Chapter 11

A Fangirl's Fairytale


"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Repeat 10 more times..that's how long I suffered those high-pitched fangirl screams. 

"PLEASE stop with those OH MY GOD's Bommie! It's destroying my eardrums!" I said as I throw her one of my pillows I used to cover my ears.

"Can you blame me?! I mean, I just can't believe were gonna be BIGBANG's new manager!" She squeals.

"I don't know Bommie. Doesn't it make you feel like his up to something shady? Offering us to be their manager just like that?! There's ought to be a catch!"

"Aww c'mon Tokki! Don't ruin my FANGIRL FAIRYTALE! I will finally have the chance to be with my Tabi! HOLY CORN I'M GONNA CRY! TISSUE! I NEED A FREAKIN' TISSUE!!!"


Holy mother of corn..she is tearing up!

I gave her a tissue.


" IS exciting.." I said as she looked at me her face filled with happiness. 


"WE'RE BIGBANG's NEW MANAGER!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!" We screamed and hugged each other.






The next day..


"Eventhough were only their manager for a week, still.. this is the BEST DAY of my LIFEEEEE~!!!" I said fangirling.

"I know! God! We are so lucky! We even got their autographs complete with short messages!" Dara squealed.

"HA! I bet if that snooty president could see us right now she'd flip!"

"Her face would be priceless!" We both laugh.


"HI!!! Oh my God It's Youngbae!" I completely forgot that we're now at the same building as BIGBANG!!!

"Listen, sorry about what Jiyong did. Putting you guys in this situation. Our manager suddenly got sick and his doctor advised him to rest for atleast a week."

"No worries! We will do anything for BIGBANG! We are happy to help!" I said as I pumped my fist.

"Haha~ Thank You! Ah yeah, let me get you a rundown of our sched."

"Please Do!"

"Hey Rabbit! Come with me for a sec." Huh. It's Jiyong.

"..but, we have something to do." Dara said tugging my shirt.

"Go tokki! I got this." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Don't keep the Dragon waiting." I said as I pushed her lightly.

"Yah Jiyong! Don't forget it's almost time for our stage." Youngbae called out to him.

"I got it. Be right back." He simply replied.

"Aish. That Jiyong. I wonder what's gotten into him?"

"Huh? What do you mean." I asked.

"He's acting funny yesterday..sending emails non-stop, calling people like there's no tomorrow. His like an FBI agent tracking down a fugitive." Youngbae said while adjusting his sunglasses. 

'Hmm. Fishy~' I said to myself. Maybe I should keep a closer eye on that Dragon. Nothing gets pass the BOMinator!






We entered a small storage room, filled with old music equipments.

"So, what is it?" I asked him.

"Are you a fan of EXO?"

"I'm sorry what?!"

"I asked you if you're a fan of EXO." He said with both of his eyebrows raising.


I let out a soft laugh.


"What's so funny?"

"If i'm not a fan, I would say that you're jealous, Mr. Kwon Jiyong." I said smirking.

"I am jealous.."




I looked at him waiting for a continuation, something like.."..NOT! haha! Maybe in your dreams Rabbit!" or maybe.."Haha! Can't you take a joke?! You should have seen your face!"


But instead, he just looked at me. I admit DEFEAT.
I just can't stand that puppy dog eyes his giving me right now.


"I'm sorry.." I finally said.




"Well, if your really sorry, how about a kiss then?"


OKAY. STOP! WHAT THE F--- DID I JUST HEARD?! Maybe I need to clean my ears when I get home.


He looked at me waiting for a response.


"I-Im warning you Kwon Jiyong, even if you're my idol I will hit you if you make fun of me.." I said to him, trying to act tough.

"Do I look like i'm kidding?"

"W-Well.." I stuttered. "If you're okay with it.." I said blushing like CRAZY!!! OMG!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!!!



He started getting closer..

and closer..

and closer..and closer...








"OW!!! D-Did you just hit me?!" He said holding unto his cheeks. His eyes wide open.

"Waa! Holy Corn! I didn't mean to! I swear!..It's just that, first kiss." DARN IT! So embarassing!!!


He chuckled. "Don't worry Rabbit..I promise I'll be GENTLE...

.....but I'm warning you, if you slap me again..I might get rough." He said his lips.


Today I die..


He came closer again. This time I closed my eyes. (thump) I can feel my heartbeat getting faster (thump, thump!) To other GD stans out there, forgive this WEAK and ERTED fangirl! (thump! thump! thump!)




Eh..on the FOREHEAD?! THAT's IT?!


He looked at me then laughs. "Haha! Oh man! Where do you think I'm gonna kiss you?!"


I was still shocked. Mouth wide open. 


"Sorry Rabbit~ but this lips ain't gonna be easy to get." He said while sticking out his tongue at me.


"ARGH! YOU STUPID DRAGON!!!" I erupted like a volcano.


I chased him out of the room while he continued laughing like a crazed monkey.


"MEHRONG~" He yelled while running for his life. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN RABBIT!!!"

"YAH!!! COMEBACK HERE YOU ERT!!!" I yelled back at him. We ran into the halls like kids playing tag. People did gave us looks, but we didn't care.




A thought came into my mind though...

....Since when did we get so close with each other?







Stop making me fall in love with you. You stupid Dragon..





Waa! SERIOUSLY JIYONG?! ON THE FREAKIN' FOREHEAD?!  (and gosh~ Dara is disappointed, maybe she really want him to kiss her! fufufu~)

(calms down..)

OH! Hey~ Hey~ It's your crazy Author saying HELLO to my NEW SUBSCRIBERS & READERS!

Keep supporting my fanfic! and if you do UPVOTE, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! kkk~ :)


Rejoice CHANDARA shippers~! Your ship is gonna sail on the next chapter! ^^~




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Lette1022 #1
Chapter 25: Please update
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Chapter 19: Forever DARAGON fighting
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Chapter 24: How dare you Jiyong for hurting Dara! More CHANDARA moments then and make him suuppperrrrr jealous that he will regret the day he choose Kiko over Dara! I'm sorry for being rude but I'm really mad! grrr.. Anyways, I'm addicted to this fanfic! Please update soon! :)
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Wtf ji
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Chapter 24: