Why I like you

Why I like you

“____, you’re eating at Handel and Gretel AGAIN today?” Whined your best friend Ari, her long red curls bouncing as she walked next to you. You could only pout and stick your tongue out at her, straightening your pink rimmed sunglasses. The pair halted in front of the café’, you reaching into your purse to make sure that you had not left your wallet in class again.
      “Oh shut-up…the food here is really delicious and fresh…” You replied, voice trailing off as that excuse was getting old even for your ears. Ari laughed, her smile contagious as you began to laugh as well. “We both know that you are only going there so much because of that cutie, Yesung.” She teased, her dark eyes lighting up in amusement. You playfully smacked her shoulder, giggling. “Silly, his name isn’t ‘YeSung’! That’s just a nickname….his real name is Kim Jong-woon.” You said in a matter of factly manner. Her eyes widened for just a moment. “And….you know this how?” She inquired, a coy little smirk forming on her pretty lips. You blushed immediately. “He told me the other day…nothing serious.” You then shrugged, cutting of the conversation by opening the see through door with the metallic handle, walking in with Ari following you.
      Upon walking in, you already knew what you wanted, getting in line. Ari browsed at the menu for a moment while you hummed to yourself, anxious to see the man who made your heart flutter. Ari wasn’t all wrong after all…you did here come here 3 times a week to eat because the food is tasty but Jong-Woon was always kind and smiled…recently every time you came in, he had asked his brother to take over the cash register while he sat with you while you ate. While you were spacing out, it had become your turn.
      “___, hey! Hello? Anybody there?” Yesung teased, making a hand movement for you to come up to the counter. You blushed in embarrassment, mentally slapping yourself. “Gah! Sorry!” You hurried up to the counter, while Ari giggled behind you. His smile didn't falter, instead he laughed at how flustered you are. Yesung knew you liked him and today he would do something about it.  “So…are you getting the regular today?” his voice was so…different than other people’s, it was kind of deep but very friendly and cute. You nodded with a thankful smile. “Yeaaa~ you always know what I like, Yesung.”  
      As always, Yesung wore his bright pink apron with the words 'Handel and Gretel' scrawled on the front of the apron in a pretty white font. He wore a simple black shirt and light jeans. Gah.....how could Yesung manage to make a pink apron look hot?
      He scoffed for a moment then turned around to start fixing your peach iced tea, asking his brother to fix your Kalbi sandwich. “How could I not remember this? You come here so much, I’d be an idiot to forget.” He joked with a short laugh, placing your drink and just finished sandwich on a platter. “Hahahah whatever, Yesung.” You couldn’t help but laugh until you noticed that he hadn’t charged you yet. You pulled your wallet out of your purse and took out your debit card. He stared at you with a raised eyebrow. “Put that up.” He said as he placed your Oreo cake on your plate to finish your order. “Um…but you didn’t charge me.” He gave you a weird quirky face with his lips pressed out much like a ‘duck face’ with his brows furrowed. That caused you and Ari to laugh as he then began to raise his eye brows, waggling then in a silly manner. 
      “Hey…who complains about getting free food? Come on, let’s go sit down.” He carried your tray over to a nearby table with you following behind as his brother took Ari’s order. Once sitting down, you began to eat very shyly, avoiding his gaze while he watched you with his right hand resting under his chin. You noticed how gorgeous he really was, his long dark lashes, paired with his fluffy cheeks and adorably small hands. He did have a big head but who cared…you liked Yesung for who he is…and his pretty sleek dark hair.
      “You like the food?” He asked, absentmindedly tapping the fingers of his left hand on the table. You nodded with a bright smile, your cheeks slightly tinged red due to thinking about Jong-woon. “Yea…look…thanks so much for giving that to me for free…I really could have paid though.” You weren’t the type who was used to guys doing that type of stuff for you, as you didn’t really consider yourself cute at all. Yesung only grinned. “Hey, I did it cause I wanted to. You don’t have to feel bad about it…I don’t mind.” And with that, you could only blush and take petite bites out of your Kalbi sandwich.
      Yesung didn’t know why, but he found you so cute and appealing. Cute girls always came in here and he didn’t pay much attention to them even as they flirted with him, probably because they were all the same. You were a breath of fresh air to him. Very shy and adorable, shorter than him with not much make up, just natural beauty. You didn’t parade around in sky high heels or show your s to everyone with revealing cloths. You had adorable pink rimmed glasses with an adorable tomboyish style and long pretty hair. Just seeing you come in everyday made his day and he anticipated the days that you came. He was tired of not talking to you more, not seeing your face but for only 30 minutes a day. Today, Yesung decided that he would ask you out.
      “Hey, ___...”Yesung started, working up the courage to ask you something. His dark eyes shined but he chewed his bottom lip in nervousness. You looked up from your sandwich, only to notice that your friend Ari was gone. ‘Damn her…’ You thought, receiving a text that only said ‘X3 have fun! See you back at school.’ You then heard Yesung say something and looked up, wondering what was making him so nervous. “Yea? What’s up?" You put your phone down gently on the wooden table to look at his cute face. “Well…we get along well right? “He rubbed the back of his neck in anxiousness, turning his head away slightly. This behavior was weird for Yesung…
      “Well of course we do.” You replied with a small smile, taking a sip of your yummy peach tea. “So…then we should hang out soon. Outside of you coming here. I wanna spend time with you...” His voice trailed off as he focused his brown hues on you, a cute little smile curving his lips. His words kind of surprised you but there was no way in hell that you would say no, especially since you liked him. “Oh?! I-I wanna spend time with you too! But I don’t know how to contact you.” 
      He then snagged your iPhone, a mischievous look on his face as he programmed his name in your phone. He then held your phone up to his lips and kissed the screen. This action made you blush but then he took a picture of himself smiling that y smile, giving the peace sign to set as his contact picture. 
      “EH? Yesung~” You grabbed it back, clutching it to your chest. He gave you that y smile as he ran one small hand through his messy dark tresses. “You better text me…I wanna see you, okay____?” You realized that his voice was very melodic, like him speaking normally was like hearing a song. 
      “You should be a singer.” You blurted out, placing a hand over your mouth. He chuckled for a moment, procuring the spoon that you were given to eat your cake with and stealing a small piece of it, popping the chocolate delight into his mouth. “Huh…weird you should say that…That is my dream.” You could see him cover his mouth with his hand, his cheeks slightly reddened. That was just freaking adorable, you decided. You loved Yesungs strange and quirky personality. “I would love to hear you sing one day, Jong-woon!” You smiled as brightly as possible, which caught him off guard. He wasn’t expecting for you to call him by his actual name and much less to say that. He then smiled warmly, taking your free hand into his. “Maybe I will? You’ll only know what I sound like if you text me so we can go out.” He then shrugged nonchalantly and let go of your hand. 
      His hands were so soft and warm….”I-I will!” you exclaimed bringing your hands to rest in your lap. “Tonight…I wanna see you tonight, okay? I’ve got something to tell you, ___.”His voice was suddenly serious and it peaked your interest. You could only nod. “Don’t worry…I will.” You checked your watch only to see that it was already time for you to get back to class. “I gotta go! But I’ll text you!” You promised as you wrapped the uneaten cake up in the parchment paper that your sandwich was wrapped up in and stuffed it into a safe pocket in your purse. Yesung stood as you did, a small smile on his lips. “Well, see ya later.” He waved but you couldn’t help but give him a giant hug, nearly knocking him over. “Thanks for lunch, Jong-woon! Next time is on me, okay?” 
      You gave him a piece sign and made off out the door before he could respond. He waved slowly at your back as you walked out the door, unable to see him. He laughed for a moment, causing his brother to give him an odd look. He just knew you would text him, he was sure of it. What girl randomly hugs someone who likes them and doesn’t date them? His spirits raised, he did some odd dance back over to the counter, causing his mom and Jongjin to give each other a long look before peering at him.
      Upon leaving the café’, you immediately pulled out your iPhone and saw that he programmed himself into your phone as ‘Yesungie’. You decided to text him now, you just couldn't wait.
      ‘Yesungie! Cute~ ’
      You turned to look inside the café’ to see Yesung looking at his phone and doing a fist pump in the air at you messaging him. 
      ‘Little cloud, you texted me already? Can’t wait to see me? X3’ 
      He then looked up to see you smiling on the other side of the see through window. He blew you a kiss, to which you smacked away with your hand jokingly. 
      ‘I just wanted you to have my number. And I’m a little cloud huh, Oppa?’
       You teased, sticking your tongue out. He then made a cute face, smiling and closing his eyes while tilting his head to the side with both of his hands resting against his right cheek. 
      ‘Yea…you get a special nickname from me. Do you wanna meet me tonight here? I’ll take you to my favorite place, okay?’
       His favorite place huh…? You shrugged at that,trusting Yesung enough to go out with him at night. He sure didn’t look like a .
      ‘Yea, sure. How about, 6? I’ll bring a picnic, okay? <333’
       You smiled at that, thinking that it would be your first date in a LONG time. Wait…date? You didn’t know if that’s what he thought…
      ‘It’s a date then. =3 I have to get back to work, but I can’t wait.’
       I guess that answered your question about if it was a date or not. You smiled to see him doing these weird dances, trying to get you to laugh and when you did, he smiled lazily and waved. You waved back texting him one more time. 
      ‘So it is…I wonder what you’ll tell me. I wanna tell you something too, so don’t be surprised. UvU’
      You walked back to your college with a pep in your step and excitement weighing heavily on you. You just knew tonight would be something that changed your life. Something about meeting Yesung all those weeks ago somehow felt…right to you, like you were meant to meet. Or that this was destiny or something stupid like that. You blushed at the thought but knew that you would tell him that you loved him. You couldn’t help it, he was just so unique. Right down to his silly dancing and big head…you couldn’t find one thing that you hated about him. He seemed a bit insecure and sensitive at times, but that didn’t bother you at all. You loved a man who could make you laugh and smile, and even though you didn’t know him all that well…you planned to change that. You wanted to know everything about Kim Jong-woon.

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Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa! Daebak, author-nim!