Attempt #1


Baekhyun and I walked back to the school from the courtyard. I turned to Baekhyun who has his head to his feet powdered with a light sheet of dirt and sand.

"You look terrible"

"Why thank you, i was going for the homeless look" He snapped back, i wounder who poop in his cereal today. I just saved his he should be jumping off the walls in excitment. Im him friend. NO BOYFRIEND. Ungrateful little-

*cough* Calm yourself Luhan. Dont get too angry remenber all those self help books Kyungsoo forced you to read. Who knows, they might work if I actually read them instead feeding it to your fish. I wonder what happen to finny did he really grow legs and ran away to get elope like Kyungsoo said? Well he is part frog,. right. Wait can goldfish mate with frogs?

"We need to-" Baekhyun spoke softly and pause for a moment "Talk"

"Sure but first help me get this thing off my wrist"

"Sure" He reached over to my hand and held it his thumb traced over the inscription and it unlocked

"How did you do that?" 

"Theres a button"

"What?" I started to fell my eye twich there was a ...button. I wore it for godknows how long and a button. I feel stupid but more importantly cheated why didnt anyone tell me that6s there a button!!

"Cant I tell you something now"


"Well you see, I dont.....truely and wholeheartly....luuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"

"BAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE" Chanyeol came running down the hall with his arms spread out straight toward my-

~puuuuushhhhhhhhhh~ Kekeke he hit a wall

"CHANYEOL" Baekhyun ran to chanyeol who was laying flat on the floor with his face looking up "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, a think I slipped or something" Suuuure you 'slipped'

He got up pretty quickly can stood really close to Baekhyun. I dont like this. I looked down to their hands and Chanyeol grabbed onto Baehyuns last two finger. What does he thinks hes doing. 

~swoosh~ There hand seperated MY GOD I FEEL POWERFUL finally am able to MOVE THINGS

Chanyeol and Baekhyun started talking to each other then shooed me away so they can a private conversatioin. Oh so fancy. I stood about !0 feet away I coulnt really hear but then again I dont really care enough to easedrop. Im not 'that' type of boyfriend.

It just bugged me when chanyeol try to make a move onto Baekhyun. Grrrr, he's doing it again, touching his shoulder like a nice and supportive friend but really thinking about Baekhyun without pants. What a sick fool.

~swoosh~ I need to protect Baekhyun.

BUT HE KEPT DOING IT. Oh your hair's messed up let me fix that for you. NOT ON MY WATCH


Oh looks there's a eyelash on your cheeck let me get that while I caress your check lovingly. ert.


Your so funny that I just have to touch your arm. Haha choke on this

~swoosh~ Oh was that too hard can you not breath, let me be the one to fix it, whoosp it seems my grip got tighter, now now dont die on me. I let go but he just

I cant take this anymore

"WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?" They both turned and I walked up to him

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol asked. As if he doesnt know


"no, since when?"

"Baekhuyn tell him"

"Its true I tried to tell you but"

"THAT'S RIGHT" I pulled Baekhyun closer with my arm around his shoulder "WE'RE DATIN-"


A huge gust of wind pushed all of us off our feet and we fell onto the floor. What was that? I landed on my hand and I couldnt move it. Ow, stop it Luhan it not going to work, ow no matter how much times you shake your hand in the air, it's not fixing the damn problem. I still cant feel it and it hurt like hell now.

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked when he was getting of the floor

"Dont know?" I answered. I looked to where the wind had came from but no one was there. I walked towards it and there was glass on the floor. I turned to the window. It was shatter as if someone punched threw the glass. And there was blood speckle and the floor glass and window. Who ever did this was pissed. I wonder who.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol came up behind me.

"Oh no, did he hear us?" Chanyeol spoke

"Did he hear Luhan?" Baewhyun asked

"You dont think that he's-



"Im so screwed he's going to kill me. He called dibs. How am I going to face him now"

WHAT? WHO? WHY? Im confuse. Who's killin who. And why does it envolve me? Who dibs what?

I turned to Baekhyun, who was mumbling and pacing back and forth down and up the hall saying crazy things under his breath

'I could hide'

'no no no he'll find me he's got Kai on his side the man is like a dog, you cant get pass him'

'I can flee and run way"

'But my educatoin, naw i can be home school, by who your imagenary friend'


'He cant find me if he doesnt know what I look like'

'But im so pretty why ruin it, god what I am going to do'

'CRAAAAAAAAP we have class together, and....and....i sit next to him'

'Im dead im so dead'

I stared at him for a while but I couldnt stand him talking to himself he was making me nervous by just looking at him

"Um Baekhyun are you okay-"

"DO I LOOK OKAY TO YOU" Baekhyun turned to me screaming as if I did something wrong

"No that why I asked" 

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" He grab onto my colar with both hand and started shaking me and with every shake he screamed


He let go and ran down  the hall. I was about to follow but chanyeol stopped me back grabbing my arm

"Let him be, he need to think of a very sneaky plan, and thinking takes time especially for Baekhyun"

"I KNOW HE'S MY BOYFRIEND, NOT YOURS" This guy speak as if they been dating for years. 

We walked down the hall heading to our next class I tried to ask him mabout what Baekhun was so worried about but he would always change the subject


"Why did Baekhyun get scared?"

"There's many questions in the world like how did earth came to be, are we the only ones out here? How can Baekhyun be so perfect" How can one being be so stupidly hansome? Idiot.


"Why did Beakhyun run away"

"Speaking of Baekhyun did you notice he has the softest hands" What? "really theyre like womens hand but prettier" Seriously what wrong with him?


"Who broke the window"

"Window were always a conumdrum"


"I dont know they can be for some people, whats your view on windows, delightfully transparent or dangerously sharp, think about it, a real conundrum" I want to hurt him, I want to hurt him so bad


We finally got to our classroom if I had another changed subject, i would of pushed him threw the window. He were about to open the door but before we could we heard a loud break then following with a girlish scream. The sound frighten Chanyeol and I so we both jumped back a little

"What are you waiting for Chanyeol open it" What a scaredy cat afraid of a little noise

"No you do it"

"Why? scared?"

"NO, i just value my life more than others, why dont you open it if your so curious"

"Fine" I slowly moved my hand to the door knob i was twisting it opened but all of a sudden Kai came running out, shuting the door behind him. He was out of breath, his hair was a mess and there was a small cut on his cheek right below his eye.

"Kai? Whats wrong with your face" I asked

"Why thank you luhan, Im great and how are you this fine day"

"BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMM" A loud noise came inside the room

"What was that?" Chanyeol burst out to Kai

"What was what" Kai answered nonchalantly

"The noise"

"What noise I dont hear any noise" Another sound came from inside we all looked at the door "Oh oh that noise, it nothing"

"It sure sounds like something"

".....................naw it know......ants"



He pulled us away, occasionally looking back a the door. We got to the nurse office and Baekhyun was there with Kyungsoo they were talking, but suddenly stop when we walkied in. Why are they here but more importantly who was in the class room. Ooooo curiousity. 

Everyone was talking at once, asking question, flirting, and so it was the perfect time to slip out and check that noise, you know for science. I got out with out no one noticing, then I head back down the hall towards the room. 

Every thing was silent, no breaking or shattering sounds came out of the room. Wierd, is anyone in there, did they leave or something. I open the door with hesidence. I walked in and eveything was trash the desked were every where and books were riped to pieces but withing all the mess there was one standing desk with a boy sitting down with his head burried in his arms.

I walk to him and placed my hand on his upper arm

"Se-" Before I cant finish he got up quickly and stared at me. I couldnt speak, his eyes peirced threw me. His eyes looked swollen a little as if he cried for years. I want to say something but i could we just continued staring. But he broke the silence with just one sentence and left right after he finished it.

"Hope youre happy with Baekhyun"

As he passed by me he place his hand on my shoulder and exited the room. I stayed ther without moving a muscle, 'happy'. I kept thinking and thinking but I got know where the more I thought the more I grew sadder and sadder. I heard people running in and when I turned I ran to Kyungsoo and hugged him. I just cried, and I dont know why.

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Chapter 4: update please
oh god I love Luhan
I've been going through my subscriptions and I found this again!!yay
Chapter 10: Hahahahah... this story is pretty good. Please update soon!
Screwyou126 #3
Chapter 9: I love this 12 phases of Luhan XDD
Poor Baekki tho~ :3
Take your time, authornim :)
Moonxkiwixfox #5
Chapter 11: Take all the Time you need!

Best Wishes To You! ~{^.^}~
Chapter 10: you get funnier and funnier let's elope
wow cool story bro
Chapter 5: Can u make with no one p.o.v?? because it make me dizzy..if not, it okay
Chapter 9: Lol. Hahaha i love random luhan.
peaachy #10
Chapter 9: keke this is rlly cute and funny > w <