
Club Weird


All Minseok wanted in his first day of highschool is to let the day pass with him unnoticed and go home then watch gay dirty videos while eating buns.

But noooooooo, of course fate has something to do with this for Minseok's first day is also 'Choose Your Club' day. Meaning, he has to explore his school, meet random people and sign up for some club he's not really interested in.

" Can't a gay just live happily alone with buns and dirty videos? " Minseok whispers to himself while contemplating the need to go to school.

" Maybe you can, but it takes time you know? You have to get used to loneliness. And not have with any guy in like .. ever. Can you handle that? " a sickly sweet voice said behind Minseok and he almost jumps out of his skin.

Minseok's face turned tomato red and he is just so embarrassed to say anything so he shuts his mouth, looks at the ground and mentally reminds himself to slap himself later.

But sickly-sweet-voice dude prodded him more. " Aw, are you shy? Come on. You must be new. I'm Luhan. It's alright. Nothing to be worried about. Everyone in this school is gay. "

Minseok's eyes widen and he turns to look at Luhan and hey, isnt he pretty. Those pink lips, gorgeous smile .. Nope not the right time to undress someone in his mind, Minseok thought.

Instead he raises his eyebrows at Luhan. " What do you mean .. ? Everyone's gay? How is it possible? Is the school's name Highschool for Gays? "

" Nope. But you'll see what I mean .. eventually .. Come on, I'll help you look for the right club for you ! " Luhan skipped. Yes, he ing skipped with Minseok trailing behind him.

They first stopped in a club room full of hearts and pink glitter and Minseok cringes because that is really really too gay for him.

They went inside and Luhan greets everybody. " Good morning everyone! Here is Minseok, he is a transferee and I'm helping him pick out the right club for him! "

A cute pale guy holding hands with a creepy tall guy approached them and hugged Luhan. " Luhan! You little we haven't seen you in a while! " Cute pale guy then turned to Minseok and smiled. Damn, he looks like he is going to burst with light in a few seconds. " Hi, I'm Baekhyun. This is my boyfriend Chanyeol. I am the president while he is the vice. Together we run the 'Gay But Happily Together Club' ! "

" Yeah! For the gay and happily together! " Chanyeol chimes in and Minseok is confused because his voice is deep and manly but the way he talks is like a five year old.

" But we only accept couples so you have to bring your boyfriend with you! "

Minseok's eyes shone for a while because it means he wont have to join this girly club. But he manages a crestfallen expression while looking at Baekhyun. " Oh .. But I'm single. "

Baekhyun looked shocked and turns to Luhan but Luhan just shrugged, " Oh, then I'm sorry. " He smiled again his million-watt smile and pats Minseok's hand. " I'm sure you'll find your special one someday. Goodluck! "

And with a wave, Luhan and Minseok both left the said club.

" You knew I was single. Why did you bring me there anyways? " Minseok asked and kept a small distance from Luhan because said dude is still skipping.

" Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see Baek again. " Luhan shrugged and Minseok somewhat knew that he wouldn't get any rational answers from Luhan because a man never thinks straight while he is skipping so he let the subject drop.

The next club room they went in was simpler than the first one and Minseok let out a sigh of relief. Maybe he can sign up in this club then go home and enjoy his buns.

But of course, fate wouldn't let him because the moment he found out that the club's name is '' he was already halfway out of the door.

" But we didn't mean it ually! " someone shouted at him in an attempt to lure him back. Minseok took one look at the three people currently handcuffed to each other with their nametags. Jongin, Kyungsoo, Joonmyeon.

Minseok suddenly remembers one of his dirty gay videos which involved handcuffs and three gay people. Then, he was running for the door.

Minseok was walking ahead Luhan who was doubling in laughter when he spotted another club that looked manly to him. Well if you consider the color black as manly. He quickly went inside and almost demanded a membership sheet when he stopped frozen.

The dudes inside were scary. Now he understands why the club color is black. Both guys have blonde hair. One dude is scarily tall with a face. The other has piercings and dark bags under his eyes.

When they took a step closer to him, Minseok almost kneels to the ground and begs them to not hurt him.

The guy with dark bags under his eyes smiled at him and Minseok was caught off guard coz whoa, the guy looked really cute and harmless when smiling. " Hello, I am Tao, the vice president of 'Manly Gays' club. This is the president, Kris. "

 Minseok was dizzy with confusion when he heard Luhan's laughter again. That little .

Minseok walked away of that club holding a membership sheet half because he kind of wanted to join due to the idea of manly gay and half because he is scared of what will Kris do with him when he rejects the paper Tao is giving him.

Minseok now believes Luhan about this school being infested with gays. Because if those dudes at the Manly Gays club were gays, then nobody isn't.

He continues walking but this time alone because he cant find Luhan but is creeped out by the fact that he can actually still hear Luhan's laughter.

Minseok sees a rather normal looking club so he went in and secretly hoped that this time this club wont be as bad as the others.

Maybe his wishes were granted because he was greeted by two smiling men who looked normal students. " Hi, I am Yunho and this is Changmin. Formerly our club was called 'Fivesome' but the other three leaders already graduated so we were left with 'Twosome'. But no worries, we can still provide the same pleasure and we would still hold ... "

Minseok was already a mile away from the said club.

He looked at the time and decided that the next club he saw will be the club that he would sign up for whatever name or objective they have. He was just itching to go home.

He saw a club room with a huge banner with 'EunHae' written on it and Minseok doesn't even know what that stands for but he still went inside and almost demands a membership sheet when he saw two men in a heated making out with a stack of papers beside them with a note that says ' if we are making out and you want to sign up, please dont disturb us and just get the paper then leave us be' . Minseok winces and almost cries right then and there before deciding against it and he just went out of the club looking worn out.

" They were making out, right? " Luhan suddenly appeared and patted Minseok's hair. " It's okay. The image will be forgotten soon. "

Minseok swats Luhan's hand away. " I just want to sign up at a normal club and go home. " 

" Maybe you can try our club. " Luhan said and Minseok almost slaps himself because why didnt he think of that earlier?

Minseok nods and Luhan led him to a club that looks normal with two students in it. One is sleeping at the freaking floor while the other stood up when Luhan comes in and smiles. " Hey President Luhan! Is this a new recruit? "

Minseok's eyes widened. " You're a club president? "

Luhan winked, he freaking winked at him. " Why did you think I know all those people? "

" Sooo. Can I sign up now and go home? What's the name of the club any ways? "

" Club Weird. " smiling dude said and extended his hand to Minseok. " I'm Jongdae. "

As soon as he took Jongdae's hand, he feels a spark and no, its not because of love. ing Jongdae has a gadget in his hand that emits electricity.

" you. " Minseok mutters and Jongdae laughs with Luhan.

Just then the dude sleeping on the floor got up and walked to them in an unsteady manner.

" Is he drunk or stoned? " Minseok asked.

" Both, " Luhan said as if it was the most common thing in the world.

" Hey waddup newbie ! I'm ... Lay ! Like .. Lay ! Laid ! Have shex ! " the dude said while making hip s in the air.

Minseok is terrified and he lets out an unmanly squeal when Lay just dropped to the floor like he was dead or something.

Luhan handed him a piece of paper. " Here's your membership. Sign it then you're free to go. Don't mind Lay. He's always like that. We aren't called Club Weird for nothing. "

When it is night and Minseok is alone at his home, he regrets signing up at that club freako and thought that maybe he should've just joined the Manly Gays.





it's like 1am and i have classes tomorrow and i'm on crack i dont know what's real anymore. lol.

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exhoel_4life #1
This was hilarious TT I need more
You_ #2
Chapter 1: SEQUEL!!!

Chapter 1: I didn't find sehun's name... or maybe i just forgot. Can you point where sehun is please?
Zupolo #5
Chapter 1: Sequel ! Sequel !
Chapter 1: If I was in his position, I honestly wouldnt know which club to pick....
Chapter 1: i

don't know any m ore