Love and Hate Relationship
My husband is acting weird but I just shrugged it off, he acts weird most of the time. He won't be everyone's 'bingu' for nothing right? So I continue cooking but my mind is in chaos right now. Jiyong and Chel spend the night together in the pension, how did I know about that? A couple of weeks ago Mona and Sheena called me, telling me the hottest gossip in Manila and one of those gossips is about Chel and Tyrese. According to them she found out that Tyrese is cheating on her, we know who's the girl, she's Raven. She's one of the new chef in the hotel. So they told me that Paolo and Dennis ignored her then last week she went here and stayed in a hotel.
How did I manage to know that she and Jiyong are together last night? We have a common friend whose with Chel the whole time she's here, according to our friend when Chel found out where Jiyong is, the girl hurriedly leave her behind. If I found out that information last night, I will drive to the pension and drag him away from her.
"Hi Carla." I turn around and found Suengri sitting on one of the bar stools. "What's for dinner?"
"Stew." I said.
"Good! I'm hungry, feed me." He said and rest his chin on his palm. "Where's the kids?"
"Watching TV. Jiyong's fridge have lots of food."
"Raw food." Suengri corrects me. "I can't eat raw chicken or beef."
"That's why you're here?"
"Yes." He nods and sigh.
"The five of you will eat here?"
"I don't know, they're still busy in the other villa."
"Busy with what?"
"You're not needed there?"
"I can't think right when my stomach is empty."
"Suengri-ah, I know you're here." We both turn around and found Daesung.
"Hungry as well and your brain is not functioning well when you're stomach is empty?" I ask. They just look at each other for a couple of seconds then Daesung smiles at me.
"So what's for dinner? Can we eat now?"
"10 more minutes." I declare.
"Just call me when we can eat dinner." Suengri stands up then walk away from us and slump his body on the couch.
"You can lie down also if you want." I look at Daesung.
"Where's the kids?"
"In their playroom, watching cartoons."
"I'll just say hi to them." He said and leave me alone in the kitchen but before he went to the playroom he casually pat Suengri's shoulder and they just look again at each other. Bromance overload!
Anyway back to what I've been thinking earlier, what will happen if Xyza finds out what happen last night. NO! What will she thinks Jiyong and Chel do in the pension all night? I can guess but I hope my instincts are wrong. If that happens, Jiyong is literally digging his own grave. Poor Xyza. Poor Jiyong. For sure Chel is going to manipulate everything, she will ruin what Jiyong and Xyza have. If Glaiza found this out, for sure there will be war.
"You're spacing out jagiya." My husband snap his fingers in front of my face. "i'm back." He smiles. "Jiyong and Youngbae will eat with us."
"Okay." I said. "Call the kids, they're in the playroom with Daesung. Then call Suengri."
"They're here?" Jiyong seems to be in shocked.
"Laying on the couch." I said pouting my lips to maknae's direction.
"I'll call them." Jagiya said.
Its been more than a month but I still can't find the words and courage to confess my sin, I don't know how to tell the whole story to Xyza. I'm ing scared for her reaction plus the fact that Chel is still bothering me every ing time and i'm ing annoyed, she's everywhere. Wherever I go, I see her or she will call me non-stop, asking me if we can meet for a while. I turn down every request, I reject every call but she won't go away.
"Babe, have you seen Chel? I heard she's here in Seoul."
"What?" My brow furrows. "How did you know she's here? Did she talk to you?"
"Someone saw her then told Laura and then she told me."
"I see." I massage her legs lightly. We're in the villa, both her legs in my lap. "Are you busy? Come with me to Japan, I have work there for two days."
"Okay!" She beams at me and out stretch her arms. "I badly needed a rest." She pouts and sit beside me, tucking herself under my arm.
"We will leave next week. Wanna prolong our stay there?"
"Can we?"
"Of course. So?"
"A few more days will do." She rubs her face on my chest.
"1 week, is that enough?"
"Yes." She ywans. "Aren't you busy?"
"I can always make time for you babe." I kiss the top of her head. "You should sleep, I know you're tired."
"Let's just sleep here." She sighs. "Too tired to move."
"I'll carry you." I stand up, carrying her bridal style.
"i love you." She look at me then kiss my lips. "I really love you."
"I love you too." I smile and bite her lower lip.
It's the day of our departure to Japan, I can breathe normally again just for a week. No Chel that keeps bothering me every single day, no phone calls, text or even surprise visit in YG and i'm also ready to tell Xyza about everything. I don't want to lie anymore, I will explain to her what really happen and I will do anything for her to forgive me.
We're already inside the VIP boarding area waiting for our flight to be called.
"Babe, i'll just go to the restroom."
"Okay." I smile at her and she starts to walk. I'm pre-occupied with the words i'm going to say later, I will lay all my cards to her. I won't hide anything.
"Jiyong." My manager taps my shoulder. "We will board in 10 minutes, where's Xyza?"
"Until now? It's been 20 minutes since she left." I stand up, my heart thumps loudly. Then I saw her, puffy eyes as if she cries a lot.
"Babe, what happen?" I scan her from head to toe. "Why are you crying?"
"Did you sleep with Chel while you're in the pension?" Her eyes are full of anger. "Tell me, is she telling the truth?"
"Babe, let me explain. I will tell everything once we arrive in Tokyo."
"Its just a yes or a no, Jiyong." She inhales. "Did you sleep with her?"
"Babe... I'm..."
"ANSWER ME!" I reach for her hand but she take a step back. "YES OR NO?"
"Yes." I say quietly.
"God! Jiyong, you spend a night in your pension and you your ex girlfriend."
"Let me explain." I grab her hand tightly. "Please just let me explain."
"Get your hands off me."
"No. I won't. Please just hear me out. She seduce me."
"Seduce you? Damn it! It happened 3 times in one night and you tell me she seduce you?"
"I'm drunk."
"I don't care if you're drunk. Why didn't you leave when you saw her."
"What's going on? Jiyong?" Its my manager.
"Tell him to let go of me." Xyza look at Nam Gook hyung. "Or else i'm going to make a scene and I don't ing care about his reputation."
"I don't care about my reputation." I said. "Just please I want to talk to you, I want to explain."
"LET GO OF ME JIYONG!" She said in gritted teeth. "Just leave me alone because we're done."
"No! What do you mean we're done?" i panic. "Please, i'm begging you to listen to me."
"I'm going home." She take a step back.
"Jiyong, just let her hand go. You might hurt her." It feels like all my strength evaporates.
"Let me call Sueng Hyun hyung's manager, let him take you home."
"Don't worry I can go home on my own."
"I just want to make sure you're safe."
"I can go home by myself and don't worry I won't sleep with my ex while you're in Tokyo." She walk pass through me to grab her bag and went out of the airport.
"What the hell happen? Asked by my manager.
"I don't know hyung." I sigh and rake my hair. "Can we cancel the flight?"
"We can't. just talk to her when we come back." My manger said. I grab my phone and call hyung.
"Jiyong, I thought you're on your way to Japan with Xyza?"
"She already know hyung." I sigh. My vision becomes blurry so I hurriedly walk to the corner and face the white wall.
"You told her?"
"Chel told her." I sniff. "She's so mad at me and she said that it's over between us."
"Chel's here." My manager said behind my back. "She's looking for you, we have the same flight as her."
"Damn that woman." Hyung hiss.
"I don't have time to deal with her. Hyung can you ask Carla to check on Xyza? I'm worried about her, she's furious."
"Okay don't worry i'm on my way home, I just went out to buy ice cream for the kids."
"Thank you hyung, i'll go back tomorrow night. I just can't cancel this work. I'll call you later."
"No problem! Don't worry, i'll ask the girls to keep an eye on Xyza."
"Thank you again hyung. Bye."
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FannyChoi #1
Chapter 62: Reading this again and still mesmerized.. it’s so good. Chel is the epitome of hell, Jiyong is the stupidest man alive and Xyza is an angel
XtraClassy #2
Chapter 62: Yeah! you did it. I'll have to say you put your all in this story it was amazing. I have been gone from aff for a long time, but your stories were the first updates I look for once I sign in. It's always the same thing with Chel so glad that Jiyong end up with Xyza and happy to read about they new family. Hope the story can continue with the other members love story especially Youngbae and Daesung because they wife's are part of the Manila's click . Thank you again as one of my saying go continue to put your foot in your stories so that your fans can enjoy every chapter like we have done and look forward to lots more also hope to see you as a publish author I believe you can do it because your writing is way out there
Chapter 62: Wow, what a complicated ending but a good one nonetheless...Chel never learns huh...
Chapter 62: Amazing story..... loved reading it ...
Gosh how could jiyong jst go back to chel jst one week b4 his marriage... urgh..
Xyza is too good for him..
clingshere #5
Chapter 62: Love it!!!very good ending!!!more stories of them about youngbae, daesung and swung RI love story?
CKings27 #6
Chapter 62: Jiyong I swear couldn't you just wrap it up (LOL). Lord have mercy, I knew Chel was up to no good and would reappear anytime now. She's never gonna let them be the only way for any of them to be happy is to kill her off (LOL).

Xyza is such a good woman Jiyong should count his blessings. She's to kind for putting up w/such a weak and B*tth*le of a man.There's no way I could have gone w/the wedding because I would have killed him (LOL). Aww Daesung had twins : )

Thank you for the EPILOGUEEEEEEEEEEEE : )
Every one don't forget to Subscribe and Upvote.
nputri91 #7
Chapter 62: Finallyy.. Yeayyy.. *confetti
Chapter 61: I think my heart skipped a bit
CKings27 #9
Chapter 61: I got EXICITED for a minute there.
I was like YEAH! WHOO HOO!

Then you said to wait a week or two, I was like oh ok : (
I'll wait I'm so EXCITED: ) YES!
Chapter 61: Arghhh!!! I was about to say finally only to get my feelings cheated