't know how to finish the sentence. He thought finishing the sentence by saying "being blind" was in bad taste, so he stopped to think about his words.

"It's okay. You can say 'blind' around me. The doctors encouraged me to talk about it. To, you know, come to terms with it and stuff."

Kai let out a small exhale and a half-smile. "Well, back to what I was saying, I still can't get over what Xuimin said today." Kai found himself in a little altercation earlier today. As Kyungsoo and Kai walked down the school hallways, the pair accidently bumped into him. Xuimin was a little bitter about it, and long story short- there was heated exchanges of words, but ultimately the conversation ended with a punch. To Xuimin’s right eye.

"Don't worry about it Jongin."

"No! Why would he say that?! Like seriously, just because I said, "try not to be in the way", he replies with "try not to be blind"? That's just crossing the line."

"Come on, it's over now. Let's just enjoy our dinner, shall we?"

"If you say so babe." Kai extended his arm and rested his hand on top of Kyungsoo’s hand. "Now let’s finish quickly! I still need to help you with your History paper later."

The two boys just sat in silence as they slurped at their ramen. However Kyungsoo's mind was absent the whole time. He was still dwelling on what Sehun had said, and that whole night on Valentines Day. Kyungsoo broke the silence. He needed to get it off his chest.

"Jongin?" he asked as he dropped his chopsticks into the bowl.


"Why do you love me?"

"I.. I'm not sure." There was a brief silence for a second. "You know.. when you were in your coma, Dr. Han told me something interesting, just a small fun fact. He told me that the part of your brain that's responsible for love doesn't process words or language. So that's why when someone asks 'why do you love ______', it's normal to be at a loss for words, so sorry if I couldn't answer you straight away." Kai giggles. "But I guess I love you because you're.. you."

Kyungsoo widened his lips in the slightest to put up a half smile, but it dimmed not even one second later. "No, I mean, why do you love me?"

"Soo, I don't know what you mean! And why this sudden outburst of questions about us anyway?"

"It's just.. well two weeks ago, when me and Sehun had our private chat, he said something to me and it's been on my mind ever since."

"Oh? What was it."

"He said that the reason I'm in this position is because I probably did something to deserve it. Of course, he took it back as soon as he said it, but it

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deepbluecee #1
Not really my preference.
Chapter 9: Of course i'll prefer kaisooooo everrrr
Chapter 2: hum interesting... i´m looking forward to the other chapters =)
alicemusic666 #4
Chapter 27: such a heartfelt ending. i'm kind of sad though that they wont be seeing eachother in the future. but i'll imagine they will.
itakyuurocks #5
Chapter 24: My biases kinda got the short end of the stick in this story. Tao and Xiumin are my top two in exo
PaigeOfHope #6
You are certainly one of the best Kaisoo and other otps author ever. Or author in general! Your story just had me from the events that happened right down to the ending. Although there were minor mistakes, the story lead me to get pass that and just think, "amazing". Good job! :3
Chapter 4: uhh, is it me or is ch 4 and 5 the same content?? O.o
0113pororo #8
Chapter 27: GEEZ this is too nice, I can't help. You're really cool author! Love it <3 KaiSoo fightiiiing:'']
Chapter 27: omg omg omg omg omg omg <3
janelleluvskpop_Zelo #10
Chapter 27: I finally got it to work!! ........after like a whole month -_-# but anyways......i loved this fanfic so much and i will read more of your stories! thank you *bows*