

March 9 of the year 2010 was the first time I met her.


The love of my life, my precious gem, the source of the reason why I continued on breathing.




The rain continues on showering everything underneath the source of it.


I love the rain.


I love the sound that the drops of rain make whenever they hit the ground, the window of my room, the roof of my house.


I love the coldness the rain gives me. I love the way the breeze that comes along with the rain touches my skin gently.


They say that if you love the rain, you’re a calm and lonely person, a gloomy person. I guess that really is the best way to describe me.


I’m nothing but a lonely person.


I’m alone in every single thing.


I’m alone in this house, I’m alone in the school, and I’m alone in this world.


But I’d rather be alone than to get hurt again.


Right, I’ve been hurt and because of that I’ve change. What a cliché story.


I heard my stomach grumble from the emptiness. I stood up from my sitting position on the top of my bed and proceed to walk out of my room.


I grabbed the keys of my house along with my wallet and wore my sneakers. I took my umbrella with me and opened the door of my house. I step my feet outside and locked the door before closing it again. I used my umbrella to shield me from the transparent droplets of rain water.


A soft sigh escaped my lips as my sneakers make the puddle of water underneath it splash and made the rain water scatter.


As I look ahead a can see a silhouette of someone, maybe a girl, not too far from me.


She’s just standing there, embracing the rain with open arms, feeling every drop that hits her petite body.


Maybe she’s like me, in love with the rain.


I stared at her for quite a while she did not move an inch. Then I sensed something wrong.


Being a curious girl that I am, I slowly walked towards her. As I get closer to her the view of her face gets clearer and clearer. She’s really beautiful I must say, especially under the rain.


It seems like she felt my presence because she opened her eyes and flicked it towards my direction which made me stop. Her onyx eyes burned holes all over me.


It was like in the movies, where everything suddenly moves in a slow motion. Where your heart beats erratically in the most unknown reason my breathing hitched.


Then suddenly without my consent my lips moves and my voice came out,


“What is your name?”


End of Flashback


It had been years since that day.


That faithful day when I met her, Kim Taeyeon and I’ve never felt so complete.


When I first saw her, I thought she love the rain like I do, but I was wrong that time.


She hates the rain.


“The rain always reminds me of all my painful memories.” She chuckled bitterly, “That time, when you saw me, I was supposed to commit suicide.” A soft smile spreads on her lips.


I was so glad that I’ve found her before she kills herself. I can’t even imagine my life now if she’s not with me, if I haven’t met her. Maybe I’ve given up on my life too.


“I was embracing the pain that time. Every drop of the rain feels like I’ve been stab by a knife.”


She was strong. I had never met someone as strong as her. But I guess, every strong person also has their weakness within them, just like any of us.


“You know the thing about a strong person is there is no one there for you to show your weakness to, because everyone thinks that you’re fine by your own, because you’re strong.”


When I first talked with her, the shell that is covering her was so hard to crack. But eventually, little by little the small crack that I made on her shell spreads on its own.


Unconsciously a smile showed on my face.


I moved my feet and started to walk on the grassy field. The sunlight gently hit my skin with the soft wind.


Finally after a few more minutes of walking I’ve reached the big tree near the cliff. And there she was, my angel, my life sitting on her wheel chair. Arms rested on the arm rest. Her body is facing the view of the wonders of nature. I approached her.


“Taetae” I whispered just enough for her to hear and she moves her head towards my direction, with a grin playing on her lips.


“Fany-ah” She said softly. I gave her forehead a gentle kiss, then on her nose, and finally on her dried lips. I can almost taste the bitter medicines.


“How are you?” I asked even though I already know the answer. She’s not okay.


She let out a tired laugh, probably from all the examinations. “Dying.”


I frowned, “C’mon now don’t say that.” I stood beside her and held her hand, our fingers interlaced.


She sighed painfully, “But it is that truth, Fany. I’m dying. And I’m tired from struggling to fight for something that is impossible to happen.”


“Nothing is impossible.” I lowered my head, “you should always have hope.” My eyes stings as tears started to surround my them.


“You know it yourself Fany, you’re a smart girl and you clearly know that it is impossible. I’m dying and no one can do anything about it.” She pursed her lips into an almost invisible line.


“There are many good doctors in other country we can always—“ My sentence got cut when she suddenly started coughing her lungs out.


I rubbed her back gently and gave her my handkerchief which she didn’t accept. She stopped coughing.


“I don’t want to dirty your handkerchief.” She says as she remove her hand that was clamped on .


“Can you see this Fany?” She showed me her hand which evidently reveals the blood that she coughed moment ago.


“This is one of the side effects of dying.” She smiled sadly at me. “And it hurts.”


“Tae…” I bit my bottom lip please don’t give up just yet.


“I’m sorry Fany but I think that I can’t go on anymore. I’m nearing my end, I know it. These examinations that I’m undergoing every day it doesn’t help me. It kills me more.”


“But Tae—I can’t live without you, you know that. You’re my life, my oxygen, I will die without you, please don’t give up. I’m begging you.” The tears that once gathered in my eyes rolled down to my face.


“You are so selfish.”


“I know, and I’ll keep on being one if that will make you stay by my side longer.”




After one and a half year


A girl was strolling in a grassy field her hair was being carried by the wind while her pale skin is absorbing the sunlight.


She stopped when she reached the big tree near the cliff she placed the pink rose on the ground near the tree.




It was already dark when I got home from work for the first time after rotting in the hospital for a year.


I flicked the light switch on and the once dark room was filled with light.


“Tiffany?” I called but didn’t get any response. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked towards our room. The door creaks as I open it. “Fany?” I called once more and again, didn’t get any response.


“That’s weird.” I scratched the back of my head lightly and proceed to the bathroom to get some warm bath before waiting for Tiffany to arrive. “Maybe she had her over time at work.”


After taking a bath I brushed my teeth and wore more comfortable clothes. I walked my way towards our living room and sat on our sofa letting my body to sink slightly on the soft foam.


I reached for the remote control and turned the television on, I scanned through the channels when a news report caught my attention.


“There was a car accident near XXX Street.” The reporter said, “Wait that street is near here.” The idea made me more curious.


“The victim is a woman around 25 years old. Based on the I.D that was found in the woman’s wallet, her name is Tiffany Hwang.”


End of Flashback


Letting out a long sigh, the girl kneeled on the ground and traced the name on the tomb in front of the tree.


The white clouds turned into gray and the blue sky turned dark, the rain started pouring down but the girl didn’t budge.


She let the rain drops hit her body.


“I’m embracing the pain again every drop of the rain feels like I’ve been stab by a knife.” Her tears streamed down her face flowing with the rain. She bit her lower lip, “I hate the rain because it reminds me of all the bad memories.”


“But now I’m feeling a mixed emotion.” She rested her forehead on the top of the cold stone.


Taeyeon pursed her lips and hugged the tomb like it was Tiffany, “You are so selfish.” 





Advance happy birthday to my lovely Taeyeon. <3

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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 1: Twisteeeeeddddd
Chapter 1: I agree to taeyeon. tiffany is really selfish ;___;
LaloqFaith #3
Chapter 1: Sadly
aaspirine #4
Chapter 1: Was that Taeyeon already cure but... Tif.... this is crazy!!! But I really love it.
taenyeveryday #5
Chapter 1: Why must be.......... plot twisted
hwanghwang #6
Chapter 1: <//3 why does one of them need to die? really heartbreaking.
Chapter 1: aw!!! PACKING TAPE!!! this is so sad!!!
Chapter 1: i.... hate... you. y writer y huhuhuhuhu ;-; <///////3