a letter to someone special.

it's the journey.

Dear aoza sunbae,

If any of you read the foreword, you'd know that I wrote this especially for you, aoza sunbae. Which is why this is so special. So first off I wanted to say this: You probably didn't expect this, did you? Haha, I'm just kidding, but I told you, you'd get a horrible gift soon. Everyone knows, EVERYONE, that you're THE ChangYoon writer, everyone knows that. I secretly stalk every fic of yours, except for the newer ones, I'm really behind at the moment, so I don't even know what's going wrong with my commenting skills. But during 2010-2011, my saving comments have never got the chance to be edited/rambled upon. So I want to say I'm sorry. More sorry than I am for spamming your wall. It was all for a good reason, it's like having a surprise birthday party right? I apologize if you're going to DELETE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM because of me, I would too.

I also want to apologize for something. Mostly just writing this, I know I'm not a great writer. I apologize for it not being amazing as withoutchange (I PRATICALLY CALL WAR ON MYSELF WHEN I READ HER WORKS), nor do I make anything sound truly amazing, or touching or simple, I just write. So I'm sorry if it's not on your like like list, at all. I just wrote it with complete sincerity, I hope you know that. So yeah, I'll apologize for my writing skills that aren't up to par as the writers on livejournal. I hope you get something better than this piece of crap, I really do. /kicks can to the curb.

But, this isn't all about apologizing. That would if it was. But I also want to thank you, thank you for supporting all my ChangYoon one-shots on livejournal. Majority of the time I'd write some ChangYoon and I'd only get one comment, anything else, it got none. Once again, I wanna thank you for supporting me. It's stupid to type it out, but it's something I just want to type to my content, without proofreading and just typing it out as it is. And for some odd reason, you'd always come back and comment for some ChangYoon, it's an odd thing when you know someone is only commenting because of the pairing, but whatever. Again, thank you so much for supporting me, I don't know how I could get through my time of depression with writing without you around. You're probably the only sunbae who'll give me some hope even if it's only a sentence long comment. No matter, it's still a comment from you and that's all that counts.

I don't know what I'm typing anymore, it's afternoon there at the moment and almost time for my bedtime over here, so if I don't make sense it's because I'm falling for that 10 PM spell. I really REALLY want to thank you for pimping my fic, yo. I fangirled, real hard, but you already knew that, didn't you? I was so surprised that you said I was a good writer at the time, I felt a bag of encouragement drizzled on me or something of that sort. It was like when you posted that ChangYoon one-shot of mine on tumblr and added a little aoza note, make me all fangirly again. Seriously, you're just that high on my favorite writer list. I'm becoming too Lolli at the moment, forgive me. It's always so surprising to know that authors you READ actually want to read your stories, so I was happily surprised to see all this. I think my goal as a writer was or still is, is to get a really long comment from you, as insane as it sounds, for some reason it's still there as a goal written proof of it here. I'm faintly insane at the moment so ignore it, if you want.

What's more amazing? Hmm, I'm the third person on "A Perfect Day for a Love Declaration." for your PM LIST, MISSION ACCOMPLISH. As time went on for that fic, my comments became more and more longer/rambles, did you notice that? I didn't notice that until I backtracked. It really surprised me, I came from a one sentence commenter to someone who'd go fangirl on your fics, that might be bad though. I hope you really like those comments though, I feel as though they could have been better in making you smile. I wish to keep you smiling when I troll comment on your fics in the future. I want them to be those unforgettable things when you go back to read things, and you'll remember that pink reviewer who always wrote you a long time to write you those comments and write questions that you never answered. COUGHCOUGH, WHY IS THAT!?

But really, all in all, I really just wanted to say thank you so much. Thank you for writing, thank you for supporting those younger generation kids who try to write ChangYoon and fail (COUGHMECOUGH), thank you for bringing ChangYoon, thank you for a lot of things, all the simple things you do, all the big things you do when it comes to writing, I want to say thank you. Thank you so much. Nikka, you probably have better hoobaes than me, like Candy. I might be the most horrible hoobae ever with the trolling, the spamming, the fangirling, man. But I want to say thank you. Thank you so much. I could go on with this thanking, but I'd be up until three in the morning and that would be bad. But today, today, on the 20th or the 19th or whatever the day it is today. As my own birthday gift to you, or your early 1st AFF anniversary, I dedicate this one-shot, this letter to you.

"I wasn’t able to do anything for you, So I thank you thank you thank you."


Yours Truly, Sincerely, Lovingly, that fangirl who's always going crazy in the background,



P.S. Happy early 1st anniversary. DAMN THIS FORMATTING SYSTEM. Anyways, yeah. I love you lots aoza sunbae.

P.P.S. I WISH I GOT THIS DONE BETTER. This also has not been proofread or edited, so. EFF. Yeah....


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jonginyo #1
omg rly like it!
cheysa_deer #2
Chapter 2: I love it. Thanks author nim :-)
I've never been the type to leave long comments. Even when I really like something, I don't feel the need to say any more than I can in a few sentences. But I understand how you feel about wanting to know what people about the things you write about... I know I have days where I wish people would get off their high horse and check out the pairings they didn't like or think about before. They might get surprised, you know? ^^ The point of reading is to try something new and get transported into a whole different world.<br />
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I don't answer your questions because I am a boss like that. XD That and I'm lazy to answer questions, lol. And I comment on your fics because I know you try so hard and I love that because it means you really want to get better. It happens that I tend to comment only when I see Yoona or Changmin's name but everyone's biased so I suppose it's an excuse.<br />
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I'm writing you a long comment now because you deserve it, but to get one in a oneshot or work... you'll just have to work harder. Use this as a motivation to do better. I remember writing and having no one care about it - but I persevered and eventually people started to notice and I'm sure it'll happen to you too. ♥ Have faith, Alissa. You have talent, you have a voice... you just don't know how to fully pull it out yet but you will! Just keep reading and writing, and I promise you you'll reach your goal.<br />
<br />
I truly love this gift, dear. I really do. ♥<br />
<br />
xoxo, Nikka
This is absolutely gorgeous. I did not expect this at all. This could very well be the best 1st anniversary gift anyone has given me. Thank you, Lolli. You don't know how much this means to me. :D
IM spazzing on your wall :D<br />
hey, maybe i do spazz in a fairy fangirl wayy? :o<br />
oh.. well :)<br />
<3 ... ... .... .............................. hahha changyoon <3
@MC: A little bit of both.<br />
Updated.<br />
<br />
@Fatima: Yeah, it's not that great.
oohh.. sounds good :)
1380MC #8
interesting. real life or alternative?<br />
update soon please.