Part one

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?


a/n side story, not really related to my previous chapter "Frozen" I mean I guess you can link them together if you want but idk.

Summary- Sehun wants to build and snowman with his hyung, the party pooper Lu Han. Together they make a snowman, who later turns a little sassy.

Dedicated to my lovely commenters+anyone who is having a crappy day me Have a nice day everyone!

*warning excessive swearing! ha just kidding, no swearing just fluff. lots of cheesy fluff that makes me cringe;;

*ps. Sehun is 6 and Lu Han is 9.


Do You Want to Build a Snowman? [PART ONE]


"Lu Han do you want to build a snowman?"


"Right now?" Lu Han asks impatiently. He was almost done

his vocab sentences, only a couple more had to be done.


"Please hyung?" Sehun cries, tugging on Lu Han's shirt sleeve.

"My mom says I have to go to bed at 8 today and it's already 5 o'clock!"


Lu Han groans, and pushes himself away from his desk.

"I needed a break anywway."

Sehun claps his hands gleefully and smiles wide.

"You're the bestest!"

" 'bestest' isn't a word Sehun." Lu Han corrects,

shoving his hands throw a pair of aluminum coated gloves*.

"It is now. I made it just for you."

"You can't do that Sehun."

"Why not?"

"...because I said so."

"Why do you say so?"

"I just do."

"That isn't fair Hyung!"

Lu Han in a deep impatient breath, then lets it out.

"Fine, whatever. Make up a whole dictionary if you want."


Sehun giggles and looks up at Lu Han, a grin spread from ear to ear.


"A for applemonkey!"

"Do you know what an applemonkey is?"


"It's a monkey that only eats apples."

"How creative Sehun."

"It's like a regular monkey but it doesn't eat bananas. Isn't that funny?"


"Okay next letter."

"B is for baffleraptor,"

"and C for ...."



"And Z is for zylozebraphone!"


"Finally!" Lu Han shouts.

"Were here! No more made up alphabet letters!"

After walking for almost a half hour to the back of

Lu Han's neighborhood into the woods-which Lu Han technically

wasn't allowed to go to but he thought, "'s almost Christmas what can my parents do?"

Sehun had already gone through his fake alphabet three times. Lu Han wasn't

sure if he could handle much more.


"I'll roll the first one Hyung!"

"You sure Sehun? The first one has to be the biggest."

Sehun huffed, and pushed his chest out.

"Lu Han, I'm not a little kid anymore. I can do it myself!"


Lu Han sighed, I guess it didn't matter Lu Han would be helping Sehun roll that snowball

even if Sehun though he was the biggest man on Earth.



"Hyung it looks great!"

Sehun exclaims as he stares at the three tier snowman they made.

The snowman had a re scarf tied around its neck, with buttons for eyes and a mouth, a carrot sticking out of its face for a nose.


"Of couse it does."  Lu Han huffs, "I basically did the whole thing."

After a total of five minutes Sehun had decide he was too tired and had asked Lu Han to help

roll the rest of the snowman up for him. Lu Han had then proceeded to roll the rest of the ball

Sehun  had started, along with the other two snowballs, with the occasional pat of snow from Sehun.

"What should we name him?"

"How about Orange?"

"That's a dumb name Hyung."

"Fine, you name him then."

"Okay." Sehun says, and his brow creases.

His little mind racing with ideas for names.

"Ah! I've got one."

"How about dinosaur!"

Lu Han scoffs, "An you said Orange was a bad name."


"What's wrong with Dinosaur?" Sehun asks, and sniffles.

Sehun wipes his runny nose with his sleeve.

Dinosaur isn't a silly name. Sehun likes it. He wants his Hyung to like it too.


Lu Han sensing the warterworks quickly adds a,"Sorry Hun. You're right. It's a cool name."

"We should definitely name it that."

"You really think so?" Sehun asks, wiping the snot on his new coat.

Sehun's mom would yell at him for that later.

"Of course." Lu Han says reassuringly.

"I was just kind of jealous that I didn't come up with such a cool name."


"Lu Hyung, my mom says don't let the green monster* win."

Lu Han shakes his head, "No no of course not."

"Anyway it's almost seven, we should get home before your mother worries."


Sehun sticks his lower lip out in a pout, but nods his head.

"But what about Dinosaur? Do you think you'll be able to carry him all the way home?"

"I can't Sehun."

"That snowman's huge."

"But I want to bring him home!" Sehun shouts, stomping his foot in the snow.


"Sehun," Lu Han says rubbing his forehead.

"We don't have time. How about we come and see him tomorrow?"


Sehun slowly nods, much to Lu Han's relief.

"Yes, Hyung." he says, as he grabs Lu Han's hand as they trudge back through the snow.



They arrive back home an hour later. It's 7:45 and to say their parents are furious is an understatement. 

They would have gotten home sooner but halfway to Lu Han's house Sehun got tired and piggybacked of Sehun.



"Do you want to build a snowman?" Sehun yells from outside Lu Han's house


"Go away Sehun." Lu Han yells angrily from his window.

"Why? Hyung, I want to go play."


"You got me grounded Oh Sehun!" Lu Han shouts, and slams his window shut.

"I hate that kid." Lu Han mumbles to himself as he settles on finishing his vocab sentences.


Sehun sighs as he sees Lu Han slam the window.

"Why doesn't he want to play?" Sehun asks no one impaticular.


"Maybe it's because you got him grounded."

" that it? I guess it could be."

"Hey thanks...uhh what's your name?" Sehun asks turning around to face the stranger only to come face to face with Dinosaur, the snowman.

Sehun wasn't sure if it was him at first but the closer he got the more he was sure it was Dinosaur

It was all down to the last button, and carrot nose.


"Actually it's Jongdae, or Chen. But I guess you can call me Dinosaur if you wish."

"Aren't you a snowman?"

"Still am." Jongdae replies.

"At least I think I am." He says poking his snowcovered stomach.

"Snowmen don't talk."

"How do you know?" Jongdae asks.

"Have you ever asked one?"

"No. How do I do that?"

Sehun askes puzzled.

"Just go ahead." Jongdae says with a smile.

"I'm a snowman. You can ask me."

"Oh okay!" Sehun says, and giggles.

"Dinosaur can snowmen talk?"

Jongdae gestures for Sehun to lean in, with one of his stick arms.

"Can you keep a secret?"

Sehun nods earnestly.

"Of course of course!"

"Well okay then."

"Yes we can. Snowman can talk."


Sehun swipes a finger across his mouth in a zipping motion.

"Your secret is safe with me mr.dinosaur!"


Jongdae smiles, "I knew I could trust you."



A/N OKAY IM DONE AND SORRY IT'S LAME;; So I wrote this awhile ago and it was supposed to be just like a bunch of oneshots of adventures with Lu Han+Sehun+Snowman Jongdae, but idk now. Also if you realize that you don't like having the oneshot here vote in the poll below and I'll create another story and move it there^^ Have a nice day!

oh and *green monster in case no one knowns is the jealousy monster.


ps. Do you want to build a snowman?

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faithlu #1
Chapter 1: Jongdae as a snowman.....the song from frozen is sad.......remind me of that. Well done!