



"What?!" the auburn boy yelled in surprise. "What do you mean about helping you fall in love with me?"

"What I said. I want to love you- but I need your help." Minho explained calmly. Taemin looked comical with his bigger than plates eyes and open hanging mouth.

"What kind of help?"

"I don't know. Do something. You managed to make thousands of girls to love you. It can't be that hard."

"But I do nothing to them." the boy mumbled quietly. He really wanted to help- he could even imagine them walking together in the sunset- but really. He can't help about people love him.

"Then why are they loving you?"

"Because I am me." Taemin sighed. "They use to say that I caught their eyes with my dance, then they got curious when they heard me sing and lastly they love me because of my personality. But it isn't my real personality. Superstar Taemin is cool and all- but me, the real Taemin just a normal boy."

And Minho knew it very well. After he started to like Taemin- even if as just a friend- he researched about him. Yes, he dance like a pro- well, he is a pro-, sing like an angel and behave like a perfect boyfriend would. He could fall in love with him easily. But knowing the boy in real- he is totally something else.

The auburn is a little boy who acting like an adult. He laughs on lame jokes- what usually told by the boy himself- with all of his face and body. He is very clumsy and doesn't live a day without a new scar or bruise. He is that kind of person who can zoning out in the most unexpected times. So if Minho has to describe him with a word, he would been in trouble- because Taemin isn't really a dancer, isn't really a singer, isn't really a normal boy.

Because he is much more.



"Then what should we do?" asked Minho with a sigh. The auburn looked like he's about to say something useful.

"Maybe you just need to kiss me and you're going to love me. Just like in fairytales." Taemin pushed him with his elbow and winked. That is. When you wait for him to say something clever, he is not. Like never. Also the boy puckered his lips and waited for the another pair.

"In your dreams, boy." Minho pushed Taemin's head away from his. The boy pouted.

"By the way, isn't it bad from the start if I have to make you fall in love with me? Isn't it should be naturally?" he's never fail to amaze Minho. "Maybe you just need to wait a little more to find someone who you like from the very beginning."


The only problem was the fact that Minho didn't know how love feels like. What if he already like the boy- more like friends and more like brothers? Perhaps he just used to be with the auburn and that's because he never noticed it. Or he really didn't like Taemin. Two way.


But which one is the right?



"Maybe." the man watched as Taemin shyly sat cross legged and played with his shoelaces. Somehow he looked so fragile at that moment- like even the wind could hurt him. He knew that the boy is strong- but the feeling didn't leave him alone. It's just grow and grow with every second.

And when Taemin looked up, Minho let everything go.

He carefully grabbed the auburn's chin and pulled him closer. They were centimeters away from each other. From this close the man could see the boy's apple green lenses and the tiny circle of his real colour- hazel brown.



Minho closed the little distance between them- and they kissed for the first time.


He felt shocked first because of his own action, but then he slowly started to enjoy it. It was like someone open a door in his mind- where was all the cheesy and romantic feeling was closed. He felt inspired, he felt so brave yet the boy's plush lips made his limbs weak. Also, he felt something he never ever. He was not sure what was it- but he had some guesses.



Perhaps the boy was right. It really works like in fairytales.




AN/ why did i write this

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Chapter 7: awww. I really enjoyed reading your story. it was cute (*-*) I needed some fluff now and your story was perfect. both, minho and taemin are lovely!
you did a good job with this one! thanks for writing it! (^-^)
Chapter 7: the ending is cute ;~; i hope they end up together haha :3 thank you for writing this adorable story~!!
Chapter 7: Haha. . .itz an abrupt ending tho.but itz cute! :)
Chapter 7: Awwwww cute ending ~~~
Chapter 6: Eww...kiss! Why did u write this? Coz I'd like this, that's y. . . ^_^
Chapter 6: Daebak! That was just amazing! So adorable! >„< (:
Chapter 6: this is super cute omg they kissed <3
Chapter 5: Itz like a cute cake love story...sweet :-D
MintxD #9
Chapter 5: Omg wow I cant believe that I didn't subscribe this. Oh, I love that last sentence.
Chapter 5: Oh, the epic love story is just so a cake. :')
Pineberries, yeah, they were popular several years back then. Didn't know they're that expensive though. They sure looks delicious cuz it's white but still looks like a strawberry. Not for me though, I don't eat pineapple-related food so, that's that.
Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter! I wonder how Taemin'd do to fulfill Minho's request! (: