Chapter 3

Starstruck Love

a/n Just to let you know that in this story, EXO comprised 3 members, they were just the brothers (Luhan, Kai, Sehun) and for Chanyeol, he was just an actor.

I'm sorry if you guys confused about the 'song' that Sehun made for Jieunie, because in this story Sehun is a writer song even composer on the group.

Just imagine it.


Jieun's POV

“You’re a fan of Sehun too!” Her face back to brighten. I was so surprised. I didn’t know what to say. However, it seems my silence implied agreement.

“To tell the truth, i use the same shampoo too! I’ve always done so after I read it in a magazine interview. Even now, I smell just like him!” her eyes sparkled as she kept blabbing on about Sehun. I’m stunned by her idol worship, but I guess I’ll play along...

“Yup, you got me. I just happened to see it somewhere and had to try it.” I shook my head.

“Oh, so you didn;t go out of you way to search for it like me, huh?” she pouted.

“i guess not.” I shook my head again as i smiled, pretended to being proud.

“Eh, oh well. I guess you’re just one of those ordinary fans.” She sighed relieved.

“i love him so much, that if i didn’t smell like him, I’d die!” She continued.

“Oh, really?” I asked her as I looked at Chanyeol, Chanyeol looked me back and shrugged.

“Hell yeah, girlie! Sehun is so cool looking, such a good dancer and he’s so hot on stage. He’s perfect! He’s my ideal man!” Krystal giggled. Her eyes lighten up more and more as she kept speaking as if she was imagining Sehun’s face on pov. I knew there were fans out there like this but... caving into the pressure, all I can do is kept nodding. At least I was able to keep the secret safe

“and then, the first time we were on a show together he-” when she wanted to talked more, suddenly, I felt someone tapped my shoulder from behind.

“Jieun-ah? There you are.” Someone said as he cut Krystal’s Sehun story. I turned around and saw Kai standing there. He pulled my body closer to his

“Kai-ah! Hello there! Do you know this woman?” Chanyeol  asked him.

“You might say I do.” Kai answered coldly

“So, Jieun-ah, where have you been? I looked all over you. Everyone has been waiting.” Kai asked me with his eyes full of concern and ignored Chanyeol’s and Krystal’s presence.

“S-sorry.. I’ve never been here before, so i got lost. But luckly, i met Krystal-ssi and Chanyeol-ssi” i rub my back neck sheepishly

“Well, it’s not all your fault. Let me be your the rest of the evening.” He said

“Huh? I c-couldn’t! I don't want to trouble you.” I shook my hands at him as if it was the signal that i don’t want to.

“I don’t want you to fall into the wrong hands.” His eyes wander over to Krystal and Chanyeol as he said that.

“C'mon, let’s go” before I could answered, he dragged me along away.

“Oh wait!” I stopped my tracks and turned around to Krystal and Chanyeol

“Krystal-ssi, Chanyeol-ssi, I’m sorry if i cant be with you two for long time now. I still have a lot things to do in this evening. I’m sorry again...” I bowed at them

“Um it’s okay, maybe we can continue next time, okay? You bet! I’m ready to talk about Sehun anytime! See you next time!” she waved hands to me and walked away

“See you around, Jieun-ah.” Chanyeol said

“Yup. Thanks for everything.” I smiled and bowed

After we parted, suddenly, Kai tugged my arm. Kai’s moody, left-out-in-the-cold face disturb me a little as we turn to walked away. I followed Kai, leaving behind Kai’s reluctant eyes. It was time for another round of introductions.


This time, I'll accompany my father around to some different companies. Meeting so many people at once can take it out of you, but if you were going to be a pop star. You’d better get used to it.

Suddenly, my father appeared. “Feeling tired, Jieun-ah?”  he asked me.

“Yeah.... but I got to do my best to make sure I remember everyone’s name and face.” i sighed and smiled faintly.

“Indeed. That is a good way to begin your career. I’ve still got some things to finish up, so I can’t join you, but Joonmyeon is waiting, so why don’t you go home without me.” He said as he patted my head.

“Okay. Thanks for everything today, dad.” I hug him.

“It was a pleasure to spend the day with my daughter.” He messed my hair. I kind of feel awkward... but happy.

“Take care.” He said before I headed towards car.

“You too, appa” I waved at him. We parted, and I started to head towards to the car, where Joonmyeon oppa was waiting for me.

“Good evening, Jieun-ah” he bowed his head and opened the door for me.

“Thanks for waiting” i thanked him. Nervously, I entered the car. People must have bowed to me a million times today, but I still found it kind of unnerving. Then Joonmyeon oppa took his seat in front of the wheel. After a while, I noticed we weren’t going anywhere. Is there something wrong? Just as I was about to asked Joonmyeon oppa what was happening. The car door unexpectedly opened

“Sorry for keeping you.” he smiled as he entered the car

“Eh? Luhan-ssi?”

“We work in the same building right? I got finished with work early, so I figured we could go home together.” Luhan explained and took his seat.

“Oh, okay... you just surprised me, is all” i pouted.

“Haha! That’s kind of what I was going for.” He chuckled and pinched my cheeks. I felt my face was getting warmed. Once Luhan got inside, Joonmyeon oppa started the car. The situation in the car became awkward

“You look tired. How was  it meeting everyone?” Luhan stared at me with a concern.

“it’s so not anything i’m used to, that i was freaking out.” I told him.

“I think it’s a little overwhelming for everyone at first. There’s nothing you can do about it.” He said.

“But, the boss and producer were so nice, they helped me get over it. Thanks to them, even though I was freaking out on the inside, but I was able to meet everyone.” I smiled.

“I see... were they nicer to you than me?” his question was so sudden, it took me by surprised, and I just stared at him. The expression on his face seemed very serious.

“Y-you know.. I-I can’t really make a comparison...” I said as I looked down to avoided his gaze.

“Does that mean I was the nicest?” he leaned down to me as he started at my pinky lips.

“Um, uh....” I bit my own llips.

“But, I am most thankful to you” I smiled to him sheepishly.

“Oh yeah? I’m glad.” He sighed relief and back to his sitting position. Then a smile popped on his face. He looks like completely satisfied. But then, he quickly becomes serious again. Now what?

“Jieun-ah... I’m just worried about one thing...” my head turned towards him.

“What happened to the necklace i gave you this morning? “ he looks dissapointed.

“Oh, that... Ii thought it would be weird to wear around work. I figured it’s something I should save for special occasions.” I explained, well it was an honest answer. Luhan thought for a bit. Then, with seriousness in his eyes, he looked at me.

“If that’s so, I’ll get you something even better. So, won't you please wear my necklace all the time?” he asked.

“Geez.. You don't need to get me anything else. I’m already happy with what you give me.” I smiled at him

“It’s just it looked so perfect on you. I would like it if you wore it outside of special occasions as well.”

“Okay, i’ll be sure to do so. So you really don't have get me anything else.” I said

“Will you?” he asked me with i think it was called puppy eyes?

“Yeah, I feel bad you went through so much trouble for me.”

“I understand. I don't want to cause you any trouble, Jieun-ah. But if I can’t buy you anymore presents, I just have one thing to ask to you.” Then he stared at me seriously.

“if it’s something i can do, please let me know.”

“It’s something only you can do...” he mumbled and looked down as if he was thinking before he continue.

“I want to hear you call me ‘oppa’”

“Huh? ‘Oppa’?” I tilted my head confusedly.

“Yeah, like that” he nodded then smiled. I was preparing myself for who knew what. So when his wish was so simple. I suddenly let down my guard.

“The truth is, I’ve always envied people who had sisters in their family. So when I heard you were going to be my lil’ sis’, I was really happy. I was wondering  if I’d ever hear you call me your ‘oppa’.” He told me as he was imagining about having sister. He looked kind of cute when he’s so determined. I never thought i’d see someone get so worked up over something like this.

“Okay then! If that’s it, I don’t mind oppa” I smiled at him

“Thank you, Jieun-ah.” smilling happily, he pat me on the head. His palm iwas so big and warm. Being an only child, I never had someone to pat me on the head like that. But the touch of his palm is so warm. It made me really happy. I was really anxious over being in a new family, but with one touch of his hand, all those worries seemed to had flown away. Maybe i can open up to him a little more...

“What’s on your mind, Jieun-ah?” he asked me as he was waking me up from my daydreaming.

“Um.. I actually.. I was just thinking how I wanted to talk with someone...” i bit my own lips.I decided to opened up to my new oppa, but just as the thought entered my mind, the car stopped and we were already home.

“We’re here.” Joomyeon oppa told us. Joomyeon oppa's announcement maked me lose my train of thought. Luhan just smiled and looked at me.

“How about we continue our talk tonight in my room, Jieun-ah?” Luhan said. Speak with him in his room?

“Sure, I’d be glad to” I nodded.

“I’m happy you said that. If you said no, I don’t know what I’d do.” He pouted.

“Huh? it’s not like I have reason to say no.”

“But, if you would said no, I’d been so sad... really, really. If you would said no...” he mumbled and kept mumbling.

“Oppa?” I called out him while I waved my hand in front of him.

“Oh, never mind. It’s nothing.  Well, i’ll be waiting.” He smiled.

“Okay.” We decided when we will meet, and then we got out of the car. Before i got out, i catch a glance of his face. He looks ecstatic. 


That night, just as we planned, I go to his room.

“After you.” he oppened the door for me.

“Thanks.” His room is neat and tidy as his appearance. It is just as i imagined the room of the lead singer of EXO would be.

“I’m glad you came. I’ve been waiting for you.” “Oh, thank you.” At his urging, i sat on his sofa. Even though he told me to relax, naturally I’m all nerves being in a boy’s room. Especially, since it’s just the two of us... This is the first boy’s room I’ve been in since sehun’s

“Haha, you don’t have to act so nervous. Pretend it’s your own room and relax, okay?” He chuckled as he looked at my expression

“It’s hard when you’ve never been in such a swank room.” I bit my bottom lip, feeling embarrassed

“you think so? I thought this was pretty average.” The way he spoke was so gentle, that i started to loosen up a bit.

“Anyway, you wanted to talk about something?” 

“actually, it’s about Sehun..” I started to told him all about SehunDespite how we were such good friends as children, as soon as we entered junior high, he completely changed.

“I must have done something, and now he hates me for it. 'Oh well’ i used to think myself and give up on it. But now that we’re family, I really want to be friends again.”

“I assume something happened recently?” He asked me

“Earlier today, when I saw him at the office, he told me to stay away from him.” The pain in my heart grown the more i speak. Sehun has completely changed, hasn’t he? I’ve never had the chance to talk to him about it. And then, when he said those awful things to me...

“I had to have done something wrong.. i must have.. done something awful to deserve this.” I shook my head several times.

“Please don’t cry..” His fingertips lightly caress the corner of my eyes. I must have started crying without even knowing it. The way he wiped the tears away.. his touch is so soft.. not like I imagined a man’s hands to be like.

“Oppa..” without thinking, i called on him imploringly. Then, as if following my leads, he holds me.

“It will be okay, Jieun-ah.”

“No matter what happened, I’ll be here for you.” He comforted me

“Oppa..” he held me even tighter. Warmed in his arms, my appreciation for him grew. The death of my parents, being caught-up in an familiar environmentSo many things had happened that had worn me down. But thanked to him, I knew I would be able to pull through. Before I knew it, the pain in my chest disappeared​.

“I’m okay now.” I tilt my head up, and he slowly let me go.

“Are you sure? It’s okay if you need me to hold you little longer.” he cupped my face so he could saw my face clearly.

“Thankyou, but I’m really, I’m okay.” I wiped my tears.

“Um.. how do you think I can get Sehun to accept me as one of the family?”

“One of the family, huh?” 

“I ran into him by chance today, and was able to talk to him a little. But once I start to get gigs as a real pop star. ..”

“That’s right.. Once Kai and I are in the same group with him, we’re often together, but that won’t be the case with you, will it, Jieun-ah?” I could saw his eyes full of concern.

“I want to have an excuse to see him, but I can’t think of anything..” Luhan oppa took a few moments to think to himself, and then he looked towards me.

“I have an idea. “ he flicked a finger.

“Jieun-ah, I’m not sure what you have planned for your career, but.. what if he were to help you write your music?”

“My music? Why that?” i don't know what he was planning.

“You know how musically gifted Sehun is, right? Well, he’s basically in charge of our arrangements. He’s pretty much been writing all the music and lyrics for EXO these days.” Luhan explained.  Sehun certainly has always had a knack for music. I just had to see him on TV once to know that never changed about him.

“If he gets involved with your music, you may end up performing together on a bunch of TV shows. The more you perform together, the more time you’ll be together. Then, I’m sure you’ll be able to make time to talk to him.” Luhan advised me

“That make sense..” I was going speechless

“if there’s a misunderstanding, the first thing we must do is increase the amount of chances you two can talk to each other.” I wonder if we can be like we were. I would be so happy if i had the chance to sing with him again.

“I’ll bring up the idea about helping with the musical direction with my dad, so leave it all to me.” 

“Thank you so much, oppa!” I felt so relieved now, thanked to oppa so I could talked to Sehun and He could accepted me as a family.

“Compared to how you came in here, you look a great deal more cheerful.”

“You think so?” I tilt my head confusedly.

“Yeah, it seems you’ve calmed down a bit.” So much he can see it in my face.. I guess i really anxious. I’m relieved that we were  able to have this talk.

“Oh!” i catch a glimpse of the time. I guess  we talked a lot longer that i had planned.

“I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time. I’m going to head back to my room now...” 

“Wait, jieun-ah” he grabbed my hand  just as i was leaving the room. The sensation of his touch caused my heart to leapt into my throat. Surprised, I turned towards him. He stared at me with a serious look on his face.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I’m afraid to leave you alone.” He squeezed my hand.​


“I dont want you to overwhelm yourself. I’ll stay with you longer, if you want. It’s up to you now, Jieun-ah. It’s my job as your brother to wipe away your tears.”

“oppa...” That’s there’s somebody who cared so much about me. And that person was my brother. But I cant take advantage of his kindness

“Thank you, oppa. But i’ll be okay.” I smiled gently.

“Are you sure? Please don't worry about me. I don't want to see you crying over Sehun anymore.” He rubbed my cheek. I feel so honoured to have an oppa like him

“Please allow me to feel that way for now. But if eveything happens, I’ll  be sure to come right to you.” I said 

“Do you absolutely promise?”

“Yes, i promise” I nodded and exited his room


As I exited his room and went into the hallway. In the hallway was Sehun, backed from work. I wonder if he still ignoring me

“Hey, Jieun” Sehun called out me.

“Huh? Y-yes?”

“Why were you in my brother’s room?”

“Sehun?” I was stunned. I was surprised  to hear him called me, but it makes me happy that he did, still.. I could tell by the look on his face was in foul mood.

“I asked you a question”

“Well...” I cant say i was talking about him..

“Even if we’re family now, you were an outsider just until a few days ago.”

“Despite that, you were still hanging out in his room at this hour. What were you thinking!? He raised his voice, and by the time I felt so scared.

“S-Sehun-ah? A-Are you w-worried about m-me? of course, not.

“Pfft, what are you on? Who the hell cares about YOU?” Despite his crass words, he couldn't take his eyes off me. I couldn't' stop looking into his eyes either.

“Say something!" I was unable to reply. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me so I was standing right next to him.

“Tell me why you’re in his room!” his eyes were right in front of mine. I could see the anger burning inside them. I should be scared, but my heart was aflutter.

“I said tell me!”

“S-Sehun-ah.. W-Why are you s-so a-angry?”

“If i look angry, it’s because of you.” He’s not angry but he won’t tell me why.. He has to hate me.The mere thought broke my heart. Even though, i didn't want to cry. I was on the verge of tears.


Chapter 3 is out!

Please check out my new fic The CInderella Contract. Starring our Jieunie, Suho, and Baekhyun.

I'll try to update both of them.

Please Subscribes, keep comments, or even upvotes. Thankyou.

-The one and only Aron's lovely wifey, anisnidya-

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140717: 5 upvotes! Thanks to miss_yuki, ririyin, chachavip, Michelle90289, Kpop4Lyfe_28! Love ya!^^


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LuhanxJiEunxMyungsoo #1
Chapter 3: HanU plisss <33333
Chapter 3: UPDATE SOON<3
I want to know more about Luhan "real face??" And Sehun and IU (<3) past !!
Chapter 3: I'm really curious what happen between sehun and jieun in the past. And I like their chemistry here. So update soon :)
Chapter 3: Oh my, what's going on Sehun? Just admit that you love Jieun for Pete's sake! You're just harming both of you! Please update soon~
Jesskwankwan #5
Chapter 3: Love this!! Update soon!!
Chapter 3: Update soon...... ^ ^
I can't believe that you play it too... XD Mee too!!
Chapter 2: update soon!! I can't wait! >.<
AdrianaLee #9
Chapter 2: It great! Pls update soon