Chapter 5

Reality Check.

Reality Chapter 5:


               “Jongin… It’s time for you to take over for me.” A man in his late 50’s sat in his chair.

“Father, you know how I feel about this.” Jongin fidgeted uncomfortably. 

“Son, this isn’t a choice. You are our only son and well… that makes you the heir of the Kim’s Cooperation.”

Jongin’s stare hardened, “You know very well that there’s… another.”

“Do not call him ‘another.’” Jongin’s father said sternly.

Jongin stood up, “I’ll... think about become… h-heir.” He shuddered while saying the H-word. And with that Jongin left the building.


Jongin entered the bar and went to his station. “…” He whispered and threw his head back in frustration. 

“What’s wrong?”  Sehun came out of the back and leaned onto Jongin’s counter.

“H word.”

“Ah… that again?” Sehun and the Bar’s owner, Kris, was the only two people that understood and knew that Jongin was the future heir to the Kim’s Cooperation. The Kim’s Cooperation was one of the biggest market’s in Korea. It sold basically… everything. From shoes to home cleaning goods. Just everything.  

“It’s the 5 time this month. Aurghhh I don’t know anymore.”

“Your family is so confusing.” Sehun sighed and shook his head, “I’m going to the locker room to change.”



 Luhan pushed open the bar door after showing the bodyguard his ID card. However, Kyungsoo stayed behind the door. What if he doesn’t want me there? What if he thinks I’m creepy and stalkerish? Who am I kidding? I’m not being stalkerish. I came here last night!

 Kyungsoo turned around to leave but a hand grabbed his wrist.  Jongin…? Kyungsoo turned around and much to his displeasure, it was Luhan’s girly manly hand that were dragging him back in the bar.

Immediately, Luhan’s eye ran across the bar looking for a familiar stoic face.  When he found that Sehun was nowhere to be found, Luhan’s face dropped. He ran to Jongin, still dragging Kyungsoo along, “Jongin, right?” 

Jongin looked up and immediately brightened up when he saw Kyungsoo, “Yeah, that me. Hi Luhan and Kyungsoo.”

“Where’s… Sehun?”  Luhan jumped up and down excitedly.

“Hi, Jongin.” Kyungsoo smiled politely.

“He’s…” Jongin paused then smirked, “He’s out. But hey, if you can. Can you go to the locker room and get my phone? I can call him if you want.”

Luhan pouted, “Fine.” He walked to the back and turned the corner.

Kyungsoo stared at Jongin with big round eyes, “Sehun’s back there right?”

“How’d you know?”


“Stupid. I should’ve came faster.” Luhan muttered to himself and pushed the door that said ‘Staff.’  Without realized the other person’s presence, he went to the lockers and searched for Jongin, “Stupid Jongin he didn’t tell me which locker number he was.”

“If you’re looking for Jongin’s, it’s the one next to mine.” Another voice spoke.

“Hmm… Thanks but that doesn’t really--- HOLY .” Luhan screamed. Sehun. Was. Here. Shirtless. He has abs to die for. Holy. I would tap that any day.

Sehun  chuckled and motioned that his locker was the one opened. Quickly, Luhan opened Jongin’s locker and got his phone, “Thanks!” He rushed out and ran to Kyungsoo and Jongin who were doubled over, laughing. Then it hit him. Jongin did this on purpose. He knew that Luhan was in there changing.

Luhan rolled his eyes, half blushing, “Ha. Ha. Very funning. Bravo.”

The laughing went on for about 10 more minutes and stopped when Sehun came into the scene. “What’s so funny?”

Quickly, Jongin and Kyungsoo regained their balance and struggle to keep their laughter in, “N-nothing, pftt.”

Sehun shrugged and pushed into the Bar station, “Hi… Luhan, right?”

Luhan swore he just died, “Y-yeah.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Sehun.”

“I know---“ ! Why would you say that? “Uhh… I  mean your name tag says it.”

Sehun looked down and much to his dismay, there was Oh Sehun written on a little white button. And to think that he thought Luhan had interest in him.

“Oh yeah. Huh, guess I never thought of that.” Sehun chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

Jongin looked at the clock “Shoot, it’s almost 3?”

Kyungsoo stared at him, “Yeah. I should probably go now and eat lunch. Let’s go Luhan.”

Jongin bit his lips fighting with himself and waved bye. Kyungsoo turned around smiled, waving bye back.

“Bye, Luhan.” Sehun showed a slight smile.

“BYe” Luhan’s voice cracked at the end and quickly cursed in mind. He ran out while Kyungsoo and
Jongin both chuckled. Kyungsoo followed Luhan short after.


Luhan sulked while walking back in the store. “My life is over.”  

Minseok chuckled, “Whats wrong with him?”

“He walked in on Sehun half and then when he said bye, he cracked at the end like a teenager boy going through puberty.”  Kyungsoo answered.

“El Oh El.”

Ring Ring Ring

The phone rang, Minseok and Luhan ran to get the phone, somehow Luhan got the phone. However after Minseok giving Luhan a so called “pat” on the back, Minseok gladly took over. “Hello, Café Bene.”

Kyungsoo shook at his hyungs and chuckled. Luhan pouted and rubbed his back against the wall, “Stupid Baozi.”

Minseok put the phone on hold and glared at Luhan, “I heard that. Anyways, Joonmyun! There’s a phone call for you.”

Joonmyun quickly scurried out and took the phone, “Thanks, Minseok. Hello?.... Uh-huh, Uh-huh… Hm… okay I’ll try.” He hang up and smiled at the 3 curious faces. “Team meeting?”

“It’s not our break right now…” Luhan pointed out.

“Close the shop. This is muy importante.” Joonmyun smiled and pranced back into his office.

Kyungsoo widened his eyes and spat out, “Did he just… prance?!”

“Yup. He sure did.” Minseok sighed and turned the door’s sign to ‘Closed’


“So, I have gathered you all here today on this fine evening to---“ Joonmyun was interrupted by a grumbling Luhan.

“Get on with it, coach.”

“Ehem, as I was saying. My family decided to give me my own store! And so they asked me which---“

“Bookstore, yes we know.” Minseok puffed his cheeks and leaned back in his chair.

“What? How did you know?”

“You’ve been raving about how you wanted one since last year, Joonmyun-hyung.” Kyungsoo yawned, unamused.

“Tsk. Whatever. Anyways, it’s going to be called---“

“La pace. We know.  Its peace in itlian or Spanish, we know.” Luhan rolled his eyes.

Joonmyun puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms, “Anyways we need workers there. So, we need flyers to put up.”

“Jongdae could do it!” Kyungsoo said. Minseok furrowed his eyes, “No, I want him to work here. You go do it, Luhan.”

Luhan glared at Minseok, “Uh no. Where would I get free coffee from then.”

“Yeah, Jongdae--- Wait what?!” Joonmyun looked completely taken aback.

“Jongdae’s doing it, Minseok-hyung.” Kyungsoo set down his foot.

“Fine.” Minseok pouted.

“Speaking off, where is he?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Went to his house to get some things… I think.”  


“Oh. Wait! He doesn’t have a phone though!” Kyungsoo worried.

“Do not worry, I have his number. He does have a phone.”

“Urm, guys?”

“Luhan, shut up! We are worrying about my cousin/ Jongdae here.”  Kyungsoo and Minseok turned to Luhan. Luhan looked at the two and glared.

“It’s not me talking you dips, its Jongdae. He was here the whole time.” Luhan huffed.

“Hi.” Jongdae smack his lips together, awkwardly.

“Oh. Hi.” Minseok blushed furiously and sank in his seat.

“So, when am I starting to work at this La Pace…?” Jongdae shuffled to an extra chair next to Minseok.

“Around next week. You can chill here if you want during the construction, when you’re bored.” Joonmyun assured Jongdae.

Jongdae nodded while Minseok continued to sulk over the fact that he wasn't going to work with Jongdae.   “Dang it.” Minseok muttered.

“Alright. DISPURSE!” Joonmyun shouted, “Have the day off! Since, I’m in a good mood.”

 “Hmph.” Minseok pushed his chair out and was the first to leave. “Wait! I’m going home with you!” Jongdae shouted while trailing after him.

“Yas. Going to the Bar. Catch ya losers later.” Luhan was the second to leave.

“See ya, boss.” Kyungsoo left while humming Imagine by John Lennon.

“Just you and me.” Joonmyun turned around in his chair, to find no one there. “Never mind. I’m so lonely.”

 The doorbell jingled and Joonmyun got up, “Sorry we are closed---“ Joonmyun stopped mid-setence. Oh my… Who is he. I need his number, his address, and his face. On my face. “…Hi.”

“Hello, I came here for the job interview…?”


“Urm…” The boy lifted up a crappy quality poster with La Pace: Come in this store for interviews. EMPLOYERS NEEDED.

Luhan…” He muttered underneath his breath.

“Did you say something? Did I come at a wrong time? Oh im sorry. Oh poop, I shouldn’t have said . Damn it there I said it again! No wait! Sorry, I didn’t mean to say damn. No wait, UGH!”

Joonmyun start to crack up and soon after the boy joined in. After a while, Joonmyun stood again, “What’s your name?”

“Lay… Yixing.” Yixing smiled.

“Well, Yixing-sshi. You’re in.”

Yixing’s eyes twinkled, “Whaaa, seriously?!”

“Do you know how to work a cashier?”


“Then yes, seriously.”



Hii! I'm just adding some slight comment. 

So first off, thank you all so pooping much!over 100 subscribers in just 5chapters, you guys are flipping amazing! I love y'all so much and seriously  just.. just come here //virtual hug and kisses. 

And second of all, a subcriber asked me like waht the "Reality Checks" were... actually i'm a very "hot-tempered" person i dont really say anything out loud unless i really just cant keep it in. So i tend to let it all out while im reading fanfics lmao so yeah. 


just kidding. I actually have no idea why i do those. (; 


kay well chapter 6 will be up soon!! Please upvote, comment and subcribe. 

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I'm pretty late with reading this haha but I love it~ I really like that it's not just focusing on one couple but on every single one! That's something I sometimes miss in other stories ^^
T-araFans #2
Chapter 20: Nice update...
Glad that you update this story...
Chapter 20: Great Update^^
And I hope 2015 will be the bomb too
T-araFans #4
Chapter 18: Great that you update this story...
I know about B.A.P...that's really insane...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
Chapter 18: 7 ing dollars a week. How atrocious.
Chapter 18: Great update^^
hunhannies #7
Chapter 17: Please update :)))) I need to know what happens!!
Chapter 17: *SOBS* lets cuddle and cry together
T-araFans #9
Chapter 17: It's okay...Exo OT12...
Chapter 17: I just found out this now! OMG! I really like this story author-nim! Can't wait for the next update :D