Chapter One

You Who Came From Mato Planet ❤

I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I've been quite busy lately.

TBH, I didn't write this fanfic before hand so, I'll be couting step by step. 

Once again, I'm truely sorry for this >-<

6.45 AM

"Miss, please wake up you're going to be late if you're not up by 7."

"Yeah.... I'll just sleep for another 5 minutes. Stop bothering me..."

"Alright, I'll get your breakfast ready and will be back within 10 minutes."


6.55 AM

"Miss, please wake up now, your brother's waiting for you at the dining table"


"It's alright ahjumma, just let her sleep, don't bother about her."

-Younghee’s (YOU) POV-

7.25 AM

"Hmmmm.... this dream was awesome hehehe" I smiled as I got up from my lying position to sitting position on my bed stretching. I glanced over my shoulder to find out the time on my alarm clock.

"DAMN ! IT'S ALREADY 7.30?! WHAT ON EARTH...." I yelled as soon as I saw the time on my alarm clock. Gosh, I can' believe Miss Jo (our maid) didn't wake me up! I'm going to complain to my parents and get her fired! 

I rushed out of my bedroom to my brother's bedroom only to be greeted by air. I can't believe this idiot actually leaves me and went to school alone. How dare him. I've always waited for him before going to school even if he's late. He's so going to get it from me.

After washing up, I quickly put on my uniform, slip in my shoes and was about to rush out when my maid greeted me. "Good Morning miss, you're finally awake. Please have your breakfast before going to school" What? Have my breakfast before going to school? I'm dead late now because of you. "No there's no need. I'm going to be late. You should have waked me up before 7!" I yelled before rushing off to school with an empty stomach. 

“I hate traffics” I’ve been sitting in the car for like 20 plus minutes and we’re just half way getting there. “I’m so hungry” I whined earning a look from my dear Chauffeur. “We had asked you to eat before coming out but you insist not too” he said concentrating on the road ahead “I know. But I’m hungry…”




Soon after listening to all my complains about how hungry I am, we finally reached school. Coming out from the car, I saw my stupid brother grinning happily at me. I can’t help but I was raging so, without thinking twice, I took off my shoes and threw it aimlessly at my brother which came in contact with his precious face. I can’t help but to laugh out loudly causing people to be staring at us. “YOUR REACTION WAS SO PRICELESS YOO YOUNGJAE!!” I cried out “YAH YOO YOUNGHEE! HOW DARE YOU THROW YOUR SHOES AT YOUR OWN BROTHER?! ARE YOU EVEN A GIRL?!” he yelled at me feeling slightly embarrassed. “Hey, LOOK you left me and just went to school alone you idiot. You deserve that!” I said walking beside him “Hey, I thought you were tired so I gave you some extra sleep” he said while checking out some girls “Yeah, that’s really good of you, you made me came to school SO early my BYUNTAE OPPA” I said sarcastically  “I’m not byuntae okay my dear princess, I’m just doing what other guys do too. After all, I’m a guy and look what I’ve got here” he said taking out a lunch box “I’ve brought you your breakfast!” he said sweetly. I can’t help but to smile at him, how can my brother be this sweet and also an at the same time? Oh you have no idea how much I love him.


“Hey!! There you are~” Hyunju said running towards the both of us while waving. “Why…. didn’t you… reply my message Younghee ah.” Hyunju said while panting. Oops I guess I’ve forgotten to reply her after seeing her message. “I thought you’re not coming to school and I’ll have to sit alone throughout all the boring lessons!” she talks as if there’s only the two of us here. “I’m sorry Hyunju ah, I’ve forgotten to reply you. I was so pissed off because of this pabo.” “What? Hey, give me back that lunch box; I’m not letting you eat anymore.” “NO, ABSOLUTELY NO!” I barked back but to my dismay, Youngjae had already snatched my lunch box away. “YAH!! GIVE IT BACK TO ME!!!” “Oh my oh my oh my, the two of you quarrels as if you’re couples!” Hyunju said rolling her eyes. Awwww is this girl here jealous of me and my brother’s relation? I mean, I’ve known that Hyunju likes my brother for years, ever since we met. She had a huge crush on my brother and I guess this is also one of the reasons why we became close friends? We are all at the same age; Youngjae and I are twins but, not identical twins. Fraternal twins instead. Our relations are good, we care for each other and we seldom get into a fight which we both think are rather ridiculously stupid.


“Oppa, what is our next lesson?” I asked snatching the lunch box away from his hands “Hmmm, it’s a free period since Mrs Jo is not here. Do you want to study at the library instead? Or you want to have your breakfast during this free period?” what a bookworm brother I have got here. Oh well, we’re almost the same but, I’m going to have my breakfast first before the next lesson! Which is like 2 hours from now. “Nah, go to the library by yourself bookworm, I’m going to enjoy my breakfast before the next lesson starts.” I said mouth watering for my lunchbox “alright, Hyunju ah, let’s go!” He cheered grabbing Hyunju away from me. Sometimes, I thought that my brother likes Hyunju too. Am I thinking too much? Never mind, I’m all by myself now. Let’s see where should I eat… hmmm maybe at the roof top since it won’t be noisy there but rather quiet. 


“Whoa, the air here is awesome! I like it here!” I chirped as soon as I sat down on the bench. I like the roof top; it’s quiet and relaxing unlike the noisy cafeteria which gave me stress every time I walk in because of the stares. I opened up my lunch box and was ready to eat when I heard noise coming from behind me. I started to walk closer to the object due to curiosity when…




-Daehyun’s POV-


This is the first time that I’ve been to a mixed high school. Every time when I’m enrolled to a school, it’s always a boy school and now, Yongguk hyung had enrolled me to a mixed high school. Does he want me to find love here since it’s commonly known to find first love and accomplish my mission or maybe he just wanted someone to accompany him to finish his mission which is by supporting him? I’m not sure about what he’s thinking. But, our mission has a rule. Our confession must succeed. If ever, my confession fails, I’ll be vanished. I’ll leave this world which for another word, I’ll die. So, till now I have yet to confess. I’m just plain scared.


You might be wondering why I’m calling him hyung right? He came here decades before I came and I met him when we are both working as doctors. He has yet to find his love and neither do I. Today will be my first time attending this school. I hope it would be a pleasant one.


Before I even step through the school gates, I got some eyes staring at me which all comes from the girls. I felt awkward and started to walk faster through the school gates only to be stopped by a group of girls surrounding me telling how handsome I am. “Yongguk hyung should have come with me today instead of leaving me for the school first.” I cursed under my breath while trying to get through the crowd of girls.


Finally, I had some peace on the roof top. I think I’ll enjoy this very moment. It would be great if I can have my lunch here every day during break. I smiled thinking about it. I sat down on the bench and just when I was about to relax, I heard some voice coming up from the stairs. I quickly hide myself to prevent myself from getting spot by some insane girls in this school.


“Whoa, the air here is awesome! I like it here!” she chirped. Wow, this girl looks…… awesomely beautiful. Even though her back is facing me but, her side view was really beautiful. It reminds me of her who’s in Matoki Planet. I tried to get to the closest tree and stayed right there looking at her from behind and, my stomach started to growl. I guess, I’m hungry just by looking at her lunch box. Just when she was about to open her lunch box, a worm had decided to land itself on my neck causing me to flinch and brushed my hands up and down to get rid of it. Before I knew, the girl from before was slowly walking towards me. When I finally got rid of the worm, I turned back to look for her only to have her a few feet away from me.


“What are you doing making so much noise here?” she asked looking at me. I was about to excuse myself when I saw the worm from earlier was right on her shirt which was right on top of her left s. Knowing that she’ll scream, I didn’t hesitate but to tell her. “There’s a worm there on your shirt.” I said nonchalantly. “What?” she asked shocked. I pointed to her left s only to have her screaming and jumping in reaction trying to get rid of the worm on her shirts after she had realized what I was talking about. When I was going off, about to pass her, since she was jumping, she stepped on my foot which caused her to lose her balance.




-Younghee’s POV-


SHOT, THERE’S A WORM ON MY SHIRT! I mentally shouted and started to jump in reactions while screaming to get rid of the worm which was crawling on my left s. “OMG HELP ME TO GET THAT OFF OF M-“ I stepped on something and lost my balance. I closed my eyes and was waiting for an impact which will probably be at my face since I’m falling forward but it never came.


I felt something grabbing me or more like pushing against me on my chest or rather, my s. I quickly opened my eyes to see the guy from earlier was in front of me and his hand was… was… on my s?



How was is? Is it bad? It's my first time writing >-< I hope you enjoyed this

chapter even though it's kind of short and simple.

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❤❤❤❤❤❤Thank you for reading! ❤❤❤❤❤❤


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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 2: it's good ^^
from what I think, you can, but not always repeat the same sentences in the next POV. it's just my opinion. i'm sorry..
are you really followed by Youngjae on twitter??!
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 1: ERT Daehyun..
update soon ^^
please update~ :)
KimJoonHae #4
only foreword??
Please update..