Chapter 7:

Pieces of Time

    No matter how hard I knocked on the door, there was no response from the hyung who lived there. I knocked again and waited a few minutes. It was still silent on the other side. I suddenly got really worried and ran down to the elevator, rode three flights to the lobby and got the guy at the desk to help me open hyung’s door.

    At first, the guy dressed in a red bell-hop looking outfit didn’t trust me, but when I told him who I was, he let me up. I guessed he recognized me from the many stories Hakyeon told (my hyung was the kind of guy to talk to anyone). He brought me up to my friend’s room, 307, and unlocked the door with the universal lock that went to all the doors in the building. I thanked the man then walked in and saw quite a mess.

    There was papers and trash lying all over the floor. The kitchen looked like something exploded on it and I could hardly make out Hakyeon under all the mess. He was spread across the couch, seemingly asleep. I walked over to him and bent down, but noticed his eyes were open.

    “Hyung,” I started, getting worried. He muttered something incoherent. “Get up.” I said, trying to pull him off the dirty couch.

    “Go away, Hongbin.” he pulled his arm away. I pouted. All these relationship problems were really getting to everyone, including myself. I never knew I could get so upset over a person. I was also surprised about Hakyeon, who never let anyone get in his way and was always happy. Just because Leo-hyung said no, now Hakyeon was a huge mess.

    “No, I’m going to help you.” I sat on the floor in front of him, trying to ignore the weird object I had seated myself on. 

    “I don’t need help.” His voice was raspy and harsh, unlike its usual happy-go-lucky feeling.

    “Yes, you do. Man, look at this place. How long have you been laying there?” I asked, quite curious. He didn’t answer for a moment and then he sat up. His hair was sticking up in all ways and he looked as if he hadn’t washed in days. I sighed slightly, worried about him. How did Leo cause this?

    “I don’t know.” he groaned, looking at me straight in the eyes. I kept his gaze for a bit.

    “Well, let’s get you out of here.” I stood up again, taking his dark hand and pulling him off the couch. “First, we should get you cleaned up, though.” I chuckled, trying to lift his mood. His white t-shirt he was wearing was more of an off gray now and his jeans had wrinkles all over them. He looked worse than I thought, especially with the dark circles under his eyes. I kept wondering how Leo had this much effect on him.

    I brought him to his room and picked out a new outfit, making him change. He did, but it took quite a bit. Then I helped him wash his face and brush his teeth. I wanted to laugh, since I felt like I was taking care of a little kid, when he was the oldest in our group and was about to turn 19.

    At last, he looked good enough to go outside. So, I pulled him out of his apartment and walked with him all the way to the amusement park a few blocks down.

    “Why are we here?” he grumbled.

    “You love amusement parks, right?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “Well, this should make you feel better and maybe even forget about Leo.” I patted his back. He didn’t say anything; he just walked into the park, his face emotionless. I scurried after him and brought him, first, to his favorite ride: bumper cars. I could tell by the slight sparkle in his eyes when he got in the car that he was already feeling better. 

    When the ride started, he was the first one moving and all he did was crash into me, causing me to get stuck in the corner of the rink and unable to get out. I could hear his laughter as he drove off, probably causing another rider to get in a pickle as well. When I finally escaped the corner, the ride was over and Hakyeon was excitedly pulling me along to go on another ride. I was proud with myself for being able to make him feel better and hoped that maybe I could do the same for myself. I had to forget about the whole Ravi and Hyuk thing.


    Hakyeon and I spent the whole rest of the evening at the amusement park and stayed there until nine at night. By the end, he seemed to forget all about what had happened earlier. When I left him at his apartment building, his smile still hadn’t left his face.

    “See you tomorrow, Bin!” he shouted and ran into the building. I chuckled lightly. That hyung was pretty weird.

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hsh0795 #1
I loved it! and there is a sequel, better yet!
Chapter 15: I need a sequel! I am not done with this story! I neeed romance!!!!!!
devillish-angel #3
Chapter 15: asdfghjkl yes I need a sequel ;AAAAA;
Chapter 12: Yayy! They kissed! :D Too bad Hyuk is moving soon... :(
ultrablue999 #5
Chapter 3: What happened?!?!?! Ahh, I need to know!!
Chapter 3: Oh gosh, what happened?? Please update soon ^^
terezadelveccio #7
Chapter 2: love it tbh !!!! continue pls ( :