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He was sitting on the corner table staring at his plain ham sandwich, deciding whether to throw it away or save it for later to give it to the birds after school.  He was about to put it away when he noticed a group of boys walking into the cafeteria.  All eyes were on five handsome men taking their known seats.

The lonely boy stared from afar and his gaze focused only on one of them…the silent one.  They took their seats and took no notice of the rest of the people around them.  Jaehwan only sighed and began what he had stopped, putting his lunch away.  He had no appetite ever since he got out of class and the teacher told him he needed to retake an exam or he would fall behind a year.  Was that even possible?  They weren’t even halfway through the school year.  The teacher must have been trying to scare him…which was working.

He stood up and decided the ducks beside the pond would appreciate the bread more than the birds.  Birds always showed up after he would leave anyways.  He dared to take a glimpse of the man called Leo and secretly wished he would look back at him and walk up to him.

“Stupid, like that would happen.”  He scoffed at himself.  It’s been how many years? He had soon forgotten the time he began to develop feelings for that man, hoping and waiting for the opportunity for them to speak. 

Not realizing the foot of a chair was sticking out; he tripped and fell right on his face.  A few people looked up and laughed while others gave no importance to a clumsy boy in the back.  He looked up taking back his wish of his crush looking at him and unfortunately, the group was looking right at him…laughing.  “Just my luck,” he muttered to himself slowly getting himself up.  They all soon went back to their own conversation and Jaehwan was back to be unknown.

He felt something trailing down to his upper lip.  Hoping it wasn’t boogers, he quickly whipped it away, but only to see a big streak of red on his hand.  He panicked and quickly left the cafeteria to wherever his feet led him too.

He soon found himself near the mini pond the school grounds had created a few years back.  He still remembered when they were just building it when he would come and visit his big brother.  He took a seat on the bench and whipped his nose again to check if any more blood was trailing down.  It had stopped.  But he figured he would have a bloody stain on his nose now. 

Finding no paper or cloth, he gave up and slouched while staring at the ducks swimming and flapping their wings.  How he wished he had no burdens or anything. 

“I’d prefer to be a duck right now.”  He kicked a small pebble from the ground and suddenly stomped his feet.  He was about to let himself cry when he heard a small soft voice right behind him.

“You should be careful.”

Jaehwan abruptly stood up and looked behind him.  He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Leo walking towards him and comfortably taking a seat right next to him.  “And with what you wish for.”  He added in the end.

“I- Well…” he couldn’t speak for the life of him.  This must be some kind of dream he thought.  “Is this an illusion?” he questioned more to himself, but the other heard.

“No,” his voice made the other come back to his senses and couldn’t hide the blush that sneaked up on him.  Jaehwan felt so embarrassed he suddenly took a bow.  He felt something moving down his nose and saw a drop of red fall to the group.  Forgetting such state he was in, he brought his hand to cover his nose and mumbled a loud apology.  He was about to grab his backpack and leave when he felt the other grab his wrist and pull him back to sit.

“Hyung,” he whispered with wide eyes.  “My presence…I look so pathetic.”  He managed to say, trying to hold back from his voice cracking.

The older man chuckled and took out a bottle of water and a tissue.  Slightly wetting it, he grabbed the confused embarrassed boy around the neck and brought him close.  Startled by such action, Jaehwan stood still, red tint abruptly exposed through his cheeks.  Leo took notice of this and slightly caressed his cheek…before he pushed him sideways and standing up.

“Come on.  We’re ditching the rest of the day.”  Jaehwan’s stomach did a flip while his heart skipped a beat.  Did his ears really hear correctly to what the other man said?  He took one step forward before a bothersome image of his teacher repeatedly said he would be retained if he kept his poor grades.  As if he read his mind, “I know that teacher very well.  He won’t fail you. Come on.  You’re with me anyway.”  Leo snatched his hand and started pulling him towards his car.

“Leo hyung.”

“Taekwoon,” he interrupted.  “Call me Taekwoon.”

“Tae-Taekwoon hyung.  Where will we be going?”  He asked, surrendering to his long time crush.

“I don’t know.  Do you know any good places to go at this time of day.”  Taekwoon side gazed him waiting for an answer.  Jaehwan took a moment before thinking of the karaoke bar.  It must be empty and he always wanted to try it out…just never had someone to sing with.  He was about to reply with an answer when the elder made his own decision.

“The mall it is.” 


They were looking at a stack of expensive jackets and Jaehwan felt disappointed for being too slow in his decision.  He couldn’t afford to even buy a pair of socks in the store they were currently in.  So he took the liberty to look around and suggest type of clothing for Taekwoon…which the other rejected constantly.

Even if he was bummed out at some point for feeling so poor and the rejection of his taste, his grin never faltered to show when he saw the mysterious boy walking around the isle looking at the cloths.

Taekwoon soon got bored and both left the store with nothing in hand.

“Are you looking for something specific?” asked Jaehwan, he was curious, maybe he could of helped a bit more instead of guessing or imagining what looked good on the other.  However, the older man just shrugged and walked towards the ice cream parlor.

Jaehwan didn’t get to even get a glimpse to the ice cream chart when Taekwoon had ordered something for the both of them.  They had to share from the same cup and Jaehwan blushed but liked the very idea very much.  Jaehwan tried to strike a conversation with the other but after so many attempts; silence was more welcomed.  Jaehwan was okay with that, as long as Leo was acknowledging his existence.

“Wait here.  I’ll be back.”  Jaehwan nodded and remained seated while the other left and headed to some unknown direction.  Jaehwan kept his stare at him until he vanished around the corner.  He waited, and waited.  It was almost closing time and Taekwoon never returned.

Jaehwan picked up the cup and pouted.  The little left of ice cream he had left for the other had melted and become disgustingly warm.  Picking up his things, he headed outside hoping he would bump into him.  Maybe something happened and he wasn’t able to come back?  Whatever the reason, he didn’t have his number and there was no way he could contact him.

He waited outside and it soon became chilly.  Jaehwan shivered, huddled himself and checked his phone.  It was late, too late, and he needed to head home before he got into more trouble.  He knew his mother would find out about his grades.  But that didn’t stop him waiting for his crush.  He looked on his phone and figured he should start finding a way to head back home.  Leo was not coming back it finally hit him.  He held back the tears and smiled weakly.  

“At least I got to spend some time with him.”  His lips quivered and he

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Chapter 1: i would like a sequel to this fic can u?? plllz^^
Chapter 1: sequel please!!!!!
love it!
chibikaru #3
Wanna knows how the story build up till the end...
SaraYun #4
Chapter 1: oh my gosh, no, how can you leave it off like this?! T__T I kinda wished for a happy ending for Jaehwan and Leo but then...Hongbin is exactly what Jaehwan needed so...ugh idk omg but I feel kinda sad anyways...I don't deal very well with things that leave endings up for interpretation XD but this is a really great story!
BluebutterflyKPop #6
I hope an update soon ^^ Thank you ;-)
Chapter 1: Ooow can you make the sequel please? ;-; its so good, i lovee it so much <3
AriesScorpio18 #8
Chapter 1: Should I feel happy or sad right now? I have this inner emotional turmoil right now from reading this like what.
mahriane #9
Chapter 1: omg this is so perfect!!!! thank you so much!!!! i'm sooooooooo curious!!!!!! i wish this would have more chapters ):