
Bring Dat Sound (Hiatus for now)

New chapter^^


Beep! Beep! Beep!

Kyungsoo was trying to cover his ears before he realized two things. That the noise was the alarm clock...and he couldn't move. No matter how much he flailed around, he couldn't even move an inch. A gasp fell from his lips when he opened his eyes because he found the reason why. He was on the bed, in the arms of the player known as Kai. 

Kyungsoo was staring at the other in disbelief, his mouth hanging open and his eyes even more wide than usual. Kai was still sleeping. Kyungsoo tried one more time to move, but it was in vain. Kai's embrace around him was too strong and tight. 

Since he couldn't move, he spent the time to remember what happened last night. I said goodnight to him, and got in the bed I made for myself. He remembers falling asleep under his own covers, but somehow he was in Kai's embrace. 

Kyungsoo vaguely recalls that it was cold last night. He remembers shivering since he didn't have any thick blankets. He stared at Kai's face again, wondering. Did he...bring me to his bed to warm me up? Does he actually care? He was deep in thought when he noticed Kai moving around a little. 

Kai was mumbling something and his embrace got tighter around the smaller boy. Kyungsoo decided that he had enough of this. He didn't really want to do this, but if he didn't do something he would be trapped here and possibly late. And he didn't want to be late to the orientation that is mandatory. He raised his hand and slapped Kai across his face. Kai's eyes flew open and his arms fell away from Kyungsoo's waist as he held his aching cheek. Kyungsoo quickly moved off the bed and went into the bathroom to change into his uniform. Did I really just slap Kai?

Did Kyungsoo actually just slap me? Kai was still sitting up in the bed, holding his cheek. He stared at the door that the other boy had just slammed shut. He doesn't know why Kyungsoo would slap him. He didn't do anything wrong. He actually did something nice! He had brought the boy under his covers so he wouldn't freeze. 

The door soon opened and Kyungsoo came out of the bathroom looking refreshed. Kai thought he looked radiant. He quickly shook his head to rid that thought. Remember to not get attached. 

"Uhh...I'm sorry for slapping you." Kyungsoo really did feel sorry, but he thought it was necessary. If he didn't, he would probably still be trapped.

"Why did you?"

"You were holding onto me tightly. I couldn't move, and you weren't waking up. And I didn't want to be late." Kai nodded and felt embarrassed that Kyungsoo had caught him. Of course, he didn't show his embarrassment. 

"Well...I think you secretly liked it." Kyungsoo froze and stared at Kai.

"What? Why would I?" Kai chuckled and got up from the bed. He took several steps, stopping a foot away from the boy, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Come on. Aren't you happy that you were in the arms of a hot guy like me?" The smirk that was on Kai's lip last night was back. Kyungsoo was feeling furious.

"Do you want me to slap you again? I'll do it harder and mean it this time." Kai liked seeing Kyungsoo's glare. The fire in his eyes makes him look so much more appetizing.

"Baby, you hurt me." Kai fakes a groan and grips his chest, like his heart was in pain. All of a sudden, Kyungsoo's phone goes off. When the other was distracted, Kai got even closer to him and pulled Kyungsoo's body to his. Their lips were only centimeters apart.

Kyungsoo's eyes widen when he saw how close they were. He frantically tried to push Kai away, but he wouldn't budge. Kai stared at Kyungsoo's lips. He wanted to taste them. Desperately. He grabbed the shorter's neck and pulled his head to his own, effectively pressing their lips together. Kyungsoo was protesting, but Kai's mouth stopped them from being heard. So he tried to stop him by repeatedly hitting the taller boy's chest. 

Kyungsoo's legs were getting weak from the way Kai's lips were moving against his own. He didn't really want the kiss, but he couldn't deny how good it felt. After what seemed like hours, Kai moved his head away, but not before Kyungsoo's bottom lip. Kyungsoo quickly got away when Kai's arms slipped from around him. He grabbed his backpack and rushed to the door. He threw it opened and almost ran into a boy with light pink hair.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked after he grabbed Kyungsoo so he wouldn't force them both down.

"Y-yes I'm f-fine. I n-need to g-go." He then flew down the hall and disappeared around the corner. 

"Kyungsoo?" The boy turned to the room beside the one he was at and saw another boy with brown hair staring at where Kyungsoo had disappeared. He then faced the boy with pink hair and another boy who had just appeared from inside the room. He assumed the new boy was Kai.

"What...what did you do to him?" Baekhyun stomped over to Kai and grabbed him by his shirt.

"What the hell did you do to Kyungsoo?!" Kai was too shocked to say anything. He didn't mean to scare Kyungsoo off. He just wanted to taste his lips. The boy who had grabbed him was staring at him with disgust. 

"If you did something to him, I'll kill you," Baekhyun growled. He harshly threw Kai into the wall and ran the way Kyungsoo went, wanting to comfort his friend.

Kai was staring confused after the boy. How does he know Kyungsoo? Kai slowly turned to the boy in front of him. 

"Hey Sehun." The said boy looked at his brother weirdly.

"Kai, what was that about?" 

"Um...I don't know." 

"Kai, don't lie. What happened with Kyungsoo?" Kai and Sehun both faced Chanyeol, who saw the whole fiasco while he and Baekhyun were getting ready to leave. 

"Okay, how do you and that other boy know Kyungsoo?" Kai was curious. Yesterday was his first day here, wasn't it? 

"He and Baekhyun, the boy who was just here, met yesterday and became good friends. Baekhyun is my roommate. Yesterday when you were having your fun, them two heard and they both came into my room. That's how I learned about him. Now answer my question. What happened?" Kai gulped as he glanced around nervously.

At the same time, Baekhyun finally caught up to Kyungsoo and forcibly stopped him. 

"Kyungsoo, it's me." Kyungsoo tried to catch his breath and forced himself to hold back tears. Baekhyun gasped when he got a good look at his friend. Kyungsoo's eyes were all red and Baek could see tears forming at the bottom of them. His cheeks were also red and his chest was rising and falling really fast, due to his heavy breathing.

"What did he do to you?" Baek whispered. Kyungsoo couldn't hold the tears back any longer. Baek pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.

"H-he...he k-..." He couldn't form a complete sentence.

"Shh. Tell me when you're ready." Kyungsoo nodded and kept taking deep breaths till he was more calm.

"Now...are you ready to tell me?" Soo took one more deep breath and nodded.

"When I had woken up...I was in Kai's arms in his bed, and I remember falling asleep on the floor because there was only one bed. At first, I thought he did it to be nice, because he knew how cold it was last night. But he was acting all cocky and full of himself, saying that I secretly liked being in a hot guy's arms. 

He then pulled me to him and... and he...kissed me..." Baekhyun's eyes widen and his mouth opened in shock.

"He...kissed you? On the lips?" Soo nodded and he began to cry again.

"H-he kissed me. He t-took my f-first kiss from me." Baekhyun pulled him into another hug and tried his best to calm him down. Yep, I'm going to kill him. Kai, you better watch yourself.

Kai was staring everywhere except at the other two boys. 

"What happened with Kyungsoo, Kai?" Chanyeol asked for like the hundredth time. Kai couldn't take their stares any longer, so he told them the truth.

"I might have...kissed him..." Sehun's and Chanyeol's stares became glares.

"We are going to be late for orientation. You will tell me exactly what happened later. All that happened, you got it?" Chanyeol raised his eyebrow and Kai nodded. With the way Sehun was glaring, Kai was fearing for his life. Sehun might be his younger brother, but he carries quite a punch and more. 

The two boys went toward the auditorium and Kai went into his room to get dressed. As he got ready, all he could think about was Kyungsoo. The way he was on the verge of tears as he ran from the room. He closed his eyes as his heart was beating painfully in his chest. He didn't know why his heart was doing that, but he didn't really care. I'm sorry, Kyungie...


Hope you liked this chapter :) Tell me what you think?

Is anyone's life like this? Mine sure is (besides school)^^









Until the next chapter xD

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Chapter 17: I love it ...
Chapter 17: omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Hunhan date pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 16: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update bbuing bbuing
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #4
Chapter 16: Baekyeol is definitely my fav couple in this~~
bluebear16 #5
Chapter 16: yay hunhan's date is coming up! aww..baekyeol are together!! <3 and kaisoo is coming along <3 UPDATE SOON!!
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #6
Chapter 15: Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn
Chapter 15: Yay a bonus chapter! I really missed the updates but I understand why you can't next week, I'm praying for yooou :) anyways this has just made me really excited for the next chapter XD <3
Chapter 13: OMG Luhan and Sehun are sooooo cute
Chapter 13: wahhh this chapter seemed longer than usual ^O^
it was a great first day hehehe
but I'm worried about Baekyeol ;____;
hopefully things will get better! D:
pls update again soon author-nim!
my favourite Sehun xD
ASDFGHJKL this chapter was a great start to their first day of school