






She was kneeling right before me, her hands clasped together in front of - she was reciting prayers mixed with somekind of cry for mercy -, her eyes were tightly closed. Darkness surrounded her like iminent death circled a diseased person, announcing it's presence with heavy, cold gushes of wind. She trembled in her place. Those skinny, bony knees were probably shouting in pain, but, like the good and obedient girl she is, she remained kneeling, but still letting the pain show on her sweaty face. A loopsided smirk made it's way to my lips, pushing my cheeks apart and forcing my eyes to slightly curve downwards. They say I don't have an eyesmile, my smile is weird, I'm creepy. Who cares anyway? This girl I'm looking at used to say that I have the prettiest smile she'd ever seen. Now I know that's nothing but a lie for she was only trying to crawl her way to the top, using me as her shortcut.

It was a bad idea...

People call me strange, my mom calls me strange, I call myself strange. It's not like I'm somekind of serial killer. No. I'm just intense. My emotions are stronger than other people's. I just don't like somebody, I don't get simply irritated with something, I don't get jealous of someone. Instead, it all sums up into one thing, killer instinct. Though most of the time it's under control, I lost it once I saw her touching and leaning into that stupid-looking guy's arms. It ticked me off. I wanted to kill them - for she betrayed me -, cut them into pieces - to show how small and meaningless they can be in my hands -, and then serve them as dinner to my dog. However, I didn't. Instead, I followed him, I beated him up, I stepped into his precious s and watched him writhing on the floor, calling for help, bawling his eyes out like the little he truly is.

Now I was having my own private show as I looked down at her, who was still kneeling and saying every prayer she'd ever known. People say that women become more beautiful when in love, but she became a monster, uglier, despiseful in my eyes. I couldn't see that sweet and caring girl anymore. I couldn't see her at all. I only saw her true self, the monster she revealed to be. I ing hate her. I wanted to see her laying lifelessly on her own pool of blood, to see her dead, but I also wanted her loving every part of me in an endless night. However, it was only the stupid teenager me, wanting my own fairy tail. I couldn't see, my princess was the true antagonist of my story, she was never there to make me happy. Egocentric, selfish, opportunist. She never thought about me and my feelings, she only threw herself at the very first person that offered help towards her goal. I'm not a saint either, but still, I'm not anywhere closer to this .

It's funny how a gun has enough power to make anyone surrender to it's owner's desire. That stubborness and denial disapperead in a blink of an eye once I let my palm rest against the cold surface of the gun I stole the day before. A flick of my wrist, followed by a snap of my fingers and she was laying down on her back, legs wide open for me as she wailed in desperation, my gun pressed securely against her temple. A smirk formed on my lips, my eyes gleamed at the sight. At that moment, I her good. I her non-stop. She screamed, cried, clawed at my back, came two times in a row - forcefully. I ed her hard and fast, letting my anger flow into each and every as I tore her apart from the inside. I made sure to make it unforgettable as I touched, intruded, kissed every inch of her, including the ones that nobody have ever touched. Her cries for help soon turned into shameful moans and groans. She couldn't deny I was doing her good, leaving marks and handprints all over her body.

Now, here she was, and exposed, humiliated, tired, kneeling. She was a mess, begging for mercy and freedom. However, I wouldn't let her go that easily, not after she broke my heart so recklessly. It's my turn to payback. Three steps and I was an arm away from her. She flinched when my hand came in contact with her hair.


"I-I-I-I'm.. Sorry!" She sobbed, sensing my sudden irritation. I smiled sweetly, letting my hand caress her hair slowly, stopping my ministrations on the top of her head and then grabbing a handful of those silky threads. I forced her head backwards, my eyes trailing down to the luscious white, but marked, neck.


"What do I do? I want to you again and again." I growled sarcastically onto her ear, watching as she trembled and shivered under my touch. If I didn't know better, I would say that she was , but those whimpers and tears told otherwise. "Or should I just kill you?"


I wanted to destroy her, to make her beg to be killed, or better yet, make her commit suicide, that way there would be no cops after me. Either way, to see her body laying down on a coffin would probably heal my wounded heart. I didn't know. However, it's better safe than sorry.

My hands slowly trailed towards her neck, fingertips teasing the soft flesh just above , my eyes landing upon the constant act of gulping. Ever so slowly, I racked my nails down, leaving a red trail behind as I descended towards her collarbone. She whimpered silently, a single tear falling from her cheeks. I had seen her cry multiple times ever since I kidnapped her, but nothing, nothing like that ever happened. A single tear, so pure, so devastated. I had driven her to the limit, and I kept on pushing further, watching every ghost of emotion trespassing her desolated face. I broke her. I finally reached my goal. However, why didn't I feel happy about it? Why did I feel like my heart was being ripped off my chest?

I liked to feel her body against mine, to feel her inner warmth around my fingers, to see her arching her back as she cried out during her own . I loved when she clawed my back, pulling me against her body unconsciously, trapping my waist in between her legs. I was dripping. I wanted to feel her heat against mine, her skin pressed on my own, but I couldn't. I had to remember myself about why was I doing this, why did I even bother about her.

She was the one and only that captured my heart, made me feel important and loved, but she was also the one and only to break it into pieces, forcing my denying self to face the reality of falling in love. They say love is magical. They couldn't be more wrong. I was torn apart, devastated and broken by this so-called magical feeling. I felt used. I felt hatred.

I wanted her to feel exactly the same way that I felt, but I noticed I couldn't. I'm not the one she loves. She never meant those three words, she always said it with a smile on her face, as if she's mocking my hopeful and delighted expression. That day my eyes stung with fresh tears, just like at this moment as I wrapped my palms against her neck and watched her eyes go wide. The amount of love turned into hate, I wanted her body just as much as I wanted her dead, I wanted her tears just as much as I wanted her smile. She destroyed my barriers, she forced me to lay bare my feelings in front of her and then she leaned into that er's touch. I hate her.


"I love you." She muttered weakly through sobs and coughs, her face turning into a deep shade of red as air went missing from her brain. Her eyes were forcing themselves to stay open, staring at my watery one's. I was broken, she was broken. 


I reached my goal.






Phew... Idk what came over me to write that...

Maybe I should stop listening to somekind of songs LOL

Anyway, I didn't mention any names here.. *cofcofagaincof*

It's up to your choice...

It's War - MBLAQ gave me the initial push for this and Duality - Slipknot gave the final push ><'''

So yeah....




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Chapter 3: Me encantó, me fascinó, lo ame... leere todas tus historias autor
whitewolf2342 #2
I quite liked this! I love your writing style, I could really feel the emotion in this piece. I liked the way you described the conflicting feelings of being depressed but not wanting to look to depressed. I think you conveyed well the way she was feeling overall. Thank you author! Can't wait to see more, I love your stories!