Two - Monday

Along For The Ride

Soyoung and Jaehwan walk outside to find a bright red convertible waiting for them.

“Wow, that’s your car?” Soyoung asks as she takes in the sunshine and beautiful weather.

“Yup!” Jaehwan cheerfully says.

“Isn’t it a bit much?” she asks as he opens the door for her to slide into the passenger seat.

“Nope, I like sticking out.” He says as he sits in the driver’s seat.

“I can tell.” She jokes. Jaehwan starts the car and starts driving.

“So, you were just kidding back there right? You do know what we’re doing this week?” Soyoung asks nervously. Jaehwan keeps his eyes on the road and just laughs at her.

“Why are you laughing?” she starts to panic.

“No I wasn’t kidding, I really don’t know what we’re going to do.” He laughs at himself. Soyoung immediately starts to feel anxious. Maybe she should tell him to turn around, this wasn’t such a good idea to just go out there and do whatever and go wherever. She falls silent as all these thoughts run through her mind. Jaehwan notices and touches her hand. She flinches at his touch and moves her hand away from his.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. Today will be fun, I promise.” He says.

They drive for a little bit in complete silence when Jaehwan’s stomach starts to rumble.

“Oh man, are you hungry? I forgot to eat breakfast this morning.” Jaehwan laughs.

“No.” Soyoung quickly says as she is too upset that she allowed herself to do this. Although Jaehwan showing up abruptly did make her miss breakfast, but she was too upset to even think about food. But her stomach thought otherwise as it too started making noises indicating she needed to eat. Soyoung looks down at her stomach and then up at Jaehwan who already has a big smile on his face.

“Okay, so we’re stopping to eat!” he said in a way that was almost too cute. Jaehwan spots a small family restaurant and pulls in to park the car. They walk in and are greeted by a nice old lady behind the counter.

“Hello, welcome to Ana’s Diner. You can just sit wherever you like.” She says with a bright smile. Jaehwan leads Soyoung to a corner booth and the old lady follows with menus.

“Can I get you something to drink while you look over the menu?” she says giving them their menus.

“I’ll have a coke please.” Jaehwan says with a smile.

“I’ll have a water, thank you.” Soyoung quietly says.

“Oh, your boyfriend has such a sweet smile.” The old lady says to Soyoung. Soyoung looks at her then at Jaehwan then back at her with a confused look.

“Oh, no he’s not my-“ but gets cut off.

“Oh deary, don’t be embarrassed. You guys make such a cute couple.” The old lady says as she walks away. There’s a 5 second awkward silence between Soyoung and Jaehwan while the lady walks away before Jaehwan bursts out in laughter.

“That’s not funny.” Soyoung says as she slumps in her booth.

“Oh come on, lighten up a little.” Jaehwan says as he nudges his foot against her leg.

“We’re suppose to be having fun remember?” he says he looks at the menu. Soyoung doesn’t say anything as she focuses her attention on her menu.

The old lady comes back with their drinks and takes their order. Their food arrives quickly and there is minimal talking during their meal. With the occasional question of how the food tastes. Once they were done, Jaehwan paid while Soyoung was looking at a big display of brochures and pamphlets of things to do around town. She grabs a couple to look over and notices Jaehwan grabbing some too. The old lady notices and suggests some to do.

“There’s a recreational center just down the road that offers ballroom lessons every day at noon. You two should go and learn how to ballroom dance, it would be great for a cute couple like you.” She pointed at the flyer she had in her hand.

“No thanks.” Soyoung politely said.

“What?! Are you kidding me? That sounds fun!” Jaehwan says as he grabs the flyer from her. Soyoung just stares at him with a judging look.

“Fun? You think learning how to tango and salsa is fun?” Soyoung jokes. Jaehwan gives her a pouty face and points at the flyer.

“But look, it’s really cheap and it’s almost noon so we should go. It can be our first activity on this trip.” Jaehwan half whines.

“No.” Soyoung flatly says.

“Well too bad!” Jaehwan says as he grabs her hand and drags her out while turning back and thanking the old lady.

They drive along the road until they spot the recreational center. There was even a big sign in front of the building advertising the ballroom dance lessons. Jaehwan parks the car and starts to get out of the car. Soyoung sighs a loud sigh and slowly gets out of the car.

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” She says as she watches Jaehwan’s smile get bigger, if that was even possible.

After paying, they enter a small dance studio with mirrors on two walls. There were 4 other couples there waiting for the class to start. The instructors walks in and introduce themselves and the lesson starts. The instructors shows the couples how to hold their partner correctly. Jaehwan and Soyoung awkwardly reach for each other. Soyoung puts her right hand on Jaehwan’s left shoulder while he gently puts his left hand on her waist causing a shiver to run down Soyoung’s back. Soyoung puts her left hand in Jaehwan’s right hand. The instructor demonstrates each step as the couples follow. Soyoung quickly notices how awful of a dancer Jaehwan is. He is trying really hard to keep up but is always half a beat late. But all the while showing a big smile on his face despite how badly they are doing. At one point Jaehwan took a step to the right when he should have taken a step to the left and accidentally steps on Soyoung’s foot.

“Ow!” Soyoung says as she reaches for her foot.

“I’m so sorry!” Jaehwan was expecting her to yell at him but instead he hears her laughing. She’s laughing so hard that she falls over on the floor while rubbing her foot.

“Why are you laughing? I just stepped on your foot.” Jaehwan asked helping her up.

“You are really bad at this.” She says still laughing. Jaehwan just stares at her admiring how pretty her smile is.

“Well, yeah but can you do this?” Jaehwan breaks out in a weird dance that was a mixture of a tribal dance and krumping movements. The entire room bursts out in laughter and Soyoung finds herself on the floor again laughing so hard she can barely breathe. Even the instructors were amused by his ‘dance moves’. The lesson finally ends Jaehwan still doesn’t know how to dance.

“Wasn’t that fun?” Jaehwan asks as they leave the building.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Soyoung says as she remembers she hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time.

As they get into the car, Jaehwan flips out a brochure and puts it in front of Soyoung’s face.

“Hot-air balloon rides?” She says as she reading the front.

“Yup.” He says as he starts the car and pulls onto the road.

“Isn’t that kind of dangerous?”

“Why? Are you scared?” Jaehwan teases.

“No! Why would I be scared of a balloon filled with air?!” Soyoung argues.

“Well then let’s go!” Jaehwan says in a little kid voice and points towards the sky.

The hot-air balloon ride wasn’t as scary as Soyoung thought. They saw some spectacular views and the weather was perfect. When the balloon got fairly high up in the air, Soyoung could feel her stomach drop and unconsciously got closer to Jaehwan as she got nervous of the height. Jaehwan pretended not to notice but laughed under his breath as he could feel her arm brush up against his chest. Once they landed, Soyoung felt good to back on the ground.

“Finally! Land!” Soyoung exhaled her breathe.

“You weren’t scared were you?” Jaehwan nudged her.

“What? Of course not!” Soyoung said walked ahead to the car so that he couldn’t see her hands shaking.

They continue driving on the road not knowing what lies ahead. It was starting to get dark and both were hungry for dinner. They stopped to fill up on gas and Jaehwan notices a light up sign that said there was a drive-in movie a mile up the road. Soyoung notices it too and looks at Jaehwan giving him an approving nod. He smiles and finishes pumping the gas.

“We can go eat dinner and then go to the drive-in.” Jaehwan suggests as he get in the car. Soyoung nods again as she puts her seatbelt on.

They find another small diner and have a light dinner so they could still have popcorn during the movie. They pull in to the drive-in movie and talk while they wait for the movie to start.

“So what made you become so,” he paused trying to find the right word to use, “detailed in everything that you do?” Jaehwan asks as he nibbled on some popcorn. Soyoung stares out the window before she answers.

“I think it started when my mom died when I was 11.” She slowly says. “I guess her death made me feel like I needed to control my life because I never wanted something so unexpected like that to happen again. I know that that kind of thing can’t be controlled by me but I felt that I could at least control what I did with my life.” She says as she looks down at her hands. There was a heavy silence in the air. Soyoung quickly looks up at Jaehwan.

“What about you?” she suddenly asks.

“What about me?” Jaehwan looks at her.

“You seem to live your life as it comes. How on earth do you do that?” she laughs.

“Well, the way I see it is, you don’t really know how long you have so you might as well live as if it’s your last.” He smiles and turns his attention to the big screen as the movie starts.

Soyoung lets his words linger in her head. He does have a point, you really don’t know when it’s your time to go. But she still feels nervous thinking about ever living her life like that.

The movie ends at just past 11PM and the two are super exhausted. Jaehwan uses his phone to find the nearest motel and check themselves in. Soyoung collapses on the bed and could feel like she could fall asleep right then and there. They settle in and are both laying on their beds waiting for sleep to slowly engulf them.

“Did you have fun today?” Jaehwan suddenly asks.

“Mm-hmm.” Was all Soyoung could say as she was too tired to say any more.

A smile forms on Jaehwan’s lips as he slowly falls asleep thinking about the next days to come.

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