
There's can't be an us

Seohyun couldn't wait any longer, it was her natal day and she wanted to celebrate it with Hakyeon. Out to go watch fireworks. While she waited for her partner, she notices its pass the meeting time.

"Where is he?", she asks herself impatiently. After a while, she sees a familiar figure, it's Hakyeon.

"Oppa, you're late", she shouts loudly.

"Oh, Mian", I had a busy schedule.

After that awkward conversation, they both headed to find a good spot for the firework event. Seohyun decides to go to the bathroom to touch up her now faded makeup and to release her full bladder.

"I need to go to the bathroom, wait here.", Seohyun said quickly. As Seohyun leaves the ladies room, she notices that Hakyeon is gone.

"Ugh, where is he now?, she said angrily. Seohyun looks around and there she spots him.

"Oppa, where did you go?", she asks him.

"Tadah! I got you this", he placed he's open hands in front of her. A silver necklace with an emerald jewel embedded in it's core laid on his soft palms.

"For me?", she asked confusingly.

"Yup", he said excitedly. Even though Hakyeon was full of joy from her surprised reaction, he still had a disappointed expression plastered on his face.

"Wae?", Seohyun asks him.

"Taeyeon asked me to go to the ferris wheel with her, sorry", he answered her with a sad but flustered expression.

"I really want to go, you know I lik-", she cut him of with a "it's okay, go on", she told him with a faded voice and a forced smile.

- I guess he really prefers Taeyeon over me. There can't be an "Us".- she mumbled as she tried  to fight back the tearst that were threatning to fall. She only wanted to spend the day with him.

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seokhun47 #1
Chapter 1: poor seobaby don't worry N still loves you!
ChocoCaramel #2
Chapter 1: poor seoseo ㅠㅠ