**For my readers**

Sweet lovers? or Sweet friends?
Annyong haseyo!! I made a special trick or treat to all of my readers.
I made this story because....... nothing, I just want to have some fun writing this type of story.
It's my first time to write a horror story so don't expect higher, okay?. :)

This story is not included with the flow of this fanfic. I hope you don't get confuse.

These are all fictional. If there's incidents like this maybe it's a coincidence.

Okay now.. go on to the story..   kamsahamnida!!!


~The school organized a Halloween party and everyone is invited. At +++++’s house...

(Car horned)

“Oh! They’re here!” HanJi said.

“Eonni! Hurry!” She added.

“Ne. Coming!!”

~+++++ was wearing a black and ruby red vampire dress with a bat design on her belt,

while HanJi wore a little red riding hood costume

“Hey-hey!---- wow!!”JeongMIn surprisingly said.

“How do I look?” ++++ asked.

“You look great!” SooYeon said with glee.

“You too, HanJ-ah.”She added.

“Kamsahamnida, SooYeon noona!”

~They drove to school. 
JeongMin costume was Michael Jackson on his music video “Thriller” 

while SooYeon dressed in a y black witch dress and a broom *beautiful witch*

-------time skips-------

~They arrived at school. They saw many people and they all looked awesome. They went to the gym 
and they saw 
YoungMin –dressed like a wizard-

KwangMin –with his count dracula-

MinWoo –in his devil attire-

and HyunSeong –wearing Greek God look-

“Annyong Haseyo!” MinWoo greeted.

“Guys, DongHyun hyung will also join the party.” YoungMin said.

“Wow! That’s great!” JeongMin said with excitement.

------time skips-------

~DongHyun came wearing a pirate captain look

and the program started. The group was eating their 
snacks and then...

(Lights off)

“Hey! Who turned off the lights?” Someone shouted.

~A flying creature came out, spotlighted. There’s a scary sound effect at the entrance, which makes 
the doorway spookier. It passed over the audience and stopped on the stage. Out of nowhere, someone 
with a creepy voice spoke.


~The lights  and the sounds came loud. The dance floor opened for the creepy dance steps. 
While, ++++++, HanJi, SooYeon, JeongMin, HyunSeong, KwangMin, YoungMin, MinWoo, and DongHyun 
were talking on their seats. They are telling horror stories. After some minutes, ++++++ felt something weird. 
She looked at her side and saw a woman. She’s wearing a black dress and her hair is not well-done and it’s covering her right eye. 
+++++ looked at the woman and wondered why she’s staring like that and why the people didn’t noticed her. 
The question on her mind answered when she looked downward.

“Ah!!” +++++ shocked.

~+++++ saw the woman was floating about 5 inches above the ground. The woman is still staring at her. 
++++++ Immediately holds KwangMin’s arm.

“What’s wrong?” KwangMin asked and hold her hand.

“The-there’s a ghost there.” +++++ uttered

“A what?” HyunSeong asked with confusion.

“A ghost… there!” +++++ said then pointed to where the woman stands.

“Gone...” +++++ murmured.

“Okay, +++++-ah, you saw was not a ghost, it’s just someone else costumed like a ghost.” DongHyun said.

---------------time skips------------------

~SooYeon, HyunSeong, DongHyun, and MinWoo danced on the dance floor. HyunSeong was a little bit shy. 

“Hyung, let’s dance!” MinWoo said while he’s dancing his groovy steps.

~While they are dancing, ++++++, JeongMIn, KwangMin, and YoungMin left on the table. 
The twins are little bit tired.

“YoungMin-goon, KwangMin-goon… wake up, the party is not yet over.” JeongMin said.

~The twins woke up a little bit. JeongMin took his mirror and looked at his face. After a while…

“Gaah!!” JeongMin shocked.

“What’s the matter?” +++++ asked.

“I-I-I…I saw a woman in my mirror.”

~+++++ thought that the woman that JeongMin saw, was the one that she saw also.

“What is she look-like?” +++++ asked.


~JeongMin looked again at his mirror and……

“Ahhh!!!” He shouted.

“She’s still looking at me!.. so scary!” he added.

“Oh no. I think we had seen the same woman.”

~The others came and gathered on the table.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” DongHyun asked.

“Hyung? Hyung? JeongMin Hyung?” MinWoo said while shaking JeongMin’s shoulders.

“JeongMin also saw the ghost. I told you, I wasn’t joking.” +++++ explained.

“Oh come on. You’re scaring yourselves.”DongHyun said.

“Hyung...” MinWoo said and came near to YoungMin because he became scared.

“Ne, there’s no woman died here. Only ma-----“

~HyunSeong explanation stopped because he saw...

“Ghost.” HyunSeong murmured.

“Eh?” Everyone said and all faces are focuses on HyunSeong.

~HyunSeong was still looking to the woman. 

“Hyung.” KwangMin said.

“HyunSeong?!” SooYeon shouted and shook him.

“Hey, bro.” DongHyun hold HyunSeong’s arm.

~HyunSeong walked and ignored everyone. They all wondered and worried so they followed him.

“Eonni, I’m scared.”HanJi said.

“It’s okay, HanJi-ah. Just don’t come far from me.”

“Ne, eonni.”

~They followed HyunSeong. HyunSeong walked to the school hallway then he stopped at a classroom. 
++++++, HanJi, SooYeon, MinWoo, KwangMin, YoungMin, JeongMin and DongHyun were a little bit far 
from HyunSeong. 

“What is he doing?” JeongMin asked.

“I think he’s in the spell. That’s why he’s out of his control.” YoungMin said.

“Ne. I also thought that.” KwangMin agreed.

“Do you think it’s the woman?” HanJi asked.


~After a while, the classroom door opened and HyunSeong entered. The group walked quietly toward 
the classroom. The time they snoop by the window, they saw HyunSeong. He was sitting on one of the 
chairs in the room but when they blinked he was gone. 

“Where did he go?”

~As they looked and searched in the window...

“Guys!!!!!!” HyunSeong shouted and he’s very frightening.

“HELP ME!!!”

~They were stunned. They tried to open the door but it’s locked. The boys didn’t lose hope in trying 
to open the door.

“Yah!! Open the door!” DongHyun said while he kept banging on the door.

~Everyone was shouting and scared. They struggled just to save HyunSeong. Hanji noticed someone was 
looking straight at them. She saw a middle school girl student. The girl indicated her to “come”. HanJi 
stood then walked and held the girl’s hand. They went far from the others.

“HanJi-ah? Hey! Where’s HanJi-ah?!!!” +++++asked worriedly.

“I need to find her!!” she added.

“Anieyo! +++++-ah!”

~KwangMin held ++++++’s hand.

“We should not separate with each other. It’s too dangerous.”

“But HanJi-ah...what if something happen to her? I don’t want to lose her anymore.”

“HanJi-ah is a brave girl. I know she’s not in trouble. Just trust her.”

~After a minute, the door opened. They saw HyunSeong curled on the floor aggravating.

“HyunSeong-ah!” SooYeon approached him.

“HyunSeong-ah, what happened?” JeongMin asked.

~HyunSeong was still not yet recovered in what happened to him. His whole body is shaking and he didn’t 
spoke anything.

“Hyung, speak to us.” MinWoo beg.

~++++++ was wondering about HanJi. She’s worried sick about HanJi and she can’t help it anymore.

“HanJi-ah... I really need to find HanJi-ah.” ++++++ stood.

“Wait! I’ll go with you.” KwangMin said.

“Me, too.” YoungMin said.


“Be careful, all of you!!” MinWoo shouted.

~While +++++ and the twins find HanJi around the campus, HanJi and the girl were at the rooftop. 
The girl pull HanJi’s dress and she hunch over.

“What is it?” HanJi asked. 

~The girl whispered to HanJi’s ear. Suddenly, HanJi lost control of her body and about to jump over the 

“Faster! We must find her” +++++, KwangMin, and YoungMin searched every rooms at the hall. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Don’t jump!” someone shouted


~+++++ immediately knew that HanJi was the one they were talking about. They rushed upstairs. Luckily, HanJi was having second thought of jumping, as if she knew that the ghost was taking over her body. YoungMin grabbed HanJi’s hand and pull her to him. HanJi pass out at YoungMin’s arms.


“HanJi are you okay?” YoungMin laid HanJi at the nearest bench.


~+++++ and KwangMin about to approach HanJi. When suddenly, HanJi’s body rose from the bench.


“You can’t claim this body! It’s mine now” HanJi’s Voice altered into something horrifying.

“Give her back to us!” +++++ shouted, out of terror YoungMin ran and hid on one of the furnace. “++++++, do you think you can scare me?” HanJi’s appearance shifted into the ghost spooky manifestation.

“Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?”+++++ asked confusingly.

“Oh, you really don’t remember? What about this?” the ghost shifted appearance again but now, it was something familiar. At least for KwangMin.

“ShinHae?... you die?” KwangMin ask.


~KwangMin was stunned; he couldn’t believe that the girl stalking him for years died.


“Of course I die! What do you think of me, appearing in front of you and taking over her sister’s body?” ShinHae pointed at ++++++. Her eyes rage with anger.

“Who is she? Why she’s talking like that? I don’t understand?” ++++++ was dumbfounded, solving the puzzle.

“Oh, poor girl! Didn’t you hear? My name is ShinHae and I’m his STALKER!!!!!”

“Wait! Why did you die? I mean how?” KwangMin asked.

“Don’t you remember? The day you and that starfish kissed at the gym? I think it was...Valentines Day? I was happy that day! Knowing that you like fresh passionflower! I planted and nurtured it for you to have.. .then ...I saw you with her! You broke my heart” ShinHae descended and sat the bench crying.

“I ran, crying, when I’m about to reach the girl’s bathroom, the guard! The guard grabbed me.” She added.

“Okay, stop it. I’m sorry, but why do this to us?” KwangMin asked.

“Simple, I’m blaming her!!!!” ShinHae grabbed ++++++ and threw her at the rooftop.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“It was just a dream” +++++++exasperated, Relief that it was all just a dream. She looked at her bed again and saw




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erickamariz16 #1
Ahhh! i can't update a chapter.. sorry guys.. BUT I'm into it.. promise.. i'm working on it.. please wait.. ok??.. kamsahamnida~!<br />
erickamariz16 #2
@bestfriendvero thank you for loving my story.. I hope you'll keep in touch with it :D
erickamariz16 #3
Mianhe... I wasn't able to update.. because I have lots of mission to accomplish.. I always thought of it so I wasn't able to write.. I hope you'll wait for the next chapters.. kamsahamnida!
update soon i LOVE this story XD
Boyfriendlovers #5
update soon..<br />
<br />
erickamariz16 #6
thank you for the comliment and support :D... I'll update very very soon!!!! ppyong~!
I love the background image!<br />
kyeopta!<br />
btw update soon~
CrimsonHazel #8
its ok! Keep going you can do it!
erickamariz16 #9
making horror stories is challenges me lot.
erickamariz16 #10
AHHHH!! i forgot my ideas!!!! hate it!!