Because You Came

Because You Came

“Noona, can you please help me with these boxes?” My 15 year old brother begged for help from the front door.

“Ah, yes wait a minute!” I yelled from the kitchen.

Currently our house is being renovated and here I am with my brother and my mother staying in an apartment. My family has been planning on improving our house to somewhat mansion-like for almost 10 years. Thanks to my parents’ hard work they got promoted to their jobs and they have saved a lot of money for the past years.

“Here.” I placed a heavy box on my brother’s room. “You have so many things; dispose some if you have time.” I said slightly panting.

“Why? You have a lot too compared to mine. You have too many scrap books of Luhan hyung.” He complained.

“Shut up! Those are called memories. You’re just jealous because you don’t have a childhood friend who is a girl!” I stuck out my tongue.

Between our typical bickering, suddenly my mom entered the room and crossed her arms. “I can hear the two of you downstairs.”

“He started it.” I pointed my index finger to my brother.

“She’s the one who complained first!” he protested.

My mom sighed in irritation. “I don’t want to hear anything. Why won’t the two of you go outside and meet our temporary neighbors?” She suggested just for us to stop fighting.

“I’ll pass; I’m busy with my things.” My brother refused.

Mom eyed on me. “Go and make some friends.”

“Why me?!”

“You’re not busy. C’mon if you befriend someone their family might invite us for dinner!” she insisted.

I looked at her in disbelief. More like in a blink of an eye I was already outside our apartment due to the force of my mother. As I scanned the whole street or should I say ‘neighborhood’, it was empty and quiet. Why would my mom want me to make some friends when we’re going to get out of this place in 2-3 weeks time?

I sighed in defeat. It wouldn’t hurt if I make some friends.

In the mid afternoon where cold air starts to breeze I started my journey to hunt some friends. I did nothing but walk around the street not even caring if I’ll get lost or what. I was staring at my own feet while walking until I decided to stop.

I felt a presence somewhere not too far away from me. As I looked forward I saw a familiar person who I’ve met before in my school. His skin was tan and his has full looking lips.

I moved a little closer to him and I finally recognized him.

“Jongin?” I accidentally said out loud not wanting to destroy his peace.

Jongin’s eyes were closed and it seemed like he went out for fresh air, but upon calling his name he opened his eyes and glared at me.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

I gulped my saliva. “I-I kind of moved here and… I think I’m lost?”

“Then find a way back.” He said rudely not even wanting to help me out.

Jongin was about to walk somewhere far from me, but I grabbed his wrist and looked at him directly to his eyes.

“Jongin, I need your help. I’m not familiar with this place and I can’t get back home. What if I get kidnapped here? What if I’ll never find my way back home? What should I do?” I pleaded.

He rolled his eyes. “Why will I help you? Are we even friends?”

“Well.. you’re friends with Luhan so I think we’re friends as well.”

He just gazed at me with his blank face. I can already see my past self just by staring at him.

“Please?” I said like I’m about to cry.

He avoided eye contact and clicked his tongue. “First, I’m known as Kai in school so I don’t want to hear you call me Jongin anywhere.”

Understanding everything he said, I nodded my head.

“Second..Since you’re Luhan hyung’s friend.” He took a deep breath. “I’m going to tour you around here and tell me if you spot your house. And lastly, don’t tell hyung that I’m being rude to you, he’ll kill me if you expose it.”

My smile grew wider. “Yes sir! Your secret is safe with me!”

“This doesn’t change our relationship. I don’t like you and I can act rude around you when he’s not around. Got that?”

“Even if it’s a pain in the .” I mumbled then shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t like you too, so deal.”

Starting that day, I found out that Jongin just lives next door and I finally made an official decision that he’s the person I can’t get along well the most among Luhan’s friends. But I was wondering why he doesn’t want Luhan to know that he’s acting rude to me when he can show his true nature around him? I mean, Luhan is not the kind of person who bites; he’s actually nice and caring.

Looking back at Jongin, this man is mysterious and weird in my opinion.




“Mom, I’m going to school now.” I stood up from my seat as I finished eating my breakfast.

“Alright, take care honey.” I gave my mom a peck on her cheek and left our apartment.

At this time my brother has already left since both of us goes to different schools, so I’m going to school alone like I usually do.

Outside the apartment, I looked at my neighbor’s a.k.a Jongin’s house and caught a glimpse of him leaving his house. I quickly looked away then realized I have no idea how to get to the bus stop.

I sighed. “Time to approach him.” I hesitantly went towards him who was already walking along the streets.


He stopped his tracks and gazed from his back. “What?”

“Let’s go to school together?”

“No.” He quickly answered then continued walking like I was just like a thin air that happens to pass by him.

I closed my eyes thinking what would make him let her accompany to the bus’ stop. I opened my eyes again and I smirked when finally I found out a way to make him do whatever I want.

“I’ll tell Luhan that you’re treating me bad!” I yelled for him to clearly hear me.

I saw him stopped from walking once again. I grinned while I waited for him to turn around to face me for the second time.

“Follow me.” He simply said still not facing me.

I ran towards him as I was happy on his decision and started to walk side by side with him. We walked together with not a single exchange of words until we reached the bus stop. In the bus he casually sat on a seat somewhere at the back. I followed him and sat beside him.

He looked at me with suspicious eyes. “Why are you here?”

“What do you mean? You said to follow you so I did.” I blinked innocently.

“I don’t want to sit next to you in the bus so find another seat.”

I observed this guy head to toe. How can he be like this to me? What the heck did I do to him? I huffed and angrily stomped my feet away from him. I will never ever want to talk to this guy ever again.


Arriving at school I spotted Luhan on the main gates probably waiting for his girlfriend. When he caught my stare he waved at me like he hasn’t seen me for years. I waved back at him and finally gathered all my guts to actually come near him.

“I didn’t know you and Kai go to school together in the morning.” He said in surprise. Instead of a simple ‘hello’ he greeted me with that sentence.

I was trying to avoid Jongin after the incident that happened in the bus, but hearing that Luhan knows we kind of like rode the same bus I looked from behind and saw Jonging standing coolly with his hands stuffed in his pocket.

“Oh.. about that he wa—“

“Yes, it appears that noona moved in our neighborhood and I decided to ride the bus with her in the morning.” Jongin cut of my sentence as he told Luhan a complete straight lie except for the part that I moved in his neightborhood.

“Oh…” Luhan nodded his head while his lips formed in to a shape of an ‘o’. “It’s good to see that the both of you are getting along. I keep noticing that both of you lack in communicating each other.”

“That was a long time ago hyung. We’re friends now.”

Friends my foot. “By the way, are you waiting for Haneul?” I asked.

Luhan nodded his head. “The two of you should go to your classrooms now. Haneul might be late today.”

“Arasseo hyung, c’mon noona I’ll accompany you to your room!” Jongin wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he gave his most charming smile to me.




Like any typical day, I was eating with my friends in the cafeteria, but there was something weird about them this time. They weren’t talking and they were staring at me intensely that my food is about to burn.

I gulped down the food I was eating. “Is there something wrong?”

Seongyeon and Juhyun’s jaw slightly dropped as they continue to stare at me.

“Is there something on my face?”

No response.

“YAH!” I shouted which made them snapped out.

“I can’t believe it…” Seongyeon started to talk. “Are you dating Kai?”

“No!” I quickly denied.

“Then why are the two of you going home and going back to school together for almost everyday?” she curiously asked.

“He’s my neighbor.” I calmly said as I took a bite on my food. “He’s a complete , there’s no way I’d date him.”

“Does this mean you’re replacing Luhan that easily?” Juhyun totally ignored my statement.

“I don’t have feelings for Luhan anymore and I’m not dating Jongin!”

“You might think that you have forgotten about him already, but in reality it’s really hard to remove him in your heart especially he’s you’re first love.” Juhyun smartly said.

“That’s right, true love or affection can’t be forgotten just like that because you nearly revolve your world around Luhan.” Seongyeon added.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. “No, I’m happy already. I don’t have feeling for him anymore.”

I gazed down on my food while I was thinking deep. Seongyeon and Juhyun are wrong; I’m not that kind of person who can’t get over someone. It doesn’t take me 10 whole years to finally let go of Luhan. They’re wrong and in some ways I’ll prove to them that I’m happy like this.




More like a week has already passed, me and Jongin quite of already used to going home together and going to school together routine, but small fights can’t be avoided.

“Jongin!” I entered Jongin’s room as I greeted him.

It was already dismissal and few students were left in the campus.

“I told you its Kai.” He said not even bothering to look at me. He was busy with some paper works that he got from detention.

“But I like Jongin better.” I walked near him and sat a seat beside him. “Don’t tell me this will take a while.”

“If you want, you can go no one’s forcing you to go home with me anyway.” He said with a slight rude tone.

“What if I get kidnapped?”

“I don’t care about that anymore.”

I kicked his leg. “Ouch!” he winced in pain causing me to smirk. “What was that all for?” he angrily asked.

“It’s for nothing. Anyway, I’m going to return something to the library, I’ll be right back. Don’t leave me.” I warned him giving him a stern stare.

“Don’t be a slow poke or I’ll leave you for sure.”

“It’ll be really quick.” I stood up from my seat and finally left the room leaving Jongin alone in the room.


After a few minutes I returned back to Jongin’s room just to see that he has finished his paper works.

“Let’s go?” I grabbed his wrist and began to drag him outside his room.

While walking along the corridor, I let go of his wrist and waited for him to open up a new conversation. Apparently even though we’ve been like this for the past week I think we are still awkward towards each other due to the fact that I’m actually not good opening up a topic.

Throughout the silence between our way out of the school’s building, I suddenly stopped walking making Jongin looked back at me.

“What’s wrong?”

My tears suddenly flowed through my cheeks as I see a view that I never imagine that I would see with my own eyes.

Jongin gazed at where I was looking and there he realized the reason why I suddenly burst my precious tears out.

Luhan and Haneul were kissing on the corner of the corridor. For a reason my heart sank to the deepest crust of the earth. It was unexplainable; I shouldn’t be feeling this way, why am I crying? I’m supposed to be smiling or maybe squealing quietly, but I’m feeling hurt again.

Jongin went in front of me as he pulled me into a hug. He let me cry on his chest for several minutes until he looks back again and let go of the hug.

“They’re gone.” He blankly said.

“I’m sorry, you’re blazer got wet because of my endless crying.” I bowed my head from embarrassment.

“Let’s just go home.” This time it was his turn to hold my hand and pulled me out of the school.

Jongin was with me until I reached my house. We stopped in front of my apartment then he handed me his handkerchief to wipe my tears.

“I don’t want auntie to get the wrong idea, she might think I made you cry.” He said but I can hear sincerity in it.

“Thanks.” I used his handkerchief to wipe my remaining tears. “I’ll return this when I’ll wa—“

“There’s no need to hide, you still love Luhan hyung.”

I was taken aback on what he said. How did he know? I never told him that I loved Luhan before.

“Why are looking at someone who’s not even looking back at you? Why won’t you look at someone who’s been wanting you to look at him for a while now?”

“What do you mean?” My heart was beating fast all of a sudden.

“Noona..” He paused for a few seconds. “Please look at me this time, I like you.”

My eyes widen. Is this a confession? What should I do now? This is the first time someone confessed to me and not to mention its freaking Kim Jongin.

“I want you to look at me like how you look at Lu—“




Great. Perfect timing. My brother suddenly interrupted us as went outside the house.

“You know each other?” I gazed at the two of them.

“We play basketball during weekends noona.” My brother boasted. “What brings you here hyu—“

“We’ll be going inside now, see you tomorrow Jongin!” I hastily dragged myself and my brother inside the apartment.

I shut the door and throw my brother to our living room. I grabbed my chest and felt that my heart is beating like crazy.

“Noona how can you be so rude towards Kai hyung?!”

I didn’t know that he has feelings for me all along.

“How can you be so rude to someone who’s super nice?”

Just by what Jongin just said earlier he literally made me confused from now own.




The following days didn’t go well between me and Jongin. I don’t know about myself but I kept avoiding him as much as possible. I don’t even ride the same bus as him anymore.

Currently I’m at the library reading some books just to kill time. When I got bored of reading I decided to return the book to the librarian.

With heads down I said: “I’m sorry, I changed my mind I won’t be borrowing this book today.”

“Alright then.”

Instead of an old woman’s voice I heard a male’s voice that I usually hear every day. I looked up and just right before my eyes, I see Jongin smiling at me.

“I want to talk to you.”

“I’m kind of busy and—“

“Then let’s talk right here, right now.”

I bit my bottom lip and gave up. I think Jongin needs to explain himself and I think I need to listen to him this time.

“There’s a reason why I don’t want Luhan hyung to be mad at me at any rate.”

“Then what is it?”

“Back in middle school I liked a girl who’s my sunbae, but unfortunately Luhan hyung also like her. I had advantage because I always talk to her that one day hyung found out that I’ve been crushing on the same girl he likes, he got jealous and we caused a fight. After that day I didn’t talk to her again. EXO is like my real brothers that fight that I experienced with Luhan hyung was unforgettable, we almost got separated and I don’t want that to happen to use ever again. If he knew that I was rude to you at the first place, all those will happen again.”

I’m somehow relating it to my tragic one-sided love story with Luhan. I waited for him to continue as I remained silent.

“I usually thought that girls were annoying and all they want from me is money or my looks, but she was different and that’s what I liked her…”

“In the end, who got her?” I slightly tilted my head.

“Luhan hyung and right now they’re still dating.” He firmly said.

That strikes me in any way. He liked Haneul that time. He got one-sided as well.

“Then I met you, fell for you and confessed to you.”

My phone suddenly vibrated. “Wait a minute.” I took it from my pocket to see who messaged me.


From: Luhan

I’m at the rooftop. I need you.


“Mianhae Jongin, I’ll be going now.” I left Jongin again dumbfounded in the library.

I rushed my way to Luhan at the rooftop. I got curious on why did he needed me all of a sudden? I hope there’s nothing bad happened to him.

Breathless, I arrived at the rooftop in an instance. I saw Luhan in the corner alone with his head hung down low.

I quickly went to him and approached him worriedly. “What happened? Why do you need me?”

He lifted his head and gazed at me with eyes full of sorrow. “Me and Haneul broke up, I need you…”

My face unknowingly went closer to his. I’m waiting for him to continue knowing that he’s heartbroken and probably he’ll won’t forget Haneul that easily like I do.

“I need you… to help me get back to her.”

That’s it.

I’m done. That’s all I need to hear.




Today was the day that our house has finally done reconstructing. We have already done packing and we’re almost done unpacking in our new home. Unfortunately I didn’t bid my goodbyes to Jongin who didn’t know that I’ll be temporarily living at his neighborhood.

“Yoboseyo?... ne.. I’ll be there.” I hung up the phone and dragged myself to my mother.

“Mom, I’ll be going to the park Luhan’s waiting for me.” I asked permission if I can go.

“Ahh sure dear, be back home okay?”

“Yes mom!” I kissed her cheek and left our house.

Riding a bus, I contacted someone from the phone. “I’m coming already, I’m sorry If I’m a little bit late.”

It may sound like I’m a busy person who’s out on a date or something, but I’m only out on meeting someone at the park.

I reached the park and searched for Haneul along the benches where she mentions that she’s patiently waiting for me while she’s sitting on a bench.

“Haneul-ah!” I beamed when I spotted her sitting on a bench under the tree. I ran to her and apologized for being late.

I’ve been close with Haneul since she and Luhan started dating and today I invited her on a girls’ hang out.

“Where do you want to go?” she asked first.

“Anywhere is fine, why don’t we buy some clothes and go to the salon before we eat lunch?” I suggested.

She nodded in agreement. “Sounds fun, let’s go?”

I spent the whole morning with Haneul shopping clothes around Garasogil. After getting satisfied with our clothes we went to the salon to get our hairs done. We also had gotten a lot closer. Haneul is really a nice person no wonder there are so many boys who likes her.

“I haven’t curled my hair like this before.” She looked at her reflection at the salon’s mirror.

“You look beautiful.” I smiled as I fixed some of her hair. “Aren’t you hungry?”

She rubbed her stomach. “Now that you have told me that, I’m kind of am.” She sheepishly smiled.

I giggled. “I suggest we eat this time. I know a place where they serve the most delicious foods in Korea!”

I dragged Haneul on a fancy restaurant. The waitress stopped us and asked us how many seats are needed for us.

I whispered to the waitress making sure that Haneul can’t here. “It’s us.”

“Ahhh.. please wait a minute ma’am.” She bowed in respect and quickly went inside the restaurant.

“Is there something wrong?” Haneul asked.

I shook my head. “It’s nothing.”

Right on time the waitress came back and lends us on our table. While ordering I excused myself to the ladies’ comfort room.

As I reached the comfort room I knocked at the men’s room then Luhan’s head suddenly popped out.

“We’re here.”

He smiled widely as he got out of the rest room with a bouquet of flowers on his hand then he gave me a tight hug.

“Thanks.” He whispered. “I owe you a lot.”

He let go of the hug and I wished him good luck. He begun to walk towards Haneul’s table and reached out the flowers.

“I’m sorry for not having more time with you. I’ll promise to spend more time with you if you give me a second chance.” I hear him said out loud for Haneul.

Haneul didn’t answered she just stood up and hugged him as tight as she can. Everyone at the restaurant starts to clap for them, but for me, I decided to leave the restaurant instead.

Walking along the streets of Garasogil in the early afternoon, I sat on a bench feeling tired. I looked in to the bright sky and spaced out for a while.

“What are you doing here?”

I snapped out of my thoughts and I gazed on my side just to see Jongin sitting beside me while he looks at the skies.

I smiled. “Nothing, you?”

“I’m sitting here with you.”

I punched his am lightly. “It’s obvious.”

He chuckled. This was my first time seeing Jongin laugh in front of me and it felt like I have seen heaven.

“Oh!” I suddenly remembered something as I searched something in my pocket. I grabbed his handkerchief and lend it to him. “Thanks for this.”

He gladly accepted it. “Is this washed?”

My smile grew wider. “Of course pabo!”

He smiled back. “Why are you smiling like that? It makes me fall for you even more.”

“Because you’re here when I’m sad, when I needed someone, when I finally realized that I like you as well.” I sincerely said.

“Are you still sad?”

"Not anymore" I stared straightly to his eyes. "Because you came.”

Jongin cupped my face as his lips gently crashed into mine. The kiss wasn’t passionate yet it was innocent but sweet. This was my first kiss and I didn’t regret it that I shared it with Jongin because I know he was the one I’ve been waiting for and I’m glad he came.

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Miss_Kimjongin #1
Chapter 1: OMG, this story is so good, and nice.
Chapter 1: OMG SO GOOD!! :)
rudelysweetk21 #3
Chapter 1: Bhaha the comment below mine..haha yes mah tears was simply touching..hope you can make sequel. About their sweet time..I meant it was mostly about lu here and there.i want to read after they got sad lu never ever knew about her loving him all those years..T_T it's heartbreaking. . 10 years you know but glad she found jongin.
kpoplover1020 #4
Chapter 1: Omg so good omg mah tears
emerald51388 #5
Chapter 1: just finished reading, Thank you Author-nim for making such good stories. I can't contain my tears and kilig hehehe hope you'll make more beautiful stories
InspiritHamster #6
Chapter 1: Thankyou for the sequel author-nim :D
And thankyou for the happy ending...thats reallllyyy sweeet~~~ ^~^
KpopAddict28 #8
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhh sweet !! ^-^
Chapter 1: It's making me cry. All those feels, I can't hold them TT^TT it was awesome!!
update soon!!!!