Chapter 13

A Great Unsuspecting Gift
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*1 month later*


"Sehun-ah! Open up!" I hear Luhan yell outside my door.


"No!" I yell back.


"Why not?"


"Because I look fat in this suit! Jong In will find me repulsive, and not want to marry me!" I start to cry.


"You know that's not true, Sehun-ah. Jong In loves you too much. You know, he would go to the earth's ends just for you, and he finds you too flawless. He loves every bit of you, and that child in your tummy is proof of how much he loves you. He works and goes to school, and still comes home just to see you and the baby. You guys are his family, pride and joy. Remember when you guys first met? You even said it yourself, even though he was with Soo, there was sparks there. You are tied by the red string of fate. You make him so happy, he still smiles under stress knowing that when he returns he has a loving family waiting for him, the perfect husband. You are the resource of his happiness. When you walk down that aisle you'll see the love in his eyes because you are absolutely breathtaking even with a baby growing inside of you. Remember when you found out that you are having a boy? I wasn't there, but I'm sure he was crying with tears of joy. He's been there for you through your thick and thin because if he wasn't then that wouldn't have been love. Jong In loves you so much that he'll even go against your father just for you; we all know how scary your dad can be when it comes to you, but Jong In is just the same if not a bit more scarier. He wouldn't even let a fly touch you." He giggles a little. "So Sehunnie please come out so you can show your soon-to-be husband that he is making the greatest decision of his life." He finishes, and I'm already crying.


"Okay, I'm ready. Thank you so much for that." I say as I unlock my door and hug him.


"No problem. I'm here for you buddy. Let's go wash your face. I don't want you to walk down the aisle with boogers and tear stained cheeks. Jong In would beat me to pulp if he knew I made you cry." I giggle pulling away from the hug.


I'm a nervous wreck. I'm at the end of the aisle waiting for the music to play for me to enter. My father is at my side. Even though I am nervous, I am also excited. In just moments from now I will be making a vow with the love of my life, and I will soon be Kim Sehun and not Oh Sehun. I'm ready to be with the man of my dreams, the love of my life and the father of the child I am carrying. It may seem like we're moving fast, but oddly enough, I feel that this is right.


“Are you ready?” He asks.


“Definitely.” I nod and smile.


“Okay.” He smiles back, eyes watery. “You know I can always turn us back around, and go home. We can forget about this, and your mom and I will help you raise the baby.”


"I’ll be fine dad.” I smile back at him, I also start getting teary-eyed. “Jong In is a great guy dad. You’ll be leaving me in good hands. He cares so much for the baby and I, it seems ridiculous.” I laugh a bit. “I know you and mom will always be there for me, but Jong In and this baby is now my home.” I hug him.


“You grew up too fast, son. I still can’t believe you’re getting married and having a child. My baby is having a baby. You’ll always be my baby.” He lets a tear fall, and I start crying, again.


“I know. It all happened so fast, but you can be positive that I will always be happy. He makes me happy.” I sniffle.


The music begins to play, telling us that it was time for my dad to let me go to my own family.


“I guess that’s our queue, huh?”


I just nod, not trusting myself to speak. The doors open revealing Jong In’s parents’ gorgeous backyard, the way I wanted it. I then let my eyes land on the man that I will soon be able to call my husband. He looks so gorgeous in his suit. I look into his eyes and see the love he holds for me, I’m absolutely positive he sees the same in my eyes.


“He looks nice.” My dad whispers next to me, I nod in agreement.


I now stand in front of the altar with Jong In’s hand waiting for mines to connect. My dad gives him my hand. We now stand side by side looking at the pastor. The ceremony is pretty traditional of course, I wanted it to be that way. I didn’t want it to be rushed. The pastor soon asked us to say our vows to each other, of course we were going to say our own. Jong In was the first to speak.


“I’m going to be honest here, I was pretty nervous about today, but it was a good nervous. I was also excited that the day to marry the love of my life has finally come. I also did not write my vows before hand because I wanted to say everything that comes from the heart and not from some “script”. I know a lot of people had doubted our relationship would last long because we were complete opposites. I knew they were all wrong because they didn’t feel what I felt the moment I met you. They didn’t know that we weren’t complete opposites, we have a lot in common, but those little things that were opposite made us complete each other. Sehun-ah I love you with everything I have. My answer is you when I am facing problems. I know that when I come home you’ll be there waiting for me. You are absolutely flawless, even when you think you are filled with flaws, but those are the flaws that make you flawless.I do not want you to feel insecure when you’re with me, I want you to know that you are absolutely breathtaking. When I wake everyday you are the first person I see, and you are the last person I see before I go to sleep. I love that, I wake early just to see your flawless face because you make me feel things that I have never felt nor will I ever feel like this for someone else. I enjoy the times we spend with each other. When we first found out that you were pregnant, was terrified out of my mind. I keep thinking,” Will I be a good father?” or “Will our child love me?”, but I have you to think about too, and I knew you were scared too. I couldn’t or just didn’t want to leave alone with a child to raise on your own. I also love you too much to leave you like that. This child is the evidence of how strong our love for each other is. We have been together for a little over four years, and we will continue to be with each to the end of our time and longer. I would go to the ends of the world for you. I’d even rebel against your father just to see. You are my life Sehun.” He finishes. I want to hold him, kiss him, and make love to him, but that has to wait.


It was my turn to speak. “You know I felt the this morning. I was nervous but excited. Throughout our relationship. I kept thinking about how you could find someone so much better tha

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Chapter 22: I liked the baby shower chapter the most😂😂
Chapter 4: 🙈🙈🙈🙈🤤🤤🤤
Gracegesang #3
Chapter 23: I'm so glad I stumbled upon this story. It was a really good read... I had work when I read this, but I managed to finish reading it all in 3 hours(I kept on pausing my work to read).
Chapter 23: you're doing so well up until this moment, sweetheart. i know these feelings well, i understand you because i do feel that way sometimes. i am very proud of you who have aim in keep walking on your flowery path. you're very strong and wonderful. not everyone have such a strong mindset as you do. you're so great. even we don't know each other, even we're far away, remember. i love you. you got me on your back. good luck in everything! may new year will be a bless for you sweetheart! <3
Chapter 23: What you have shared is somewhat also relatable to me, at least. My 2017 is not that great also and I'm hoping for 2018 to be at least good to me. Let us think positive, author-nim. Fighting and more power!
Chapter 23: I have one friend that is in the same situation..but she did'nt really open up..and we're apart from each other one across the globe..i feel hopeless knowing her in that condition..i just hope that even we're far away..she could still feel my love and least she try to promise me that she'll do her best..and i'm always pray for it..and i hope you too author-nim..i'll pray that you'll stay strong..don't ever give up on your beautiful life..and know that ..many people around you loves you..hope whatever happen in future will make you much fighting any aliens which is a damn hassle..n of course..bloom beautifully into a great person..and achieve whatever hope n goals that you've you know, everyone deserve happiness and so are you..??
Chapter 22: Wow this is amazing story and it just full with fluff and cuteness and sweetness that can make me get diabetes fav otp in here too!! Xiuhan chanbaek and sekai gosh you're great author nim for making this become masterpiece... I love the way you write their character their sweet moments and I'm just glad I found this fic and read it... Thanks again!!
CuTAEpie #8
Chapter 22: Cries it's over T^T