
Say it and I'm Yours.

Hana woke up super early on a weekend which surprised her parents and her older brother, she went to the kitchen and greeted everyone with a goodmorning and her charming smile.

"Going anywhere?" Kris asked, since Hana was wearing a peach chiffon top along with white high-waisted shorts.

Hana suppressed her smile "Yeah." she answered simply, Kris was dissatisfied with the way she answered so he bombarded her with more questions.

"With who?" 

Hana was about to put a spoonful of cereal inside when he asked questions regarding her attire and who she's going with "Look oppa, I'm just going out with a friend."

Kris raised his thick brows "A girl or a guy?"

She let out a sigh "Why does it matter to you?"

"Of course it should matter to me, because my dongsaeng is going out looking so pretty."

Hana rolled her eyes and actually ate the spoonful of cereal "Stop smooth talking to me."

Kris chuckled "Arasso, do you need a ride?"

Hana shook her head "No need." she talked while she had cereal in , Kris scrunched up his nose at the view. She's very pretty and demured but the way she eats she's like a man.

Hana looked at her watch and she stood up "I have to go. Bye." she peck her brother's cheek and her parents.

"Come home early okay, and you can bring your friend over for dinner or something. Bye." her Mom said.

"Ok!" Hana shouted back while putting on her flats.



Hana saw Mark sitting on the bench just outside the mall, she skipped her way towards him. When Mark saw her figure, he was absolutely stunned in how gorgeous she looks. She looks 10x better than she already is.

"Mark-ssi, you really came." she smiled at him.

Mark cleared his throat "Yeah, since you're treating me for a scrumptous meal."

"Mhm. Let's go." she said too enthusiastically.

The two went inside the mall and were just window shopping, checking each stores for their pleasure. Hana on the other hand was just browsing through racks of clothes, while Mark went to the accessory place without Hana knowing.

"What can I do for you?" the man in his mid 30's asked.

Mark was looking through the jewelry that was out and he saw a sterling silver necklace that was unique. It was a heart shape pendant with a star inside it.

"Can I see that one." Mark pointed at it.

The man nodded and took it out, carefully handing it to him.

Mark took it and examined it, he gave it back to the man.

"I'd like to get it." he said, taking out his wallet from his back pocket.

The man smiled widely "Is this for your girlfriend?" he asked Mark.

Mark bit his lip sorta blushing and nodded "Wow, you have a very lucky girlfriend young man."

The man packed the necklace into a black velvet box and Mark paid using his card, but before Mark could go back to Hana the man stopped him.

"Since you're my first customer. I'm giving you this." he handed Mark a pair of plain silver bracelet.

Mark had a questioning look.

"Thats for you and your girlfriend, it may seem plain but you'll see the beauty of how sturdy it is. And hopefully your relationship with her is like this bracelet." he smiled at Mark.

Mark gladly took it and bowed to the man thanking him.



Hana frowned, the two were now sitting down in the fast food area "How can you just leave me alone?"


Hana shrugged "Whatever. Let's go, I'll buy you something to eat since I promised. Plus you helped me a bunch of times and you deserve something yummy. Let's go."

"We're not eating here in the mall?" Mark asked.

Hana shook her head, she grabbed Mark by his wrist and pulled him "There's something better."



"Hana-ah, is that you?" an old ahjumma welcomed Hana with a tight hug.

Hana's smile was from one ear to the other "Ne. Ahjumma, I miss you so much. I'm sorry for not visiting often." she said to the old lady.

The old lady smiled "I'm glad you came.. Oh who's that young man with you? Your boyfriend?" the ahjumma teased, Hana blushed and shook her head.

"Aniyo, just a friend." she explained.

The ahjumma giggled "Go and take a seat, I'll bring out your favorite soup and rice. Be right back." she sang and went back to the kitchen.

"This is my favorite restaurant, I know it seems to unclassy but this is where I basically ate all the time when I used to be in the orphan. That ahjumma a while ago, she treated me like her own daughter." she explained to Mark.

Mark nodded "You were living in this type of area?" he asked.

"Yeah, this was my childhood." Hana nodded.

The ahjumma came out with bowls of rice and soups, plus some side dishes. A bunch of them to be exact.

"Omo. Are you trying to make me fat ahjumma?" Hana asked playfully.

The ahjumma nodded "Ne, since you don't come here often. I'll feed you a lot."

Hana giggled, Mark saw the interaction she had with the ahjumma and his heart softened even more in regards with Hana's character.

"Young man quit staring and eat." the ahjumma clapped her hands in front of Mark.

Mark snapped out of his thoughts and ate "Thank you for the food." he said and dived in with his chopstick and spoon.

"This is yummy." Mark complimented.

The ahjumma smiled "I'm glad you think so, if you need anything else just call me." then she left.

"See. I told you eating here is much better than fast food." Hana retorted.

Mark nodded "I agree."



The two just finished their second bowl of rice and soup, when a tall young man in his late teens came in the restaurant and his eyes that were already wide became even wider.

"Hana-ah?" he questioned in a deep voice.

Hana's ear perked up from the familiar voice, she looked up to see her Oppa. She squealed and got up from her chair running towards him and enveloping him into a tight hug.

"Oppa, I miss you!!" she was almost in tears when he stopped her by cupping her cheeks.

"Remember Oppa doesn't like seeing you sad." he said, Hana nodded.

Mark on the other hand was surprised, he saw how the guy was hugging Hana and he felt this uncomfortable feeling in him again. It was the same feeling with Luhan and Hana, when he sees them together. Mar coughed loudly to get their attention.

Hana looked back and she bit back her laugh "Oppa, come and I'll introduce you to someone." she pulled him with her in front of Mark.

"Is he your boyfriend?" the guy asked.

"Why do you guys keep thinking he's my boyfriend, he's not okay." Hana crossed her arms, the guy chuckled and pinched Hana's cheeks "You're such a cutie."

Mark felt uncomfortable.

"Mark-ssi, this is Chanyeol Oppa.-"

"Oppa, this is Mark. My classmate." she introduced.

Mark stood up and brought his hands out, Chanyeol shook it "Nice to meet you. I'm Hana's orphan Oppa." he said.

"Mark Tuan."

Chanyeol was sensing the tense air and he thought of an idea "Mark-ssi, do you mind if I take Hana with me for a while?"

Mark bit his inner cheek and puffed a breath then shrugged "Whatever, I'll just stay here."



"Yeollie Oppa, why did you drag me out?" she asked him.

Chanyeol laughed "Did you see the way he was staring at us, envy is written all over his face."

Hana looked at her Oppa with a funny look "You made him furious that's why."

"Nu-uh, he's probably jealous. So jealous that he wants to punch me."



"I want to punch that tall wide eyes freak." Mark muttered under his breath.

The ahjumma who was cleaning the table looked at Mark, she went near him.

"Are you okay?" the ahjumma asked.

"Aniyo!!" Mark roared, causing the ahjumma to jump back a bit. Then Mark realized that it was the ahjumma who asked him. He smiled "Heheh. Sorry, I meant. Aniyo, I'm not just okay but fantastic."

The ahjumma laughed "Is this because of Chanyeol and Hana?"

Mark rolled his eyes, the ahjumma sense his jealousy. She sat down.

"Chanyeol and Hana has been friends since I could even remember, probably ever since Chanyeol came in the orphan. And they would always come here together to eat and play." the ahjumma explained.

"Chanyeol had a crush on Hana-"

"MWO?" Mark immediately stood up and left the restaurant, looking for the two.

The ahjumma laughed "Past tense.. Had. Chanyeol has a girlfriend now." she continued cleaning the tables.



"Oppa, why didn't you tell me that you have a girlfriend? When can I meet her?" she asked him, the two were sitting on the swings, as for Chanyeol with long legs he was having a hard time trying to sit comfortable.

Chanyeol shrugged "We lost contact, plus you barely come to this area anymore." he pouted.

Hana tsked "I emailed you and you didn't email me back, how could you."

"Oh that email. Hehehe, I lost the password so I don't use that anymore.." Chanyeol scratched the back of his head.

"Whatever Oppa." the two were laughing, and Mark's running figure came to a stop when he saw the two playing tickling fight with one another in the field.

There goes the uncomfortable and funny feeling that Mark felt when he sees Hana with another guy.

Mark stomped his way towards the two "Hana-ssi, let's go." he grabbed her wrist.

Hana was surprised "Mark-ssi."

Chanyeol raised his brows and continued to play with him "Mark-ssi, what's wrong? Hana and I were just playing."

Mark's eyes twitched "We have to go."

Hana frowned "Arasso. Goodbye Oppa, I'll see you again." she was about to hug him when Mark pulled her away.

Chanyeol chuckled "See ya baby girl."

Mark glared at Chanyeol and the two left.



"Why did you drag me away from Oppa?" Hana asked with arms cross.

"Because... Because-" Mark didn't know how to answer her question.

"Because?" Hana was waiting for answer.

Mark ruffled his auburn hair "Aisshhh. Let's just go, I'll drop you home."

Hana's lips turned into a pout as she followed the annoyed Mark, he was kicking a pebble while walking to the bus stop. Hana was just beside her sighing.

Mark kept hearing her sighs, so he stopped in his tracks and turned to her "Hana-ssi, what's with the sigh?" he asked her.

Hana shrugged "I don't know, I'm tired.." 

The sun was still out shining brightly, Mark bent down in front of Hana "Hop on." he said in a cool tone.

Hana was surprised, Mark looked back "Come and hop on, didn't you say you were tired." he said with a grin.

She went on his back and Mark stood up grabbing her legs carefully "Don't worry I won't drop you." he said, then started walking to the bus stop.

Hana's arms were encircled around his neck, her heart was beating quite different today, she's also blushing but Hana was thankful that Mark couldn't see it or else he'll question her.

"Do you want to come over for dinner?" Hana asked out of the blue.

Mark kept on walking though then answered "I don't think-"

"My Mom told me to invite you." Hana cut him off.

"M-Mwo?" Mark stuttered.

Hana rested her head on his shoulder "Mhm, so dinner?" she mumbled.

Mark sighed "Okay." he tried checking on Hana with the corner of his eyes and saw her already sleeping. He smirked and continued to walk to the bus stop.



"Omma, Appa, Oppa!! I'm home!!" Hana shouted, removing her shoes along with Mark who was reviewing the house. Hana pulled him with her and made him sit down on the black leather couch and told him to stay still.

Hana went inside her parents room and they were nowhere found, she also went to her brother's room and he wasn't there.

She grabbed her phone and called Kris.

"Oppa where are you?" she asked.

Kris chuckled "Miss me already?" he joked.

Hana rolled her eyes although he can't see her "Obviously not, I'm just asking cause I'm already here along with my friend. Whom Mom wants to have dinner with."

"Ahhh I see, Mom and Dad were out grocery shopping for dinner and I'm out with Luhan. Should I invite him over?" he asked.

"Aniyo... No need." she said immediately, because she sorta feels the tension between Mark and Luhan and she doesn't want them to argue nor fight in front of her parents plus Kris because her parents will shut them out of her life and she can't risk to lose friends.

Kris sighed "Why not? Luhan's a close family friend, let's invite him."

Hana's brows were not furrowed "Probably next time Oppa, it's better if he's with his family. Today it's just us four plus my friend. Arasso?"

"Ok ok, I'll be home soon. Don't cause any ruckus ok?"

Hana giggled "I can't promise you that." then she hunged up.



"Let's watch a movie first?" Hana asked coming out of her brother's room with a dvd on her hand, Mark shrugged.

Hana bent down in front of the movie and the dvd player, plopping on a disney movie. Mark chuckled because he has never watched a disney movie his entire life.

"Why are we watching frozen?" Mark asked.

Hana looked at him blankly "What's wrong with watching frozen? It's an awesome movie, this is my fifth time watching it." she boasted.

"So why are we watching it if you already watched it a bunch of times"

"Because, you can't marry a man you just met." she spoke and the movie started.

Mark laughed lightly, Hana dimmed out the lights and plopped herself beside Mark. He was surprised all throughout the day because of Hana's actions, he still remembers that he needs to give her the necklace and the bracelet.

It was part in the movie when Hanz and Anna were singing 'Love is an open door' Hana was singing along and Mark had to bit back his laughter.

"You'll hate him later in the movie, you feel like you've been betrayed." Hana said.

Mark raised his brows "Why so?"

"Because... Just watch."



"Aish that stupid bastard, I knew it all along that he's just playing with her." Mark ranted.

Hana chuckled at his outburst "See, I told you.. What a jerk eh?"

Mark nodded "He just used her... What an a-"

"Yah! No swearing in the household." all the lights and it was Kris standing just by the door, Hana's eyes widened. She immediately stood up and went up to him.

"Oppa, that's my friend. Mark Tuan." she said.

Kris examined Mark, he was wearing navy jeans and a white tribal shirt. His auburn hair was tousled, Mark gave him a cheeky smile and brought his hands out for a handshake. Kris ignored it causing Hana and Mark to be surprised, he walked passed him and went to the kitchen.

"Oppa!!" Hana whined, following him. Mark gulped so he just sat down starting to feel uncomfortable.

Kris turned to Hana, while he gets himself a bottle of water "How can you ignore him." she half-shouted at him. Kris raised his brows "I thought it was a girl." he said.

"Why? Is it bad if I have a guy friends?" she asked

Kris shrugged "I don't like him." he bluntly spoke.

"Mwo? B-But-"

Kris shrugged for nth time "Sorry dongsaeng, I don't think he's allowed for dinner tonight."

Hana glared at him and she stopped her feet away from the kitchen going back to the living room, seeing Mark fidgeting. She sighed "Sorry about my brother's behavior, he can be a jerk sometimes. Especially you're someone new." she explained.

Mark stood up "I better go, thanks for the invite. And thanks for the lunch." he was about to leave when Kris entered the living room.

"Mark Tuan, you can stay." Kris spoked formally.

Mark gulped and turned around "M-Mwo?"

"I don't want to repeat myself, for my sisters sake.. Stay for dinner tonight, will you?"

Mark slowly nodded.



Kris went to his room chuckling while taking off his sweater "What a loser." he muttered under his breath.

"He has to go through me first before he gets to my dongsaeng." he was talking to himself.

Mark and Hana were seated in the black leather couch "I'm really sorry about my brother, he's such an ." Hana said, which surprised Mark because of the vulgarity in her words.

Hana smiled at him "Don't worry he'll loosen up soon, it's just he expected me to bring a girl at first and not a guy. He's over protective." she explained.

"I'm sure your dad's reaction is going to be 10x worse that his, am I right?" Mark asked.

Hana bit her lip "Ne."

Mark sighed "Why did you even invite me? I'm not ready for a beating." he whined pulling his hair.

"No no.. Please don't be afraid, they're not going to hurt you. They're just going to bombard you with a bunch of questions, since they're really over protective when it comes to me."




The doors opened and it was Mr and Mrs. Wu. Hana came towards her parents and gave them hugs and kisses. Kris came and he also did the same.

"Omma, Appa! This is my friend Mark Tuan." she introduced.

Mr. Wu examined the young man in front of him, Mark looked at Mr. Wu and he felt intimidated.

Mark bowed politely at the elders "Hello, my name is Mark Tuan. I'm Hana's-"

Mr. Wu passed by him causing Hana to gaped, Kris chuckled and he followed his Dad. Mrs. Wu bit her lip and she smiled at the fellow "Mark-ssi right?"

Mark nodded.

"Don't worry about my son and my husband, their just jerks. Come on and help me cook dinner." she said handing him the bag of groceries.

Mark softened because of Hana's Mom being so kind unlike the father and son.

"Mark-ssi, can you cut up this carrots for me?" Mrs. Wu asked kindly, Mark took the carrots from her and started to cut them up into pieces.

Mrs. Wu smiled "And you Hana, go and peel these potatoes." she handed her a bag of potatoes.

"I just need 5." she said, Hana nodded and she was standing beside Mark who was dilligently cutting the carrots.

Mr. Wu and Kris were examining Mark behind the walls.

"Do you think he likes our Hana?" Mr. Wu asked Kris.

Kris placed his fingers on his chin "I think so, he wouldn't come over for dinner and cut those carrots if he didn't." Kris said.

"But what if he's just a free loader." Mr. Wu spoke back.

Kris shook his head "Why would he be a free loader? He's rich enough to not be one, Tuan's are quite the last name. Searched it up, they have a few business here in Korea plus in California and China."

"Rich." the two men muttered under their breath.



"Dinners ready!!" Mrs. Wu shouted, placing the pot on the dining table.

Kris sat down "Curry, my favorite!" he said.

The five were now sitting around the dining table, Mark was sitting beside Hana.

"Mark-ssi, tell me something about yourself." Mrs. Wu started.

Mark cleared his throat "Well, I'm a highschool student only 17 years old. I live by myself in an apartment." he said which caused the elders in surprised.

"M-Mwo? Alone?" Mr. Wu choked.

Mark nodded slowly "Ne, ever since last year." he said honestly.

"Why?" Mrs. Wu asked.

Mark sighed "My parenst are busy, my Mom is in California while my Dad is in China handling the business. They have no time to actually be here in Korea."

"So you're saying you don't speak to your parents?"

Mark nodded "Ne"

Mrs. Wu softened at the young fellow in front of her "Omona, call me Mom okay and call him Dad. You can think of us a family, I don't mind." she said.

Mark's eyes widened and so did Mr. Wu and Kris.

"Call me Mom." Mrs. Wu smiled at him.

Hana looked at her Mom "Omma, don't." she said.

Mark grabbed Hana's hand and squeezed it, reassuring her that it's okay "Ne, Omma!" he spoke.

Mrs. Wu clapped her hands "I like that!!"



It was getting late when it started to pour, Hana looked out the window "Omo, it's raining." she pointed out.

Mark hissed under his breath because he's going to get wet going home, Mrs. Wu came in the living room and saw the state outside. She looked at Mark "You can stay here over night, you can sleep with Kris." she said.

"No, I don't want to be a bother. I'll just hail a cab." Mark declined the offer.

Mrs. Wu shook her head "Please stay, you might get sick. There's no one who'll take care of you. I'm sure my son won't mind sharing a room, he's been wanting a brother ever since. So stay here over night, the sky looks like it'll be crying for a long time." then she left the living room.

Hana bit her lip "Sorry, but my Mom is right. You should stay here overnight. I don't want you to get wet and get sick afterwards." she said softly at him.

"I'm sleeping with your brother though." Mark said sorta afraid because her brother might punch him to death while he sleeps.

Hana giggled "Don't worry about my brother, I'll go speak to him."



"You're asking me to behave?" Kris asked surprised.

Hana nodded "Yes, just for tonight. My friend Mark is afraid because of you, you're giving him such bad first impression. Lighten up, please! For me!" she pleaded.

Kris sighed "Arasso, for my dongsaeng!" he ruffled her hair.

"By the way, can you lend him some pajamas?" Hana asked.

Kris groaned then nodded "Arasso arasso." then Hana left the room, going back to Mark in the living room who was sitting still as if he's a statue.

"My brother is cool about it, I spoke to him. He'll lend you some pajama. So go."

Mark was about to go to Kris' room when he stopped and turned to Hana "Thank you by the way, you've done a lot today." he said.

Hana smiled at him "No problem, I owed you one anyways. Good night."



Hana got to her room, all fresh and ready for bed when she saw a black velvet box on top of her bed. She walked towards it and grabbed it, she slowly opened the box and saw the heart shape pendant with a star inside it plus the plain silver bracelet, her heart thumped even more when she saw a sticky note written by Mark.

You're not flashy but you softly glow

Like the moon in the night sky

Like the flowers in the field

You seem plain but you're special

Like a gem that can be seen to people who know.

Hana smiled widely, she placed the necklace and the bracelet near her chest and she realized that he's the one.




how is it? i hope this is long enough, i tried... lol, please look forward to the future chapters!!

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LynTheRetard #1
Chapter 17: Oh my yaaasss! *heart eyes all over* do update please! Hehe
Chapter 17: im glad hana and mark made up and that kris knows luhan true colors!
starlight_ayra #3
Chapter 17: I felt bad for luhan but he deserve it...*oakwood* bye
Kris143 #4
Chapter 17: youngjae and his english
Kris143 #5
Chapter 15: can i say this? LUHAN IS THE BIGGEST JERK HERE!
Goldie #6
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaaaaaaa totally ship them together ahhhh
14 streak #7
Chapter 17: Omg they are the cutest couple ever!!!! But i feel bad for luhan.. but he deserves it
Micassie #8
Chapter 17: KYAAAAAAAAA! My MarkHana feels are tingling omg
Micassie #9
Chapter 16: yehet! MarkHana pairing is legit once again! xD Galaxy boy, you deserve a medal for punching Luhan. huehue

can't wait for the next~
katcha #10
Chapter 16: Yeahhh kris! Thank u. For punching Luhan face!! Luhan is so selfish. If he really likes her he would be happy seeing Hana Being Happy! YESHHH Team Mark and Hana !! Lolololo