彡 [Experiment] Angelababy

Scarlet 彡 newgirl's Graphic portfolio | Revamped!
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100 subs! hoot! me iz happy >w< I luv u all


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yogurt96 #1
Chapter 57: That's fine. That's pretty much the same with everyone else, especially around this time of year.
Anyway, the queen looks beautiful~
yogurt96 #2
Chapter 56: omfg your work is flawless as always
Chapter 57: you're all forgiven ^^
exams have to be the first priority here
but I still miss you and your comments ;;
and I love the colors of this new work, I'm not a fan of CL at all but working with her pics give almost always a good result, and with your skills here is the proof
Chapter 57: wowww.
it looks amazing!
uhuhuh. I miss you~
Chapter 56: this is so pretty eon <333
ps: miss you so much btw
thank you so much for putting my uname on your description, i appreciate it a lot :) <3
Chapter 56: I love it!
Chapter 56: I think this is just beautiful
neonflowers #9
Chapter 54: the one for idealistic gc is really pretty!
but well then again ive seen you appear in numerous graphic contests, and all your works are always really pretty! idk, i think you use just the right amount of stocks and colours and well everything, so it doesn't look too messy like some other graphics ive seen around here.
anyway, you totally rock so stay that way :D