
Say it and I'm Yours.

Mrs. Wu woke up early and prepared breakfast for he family, it was another start of a new week. Mr. Wu already left just a couple of minutes ago to his work- Kris on the other hand went to the kitchen with his hair disheveled.

"Kris-ah can you check if your sister is awake." Mrs. Wu ordered while she flips the egg.

Kris just nodded as he dragged his feet to his sisters room, he knocked a couple of times but no answers so he opened it to see Hana sleeping soundly. He swayed his head and made his way to the side of her bed to wake her up. Hana was just shifting positions and pulling the comforter up to her head.

He kept on shaking her yet Hana was being stubborn "I want to sleep more." she muttered.

"Mom is cooking your favorite breakfast." Kris declared, he always win whenever he brings up food. Hana's ears perked up and her eyes opened, slowly getting up.

"Ok." then she immediately got off her bed to go to the bathroom to get herself ready for school.

Kris grinned and went back to the kitchen telling his Mom about Hana getting ready, Mrs. Wu finished cooking breakfast and she placed it on the table neatly. A plate for Hana, Kris and herself.

Hana went to the kitchen all ready for school wearing her mustard uniform and this time her hair is up in a messy bun. Kris was surprised with the change since Hana's hair was usually down. But he just shrugged it off and ate.

Hana wanted a change, she'd had her hair down ever since she can remember. She wasn't comfortable with having her hair up due to her wide forehead, but since the weather is getting warmer she decided to put it up plus she wants to look different. Something new.

During breakfast the doorbell was ringing, Mrs. Wu got up and opened it and saw LuHan bowing at the elder. Mrs. Wu was surprised, she bowed back and told him to come in.

"What made you come here?" she asked him, who was wearing his uniform a white longsleeve topped off with a mustard vest. He wore his prescription glasses.

Hana looked up as she finished her breakfast to see LuHan, a smile appeared on her lips.

"I came here to pick up Hana, since we go to the same school." he said shyly.

Kris was observing LuHan *Oh god.. Please don't tell me LuHan likes my sister.*

Then he stared at Hana who was still smiling at LuHan, her focus was on him *Andwae!! LuHan falls too easily with anyone, and I'm sure Hana is just going to get hurt.. I know LuHan too well.* the older brother thought to himself.



"You have a korean drivers license?" Hana asked him while LuHan was driving his black Kia K900.

LuHan who had his focus on the road shook his head "I currently have an internation drivers license, but I'll be getting my korean license soon."

"You look really cool driving." Hana said, her perspective towards LuHan totally changed ever since they went out to the arcade. She thought he was mean, but he isn't. He's a total sweetheart, he's basically the guy next door.

LuHan chuckled.

They arrived at school and LuHan made a halt in the student parking lot, he stopped the engine and grabbed his keys and the two went out off the car.

All eyes were on them when they were walking together inside the school, Hana gulped.

LuHan saw how Hana was behaving "I should go, better go to my class now."

Hana nodded "Thanks for the ride."

The whispers died down when LuHan left, yet glares were still striked at her. 

Mark on the other hand just arrived at school and was already hearing rumors regarding Hana, her coming out of LuHan's car. His brows knitted and he started to look for Hana. He scanned the hallway when he saw her just by her locker, he walked towards her and leaned on the locker.

As Hana closed it, she was surprised to see Mark.

"Mark-ssi! What are you doing here?" she asked oh so politely that it makes Mark cringe, since she's too formal.

"You were with LuHan" he said, which made him sound like a jealous boyfriend although they're not even in a relationship. They're probably just classmates as far as their label.

Hana nodded her head "He gave me a ride to school, I guess rumors spread like wildfire eh."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll die soon."

"I wish." 

The two started to walk to their first class, which was fortunate since Mark and Hana had the same class.

"By the way, the presentation for the principal is this Friday. Do you have it finished?" he asked her.

Hana's eyes widened "Omo.. Omo... How can I forget? I'll see you later Mark-ssi.." then she ran away.

"What was that." Mark was staring at her running figure.



Mark got to his class and soon it was filled with students except for Hana.

He was wondering where she was, why did she suddenly leave him. Class started and he couldn't keep his focus since he was thinking where Hana is.

Mark raised his hands and the teacher called him "Yes Mr. Tuan?"

"Can I be excused to the bathroom." he said

The teacher sighed and nodded, Mark immediately grabbed his bag and left the class without even coming back. He was scanning the hallway and even the library, but unfortunately Hana wasn't found.

He was walking his way to the back of the school, where the garden is located when one of his bestfriend Yugyeom stopped him.

"Hyung, where are you going?"

Mark for once didn't want to speak with his bestfriend but he had to "I'm looking for someone." he said.

Yugyeom raised a brow "And is this someone... Hana?"

"Yeah." Mark admitted.

"Ok I'll leave you for now." he waved at him and left.

Mark saw a figure sitting down with her books open and she was dilligently doing her work, he smiled at her. He walked up to her and to his dismay she ignored him because she's too focused on her work.

"Hana!" he called her.

Hana slowly looked up and was surprised "Mark-ssi what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you obviously." 

She scratched the back of her head and smiled "Hehehe- why?"

"Because.. I was wondering why you suddenly left like that plus you weren't in class."

Mark continued "I was worried." he confessed.

Hana shook her hand in front of her indicating that he doesn't have to worry about anything "I'm fine Mark-ssi, you should get back to class. I'm gonna stay here till later, I still need to finish my presentation for the principal."

Mark didn't obliged and sat down beside her, grabbing her notebook and pencil and started jotting notes down and organizing them.

"What are you doing?" 

"Helping you out dummy." he poked her forehead with the pencil and Hana groaned rubbing her forehead, glaring at him. Mark just chuckled and he continued.

"You don't have to do that for me." she tried grabbing the pencil away from him, but Mark took the opportunity and grabbed her hand.

"I want to." he said with sincere.

"Thank you." Hana muttered, he stared at her and continued.



Hana and Mark came out of the garden with everything completed, Hana wouldn't stop saying how grateful she was because he helped her out.

"See if I didn't come you wouldn't finish."

Hana pouted.

"Never knew the Hana who's first in everything is a procrastinator." Mark teased.

Hana glared at him "This is the first time ok. I was just busy with family stuff."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say."

The two were now walking back inside the school when LuHan suddenly came running to Hana, she smiled at the guy and they were now having a conversation.

"I didn't see you the whole morning." LuHana said.

Hana was smiling widely "Well, I was finishing up my presentation notes for the principal."

Mark who was behind them was rolling his eyes *Tskkk. I was the one who helped her finished it... Apsshhh* he continued to roll his eyes at whatever the two were talking about.

Hana turned to Mark "Mark-ssi, I'm going now. Thank by the way for helping me out." she showed her notebook and left with LuHan without even him having a say if she could leave or not.

"Aish... Did she just leave me." Mark talked to himself.

Mark was on his way to his locker when he was stopped by his bestfriend Jackson "I heard from Yugyeom you were with Hana the whole morning." 

He nodded "I was helping her for the presentation."

Jackson shook his head "What happened to bringing her down? What happened to hating on Miss. Number one? What happened to making her fall for you? Or is this one of your method?"

Mark gulped since he already stopped the whole scheme a long time ago because of what happened, he doesn't want to see Hana hurt afterall he knows her weakness and he's afraid that she might pass out and cause trouble.

"Actually.. I'm not going to hurt her, I don't want her-"

Jackson cut him off "What? Mark, I thought-"

"That's what I thought too but I just can't. She's too fragile, I just can't hurt her. Yes grades do matter to me, but if I want to be at the top I should work hard for it and not play like this." he argued back.

"Dude... I think you like her."

Mark thought about it *Do I like Hana? But I don't feel any flutters but I do get this feeling whenever she's around that new kid. But aish.... I don't know.*

"I don't think so. I just want to play fair, it doesn't mean I like her... Me being nice to her doesn't mean anything. I'm just being a good citizen."

Jackson laughed "Whatever you say, let's go."



Thanks for those who waited for my update!! xoxoxo, love you tons!! Comment & Subscribe please..

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LynTheRetard #1
Chapter 17: Oh my yaaasss! *heart eyes all over* do update please! Hehe
Chapter 17: im glad hana and mark made up and that kris knows luhan true colors!
starlight_ayra #3
Chapter 17: I felt bad for luhan but he deserve it...*oakwood* bye
Kris143 #4
Chapter 17: youngjae and his english
Kris143 #5
Chapter 15: can i say this? LUHAN IS THE BIGGEST JERK HERE!
Goldie #6
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaaaaaaa totally ship them together ahhhh
14 streak #7
Chapter 17: Omg they are the cutest couple ever!!!! But i feel bad for luhan.. but he deserves it
Micassie #8
Chapter 17: KYAAAAAAAAA! My MarkHana feels are tingling omg
Micassie #9
Chapter 16: yehet! MarkHana pairing is legit once again! xD Galaxy boy, you deserve a medal for punching Luhan. huehue

can't wait for the next~
katcha #10
Chapter 16: Yeahhh kris! Thank u. For punching Luhan face!! Luhan is so selfish. If he really likes her he would be happy seeing Hana Being Happy! YESHHH Team Mark and Hana !! Lolololo