Old married couple

Wanna Know The Truth? (HIATUS)



"You heard me, or do I need to spell it out for you?. I. Know. Your. Secret." Jackson smirked condescendingly.

"You're lying." Misun stated, calling out his bluff

"Well maybe I should just tell Bambam about your little... crush", he whispered in her ear, not intimidated.

Misun grabbed Jackson by the arm and dragged harshly him out of the room, which was a surprise to everyone.

"Yah, what just happened? This secret of hers, is it that embarassing that she has to drag him out?", Jr questioned.

"It's not called a secret for nothing, pabo!" Mark said and slapped him on the head.

"OUCH, I was just wondering, but how does Jackson know? They only met yesterday and he knows a secret of hers. We've known her for years now and I know almost nothing. That's unfair..." 

"You're an idiot." Mark sighed and slapped him again.

"OUCH! Stop hitting me!!!"

"Yah, You talk to much",Youngjae said and pretended to almost hit him. Jr flinched and crouched behind Bambam.


"Yah, why did you have to do that? My wrist's red. Aish!!! Can you believe it, Jackson Wang, being dragged out by a girl. I probably look like a fool now. What about my pride?" Jackson mumbled, directing he last question at her in a loud voice

"H-how do you know a-about that?" Misun cursed her stuttering. "My secret. How do you know?"

Jackson counted the reasons off his - surprisingly pretty - fingers. "Well, you aren't really good at keeping secrets. Your face says it all, you basically look like a tomato! It's slightly embarassing!I Might as well tell everybody now, because they probably already know." He smirked and walked away, but got stopped.

"I'll do anything if you just keep it to yourself", she asked desperately. Desperate times do call for desperate measures after all.

"Fine, but remember... nothing this world is free", he whispered maliciously - almost amusedly- in her ear.

"What are trying to do, blackmail me?" Misun scoffed in disbelief. " I think you should be the mature adult here and just let it go. Focus on what you are really at school for, education and all that. This attitude will pay off. You end up the one "smelling like roses" and smarter and what not." Misun suggested hopefully.

Jackson just looked at her with an unreadable expression and walked off with that stupid smirk that she hated the most on his face.

She was relieved, but at the same time, anxious. What does he mean by nothing is free? I hope he doesnt make me do anything embarassing! As long as he keeps to his end of the deal, it's all good, but I still dont trust him. She walked back to look for Gayoon, only to find that her best friend had disappeared.

"Gayoon probably felt awkward around Mark. She really should get over that crush on him. I wonder if she did anything stupid in front of him, that's probably why she just vanished." She didn't realize that she was talking and laughing by herself until she bumped into someone.

"Are you really talking to yourself? I always knew you were crazy", JB

"Well, sometimes I prefer having intelligent conversations, unlike talking to you braindead boys",

"Yah, are you calling us dumb?", Yugyeom questioned and pretended to be shot in the heart, clutching his chest in mock pain.

"I must really stop bumping into you guys." Misun deadpanned, unimpressed by Yugyeom's overacting

"That hurts and to think we were going to buy her food", Youngjae snorted unattractively.

Misun's eyes lit up ("like a Christmas tree", Youngjae sang) when she heard the word food.

"Really? And what about bubble tea? You can't forget about bubble tea! Get me bubbletea" she blurted excitedly.

"We are still deciding what we want to eat, but I don't think we're getting anywhere. Mark and Jackson are really fighting it out. One wants ramyun, while the other just wants fried rice. I wish they'd just hurry up, I'm starving, but the old married couple over there just won't make up their minds." Bambam sighed sadly, watching the arguing "couple" walking towards them

Misun followed Bambam's sad gaze, and observed Mark and Jackson arguing about what to eat. All Misun could think of was, 'They really do look like an old married couple'


gif LOL Jackson Mark mark tuan and this is funny got7 jackson wang markson Jark i know they might eat other one but video goes like this pls read carefully and see what they are doing


"So childish. So stupid. HEY!"

The argument stopped and everyone turned to look at Misun.

"How about we just get jajangmyeon instead?"

"JAJANGMYOEON IT IS!!!", the rest of GOT7 agreed and walked away leaving Jackson and Mark stunned.




To all those readers, subscribers and those who comment...


I would really like... wait

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This story will be on hiatus for a while :( I am going on holiday!!! Sorry xx


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nice story ^^ i liked it!
leekarla #2
Chapter 5: Please update please update
Chapter 2: Omg !!!
Who is Misun's step-brother ???
Is it JB ??!! i really wanna knowww
Updatee !!!!!!
sunyedays #4
Chapter 1: Update soon~~~
Chapter 1: Just don't stuff it up, okay?