High School Days V



They get there at last... to the lake... with the mountains in the background. OMG, fresh air! One deep breath and they all go dizzy and . That's how much oxygen their brains lack. Wow, hundreds of brain cells must've died on that trip. RIP.

After the girls up front get out of the car (or more like crawl out), Cyn shoves the front seat forward with all her might. It finally gives way and she twists her body to get out. That sweet final twist gives JJ's lucky pickle one last taste of heaven before it further wets the front of his boarder shorts and dies away in ecstasy. Don't worry, his lucky pickle will revive itself in a bit when they all go skinny dipping in the secluded lakes.

At the mention of skinny dipping, Cyn turns deadly pale. What... is she uncomfortable with showing off her body? Does she have an ugly scar running down her y backside and around to her flat belly? Uh, no. The thing is... well... the thing is... 

"I can't really swim..." Oh, and Cyn's also afraid of large natural bodies of water (in nature).

After eagerly peeling off his sweat-soaked clothes like the others, JJ scoops up Cyn, who is still fully clothed, and hops right into the nice cool water. OMG, what is happening?! After Cyn realizes where she is... in a large natural body of water, she freaks out... like seriously freaking out. She's going to ing die young!

JJ is obviously teasing her too... with the 'barely keeping them afloat' act. She's drinking in a lot of lake water. A lot. And choking. A lot. And gasping for air. A lot. One hand is gripping JJ's neck really, really tightly and the other one is furiously working to get her long wet hair out of her face so she can breathe (breathe!).

Despite all the splashing and clinging on for dear life Cyn is doing, JJ remains calm. "It's a good time as any to learn how to swim, Cyn. I'll teach you. It's not hard."

Geezus, Cyn didn't think she would actually have to go into the lake when they decided to go camping. She thought she could just stay on dry land and maybe occasionally dip her feet into the water... Yeah, and stay safe from all the freshwater sharks, you know? Because she's read one too many piratey novels. "JJ..." she tries to speak between gasps and chokes. "JJ... get us back to land..." She really feels like dying. "Right now!"

JJ says 'okay, okay' to calm her but he's moving further away from land so she can't escape (not that she will... he's the only thing that's keeping her head above water).

Cyn tries to get more of her body above the water and that in turn pushes JJ down. She is pretty much climbing up on him with her legs clamped around his waist. Does she even remember that he is completely ? Nah... why would she remember that when she's about to die a most horrible death (by drowning).

Adrenaline is at an all time high for both JJ and Cyn. Cyn from fear and JJ from Cyn climbing on top of him. Her thin skirt rides all the way up to her chest because duh, she's in the water and things like skirts want to rise to the top and float. The only thing between JJ's lucky pickle and his happy, happy home is Cyn's  (which will prove to be a frequent enemy in the future).

While Cyn is clamoring and whining to get back to land, she probably won't notice if her ' shifting slightly to the side, right? Yeah, probably not. Seriously, her legs are trying to start a fire underwater with all the rubbing against his midriff. What guy in their right mind can resist?

Their other five friends are watching them from the deeper end of the lake. It's kind of amusing, actually... if you're not Cyn.

"Do you think Cyn knows? If she puts her legs down, she can touch the bottom and stand... because, really... they're in the super shallow end of the lake."

"By the looks of things... she hasn't a clue."

"Should we tell her?"

From far away, JJ and Cyn seem to be having a lot of fun. "Nah."

"Maybe he'll finally be able to put it in her ."

"Hmm... I feel kind of bad for Cyn though... Guys... maybe we should go help her..."

"What if she ends up liking it? Then... we'll just be party poopers."

"Oh, right..."

So... does JJ get his pickle in or not? And does Cyn like it or not?

We'll see... we'll see...

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Chapter 17: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ...for the end with a bloody nose
I'm so happy. I have little tears in my eyes. Let's close shop.
lucky cucumber...and what do u mean forget and move on? i cant forget the fact that junsu actually ed her while Jaejoong only had bums*x with her
Next chapter, Work Days I, will be the last. And then, we can forget all about this and move on lmao
Chapter 15: Lol no guts, btw what can't ooze out of your head? I came back on. Satisfied?
Chapter 15: *ickie poo!*
Chapter 14: WTF !
Chapter 13: complete? how is this complete?
Chapter 11: No!!!!! dont even make her doubt her .