hourglass // apply open.


'Rubbish', 'Stupid', 'Copy of Girl's Generation', they were called all this names. Debuting under Pledis Entertainment in 2011, the girls debuted with high hopes of one day becoming the centre of the hallyu wave. However, this was not achieved with their low budget. Right after promotions for their debut track ended, the group vanished into the air, much to the netizen's enjoyment. The 'rubbish' was gone. But now, 3 years later, the nine girls are back to conquer the music wave, with a new song, new style, new concept, and a better image. They're determined to become the centre of the hallyu wave, and bash or not, they're never going to stop. 
Hello, your lovely author here. first off, you may kill me. /dies. so basically this is the 'new' version of hourglass. i know i've made a lot of changes, but its only nesscary, to me, at least. it is nesscary to me as i've completely run out of inspiration for the 'first generation' of hourglass. but rest assure, people who have already applied need not re-apply, their app will be reviewd soon, and everything will go as per normal. just kind of the plot and the layout have changed. so yeah. have fun, royals. 
1. subscribe. its a must.
2. use idols as face claims only. as's nana is taken.                                  3. exo are not suggested as love interests. you can use them, but i'll use backup if there's too much                 4. upvotes are highly appreciated.       5. do not rush. i have a life too.          6. absolutely no bashing.                   7. i will mostly be using snsd and after school songs, so yeah.                      8. have fun but don't give me crappy applications. 





like how i always do when i want to start an applyfic,

i checked on aff if there were any applyfics with a similair or same name as my story.

i've found a fanfic which is also titled the exact same as my applyfic, and i'll

have to ensure everyone that it is a pure concindence, i've never heard

of that fanfic before, and i definitely did not plagirized the name. 


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hommage #1
Chapter 2: can i apply 2 times?
Chapter 1: Do you have a source code for the app?
can i tweak the app a little bit?
Tell me when app is u tyty!
Seems cool~ Whenever your app is up, you best believe im applying.