Back to December


"You never know what you have until you lost it."

Back in high school, Choah was the type of girl who puts everything else before a romantic relationship. Luhan was the guy who tried to show her that romance was not as pointless as she thought.

But, after they broke up, Choah could not help herself but felt lonely and empty without the presence of the other. 

So, she decided to meet up with Luhan again, and this time, she will try to make things right between the two of them.



She was nervous. Very nervous. Her stomach flipped so much, it put the gymnast in the Olympics to shame. She was not even able to sleep last night, which led her to being an hour early for the “meeting”.

She heard the greetings exchanged between the workers behind the counters and the new customer, she knew it was him. She wanted so much to look up and greet him too, but somewhat could not find the courage to do so. Not until he came to her table.





Hello everyone! I'm a new writer. I know "Back to December" is a little cliché, no, it's VERY cliché. But I was listening to Taylor Swift and I don't know why but Luhan kept appearing in my head and suddenly THIS came up. So, I thought, why not put it in words? And here I am!

I hope you enjoy reading it, and if you don't mind, please leave a little feedback! It would mean very much to me, considering this is my first time writing.

Thank you! Thank you!



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khaniaNYN #1
Chapter 1: Love it so much really..... Wow so sweet :)
cathyokrane #3
Chapter 1: this is really good I love it :)
Chapter 1: awsome...I enjoyed reading it..I never really loved oneshots but this was lovely..and I didn't bang my head on the wall hehe...