
School Days

Heechul was sitting in the cafeteria with Donghae and Donghae's new boyfriend, Eunhyuk. They were obsessed with the idea of Heechul tutoring Seunghyun after school.

"He's so hot!" Donghae sighed.

"What's he like?" Eunhyuk demanded.

"You're so lucky, I swear."

Heechul just rolled his eyes. "Yes, he's hot. He's been nice so far, but I've only been tutoring him for a day. What's the big deal? He's just the same as everyone else."

"Hey Heechul," came a new voice at their table.

Heechul slowly raised his eyes to see Seunghyun, flanked by four other guys, smirking at him. Donghae kicked him under the table and Heechul shot him a look.

"This is Daesung, Youngbae, Seungri, and Jiyong. The Posse."

"Uh... Donghae and Eunhyuk. Donghae is my best friend."

"Are we still on for this afternoon?"

Heechul looked confused. "I thought we established that yesterday?"

Seunghyun kept smirking. "Just wanted to make sure nothing came up."

"Oh. No. We're still on. I mean, I am. I don't know about you, obviously..."

Youngbae snickered and Seunghyun slapped him in the stomach.

"Great. I'll see you this afternoon. Same spot as yesterday?" Seunghyun flashed a smile, and walked off, friends in tow.

"Did you see his smile?" Donghae exclaimed.

"He seems nice, Heechul," Eunhyuk said. "And he introduced you to his friends."

"You're so lucky. I swear."

Heechul just rolled his eyes. Again.


Outside on the patio, Youngbae rubbed his stomach. "What's with you and that kid, hyung? You like him or something?"

Seunghyun shrugged. "Maybe. He's cute and he's smart. I'm a er for such a combo."

"Right, because you have such experience with it," Daesung laughed.

"Must be why I'm so attracted to him."

"Oh he's hot, I'll give you that," Jiyong passed his cigarette to Youngbae. "We'll see how smart he is come midterms."

"When are midterms?" Daesung asked.

"Next week," Seungri answered.

"He's very smart," Seunghyun defended. "Hopefully some of it rubs off on me. What's the matter Jiyong? You jealous?"

Jiyong only shrugged.

"Do you have a problem with me pursuing him?"

"You don't know anything about him."

Seungri snorted. "When has that ever stopped you?"

"I just want Seunghyun to have the best."

"Meaning you?"

Jiyong rolled his eyes and sighed. "This kid could just be after your status."

"How would that make him any different than anyone else I've dated?"

"I don't think Heechul cares about status," Daesung piped up. "Did you hear what he said? He thinks Seunghyun is the same as everyone else."

Seunghyun smiled. "I like that about him. Maybe I can talk about something other than clothes, cars, and shopping?"

"What else is there?" Youngbae asked, and they all laughed.

"Alright, hyung," Jiyong stubbed out his cigarette. "If you're sure you want Heechul-"

"I'm sure."

"- then we'll help you out any way we can. And we'll definitely make sure no one messes with him."

"Or his friends," Seungri offered.

"Or his friends, "Jiyong amended, and Seunghyun smiled.

That afternoon,Heechul beat Seunghyun to the library, and Seunghyun was glad of that. He was hoping to surprise him into agreeing to a date. Heechul was bent over his biology notes when Seunghyun approached the table. "Hey."

Heechul jumped, startled. "H-hey."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Go? Where?"

Seunghyun shrugged. "Wherever we want."

 "We have to study." Heechul protested.

"We can study elsewhere."

Heechul scowled. "We can study right here. Or I can just head home."

Seunghyun sighed, and plopped down across from Heechul.

"What are you doing?" Heechul asked when he noticed Seunghyun wasn't taking out his books.

"I'm pouting."

"Because you're five?"

Seunghyun looked surprised at the snark in Heechul's tone, but chuckled. "If I say yes, can we leave?"

"No. Now pay attention."

The rest of the week continued like that. Seunghyun trying to tempt Heechul away from tutoring- "Don't you want to go for a ride in my Audi R8? It's fully loaded."- and Heechul shooting him down. "I really don't care." Seunghyun loved that Heechul played hard to get. What he didn't know was that Heechul wasn't playing hard to get. He wasn't impressed that Seunghyun was the most popular guy in school and had more money than even the principal. However, Heechul was impressed by Seunghyun's kindness. Seunghyun and his friends were always respectful towards Heechl, Donghae, and Eunhyuk. Jiyong helped Donghae out in shop, and Eunhyuk said Seungri spotted him at lunch one day. In biology, Youngbae did the dirty work of dissecting the frog while Heechul took notes. Heechul was slowly being eased into Seunghyun's world. It felt... comfortable. Right, even.

Until Friday.

On Friday, Heechul surprised the Posse by approaching them on the patio. It was their turf- no one ever approached them. Heechul had moxie and it made Seunghyun smile.

"I have to cancel this afternoon," were not the words Seunghyun was expecting to hear. His face fell, but he quickly schooled his features.


"I'm meeting someone."

"A date?" Seungri teased.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Heechul snapped. "Just because you find me completely un-dateable, doesn't mean everyone else does."

Jiyong raised an eyebrow, and Youngbae snorted.

"I've been trying to take you out on a date all week," Seunghyun said tightly, trying to remain calm.

"No, you've been trying to bail on studying. It's not the same thing."

Seunghyun glared, and the others smiled at each other.

"Anyways, have a good weekend and good luck on your midterms next week." With that, Heechul spun around and walked off, not sparing the Posse another look.

Jiyong slapped Seunghyun on the back. "I'm starting to like this kid." He laughed when Seunghyun shot him a dark look.

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Stormyweather #1
Chapter 9: wow!! nice fireplace n red wine story. Thank you! you never dissapoint
Chapter 9: Perfection!
Chapter 9: You're really fetting me hooked on HeeTop!!! Again this was awesome!!!^^ <3<3<3
Chapter 9: These two are so perfect!! My heart was so warm as I read their interactions together, between the couples and between all the friends. Heechul, oh! I love his sass towards Seunghyun.
The parts with Yesung were frightening, which is stars to you for making that behavior well written.
Thank you.
herodotus #5
Chapter 9: oh my feels its all over the place with these two
Chapter 9: The was HOT!!! I loved it!!!

But so sad that it's over T___T
Chapter 9: omo omo it is so cute seunghyun's love for heenim
and their love making is so damn hot
Chapter 8: yesung is a psycho and i m glad he didn't chullie
hope chul will be safe with seunghyun
Chapter 8: H

And sad Hyunnie couldn't make it in time *sigh*