Not so Helpful Best Friends

My New Hot Neighbor


Franchia fell even closer with Kris, the two of them both having many similarities in interest and other odd things. Even after just a few months, the two of them were already  close. But then again, they were living next to each other, and there were no other people who was close to their age that lives on thier floor, so that kind of explains how much easy for them to connect to each other.

One Saturday afternoon, as the two of them were having a late lunch in Franchia's apartment, Kris asked if she was free that evening.


"Well, I want to eat out. It's actually been at least a hundred days since we first met, and I kind of want to celebrate." Kris replies with a grin. "You're the first friend I've ever met and you are really special so..."

"Sure. I've got nothing to do anyways." Franchia shrugs. Shbe had learned in the past few months that when Kris wants to eat out, he meas eat out on one of those big restaurants, and who is she to refuse especially when Kris is paying? "We could stay home and cook though, save some money even if you practically doesn't need to."

Kris pouts at the teasing, "Nah... there's something I want to tell you." he suddenly turned serious, looking at Franchia straight in the eyes. "Something very important."

Franchia gulps in air. What the heck? Posibilities of what Kris might say toight sprouted like weeds inside her head. What could possiblby compel someone to invite another person to dinner in an expensive place? There are not many likely answers and those Franchia has on her head are most unlikely.

"Can't you say it here? I mean, what could it possibly be?" she chuckles nervously.

Kris smiles nervosuly. "I could but... just come, okay? I have a reservation at 7."

Frachia was afraid that her voice won't cooperate with her at the moment so she opted for a nod, feeling warm at the Kris smiled brightly at her.

Once Kris went back to his apartment after eating, proclaiming that he needs to prepare some things for tonight, Franchia frantically dialed Joshua's number.

"Oh my gosh! What am I going to do?" she yells into the receiver.

"Hold up, you twerp! You're going to burst my eardrums!" Joshua growled. "What is it? What's happening?"

"I think he's going to propose!" Frachia shrieked, immediately realizing that Kris can actually hear her on the other side of the wall because they are not as thick bas they seem. She lowered her voice considerably. "What should I do, 'Yot?"

"Propose? Who in the world would propose to a crackhead like you?" Joshua scoffed.

Franchia chosed to ignore the sarcasm, her heart still pounding. "He invited me to dinner."

"Who? Your hot neighbor who I have never even met once? He always does, occasionally. And mind you that I'm still in doubt of his identity because I haven't even seen even his shadow! Sometimes I think you're making him up."

"Why would I do that? Of course he's real!" Franchia protested. "And you can come to see him in person tonight if you want to! But I'm telling you,  this dinner is different from those occassinal nights out we have now and then. The way he looked at me earlier while telling me that he's going to tell me something tonight... it's just... gosh! I'm so nervous!"

Franchia could hear Joshua practically rolling his eyes at her. 

"Why the heck would you be so nervous? Why would he even propose to you? You're not even his girlfriend!"

"But a man can propose even if someone is not their girlfriend!" she protested.

"It only happens when the either the guy wants to escape another marriage arrangement, or the girl is pregnant. It is most likely the former for your sitaution, though I highly doubt he'd chose you over someone, I know I wouldn't."

"That's becuase you're gay." Franchia deadpanned.

"Even if it's just the two of us in the world, and I'm straight, I wouldn't chose you." Joshua replies stoicly. 

"Some friend you are, aren't you?" Franchia glares at the wall in front of her, imagining that it was Joshua.

"Because I'm a friendb that cares, that's why I'm telling you this. Trust me. But wait... you don't belong to the latter category. You're not pregnant, are you?!"

"NO!!! Why would you even think that?!" Franchia shrieks even more, scandalized.

"I know it's highly unlikely." Joshua aswers blandly. "Though I would have congratualted you first for actually gettig laid, and the maybe throw you over your own balcony for doing it with a stranger, no matter how hot you think he is!"

Franchia could feel her face red hot with all the mental images Joshua was putting on his mind. "Shut up, Joshua! Stop corrupting me! But, really, I need moral support later. What if he actually ask for me to be his girlfriend or something? What would I do."

"I want to see you at your most embarassing moment, but I can't. My baby asked me out on a date. He wants me to meet this friend of his."

"Huh! Then the next thing you'll know, he's asking you to donate to his friend's charity to help. Then that charity would end up being just their pockets." Franchia sneers.

"Hey! My baby would never do that. Just so you know, he's actually a high-ranking employee on a big firm. He won't betbray me just for money."

"I wouldn't know him since you made it appropriate for your best friend to meet your boyfriend, who for all of what I do know, could a smuggler or a gangster."

"Some friend you are too, aren't you?" Joshua scoofs.

"Takes to know one." Frachia bites bback.

"Whatever, girl. I'm hanging up. I still need to prepare for a very important date tonight."

Before Franchia can even protest, Joshua had already hanged up on her. She spent the next few hours fretting over what to wear and biting her fingers at all the possible scenarios playing inside her head.


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Chapter 5: im gonna die. ]
Chapter 4: hahaha what?? so joshua' bf is kris?? OMG o_O
I'm not predict that...
naza007 #3
Chapter 4: Cool story :)