Chapter 37

My Immortal


Myungsoo had a hard time getting his eyes open. It was so bright; he found himself squinting repeatedly before fully opening them. He took in a deep breath. He didn't know why, but he felt dirty. And even though he had just woken up, his body felt completely worn out. Sitting up, he rubbed his neck and glanced around his room. He was surprised by the mess before him, but even more so by the body beside him. The immortal instinctively jumped to his feet and alarmingly looked at what seemed like a silhouette of a body hidden under a blanket. He slowly stepped towards the bed and lifted the blanket up to see the person underneath. 
His heart jumped from his chest when he saw that it was Amber. He began to hysterically mumble to himself, "H-, How can this be?"
Visions of their lustful esapade came flooding back causing Myungsoo to press his palm against his forehead. He turned his attention back to Amber, shaking as he approached her, the worst thoughts imaginable crossing his mind. He quickly felt for a pulse. As soon as he saw that she was still alive, he tried to wake her. After several relentless attempts of waking the girl, he abruptly stood up, gripping his hair; apprehension eating him up inside.Myungsoo's mind was racing. He was frantic. He had absolutely no idea what to do or if she was even going to be okay. The only thing he could think of was to get her to the hospital. 
He rushed to her room to grab some clothes. Upon returning to his room, he quickly pulled the sheets off to begin dressing her. He couldn't stand the sight of what his actions left behind. His shaking fingers grazed the surface of the bruises on her skin. How could he have been so wreckless? It disgusted him. 
As he pulled her top over, he paused for a moment when his hand brushed her . He quickly shook the thought away. After her top was on, he started putting her pants on her. The immortal came to a stop after only getting one pant leg on. He swallowed hard seeing her womanhood. His breathing became heavy as dirty thoughts inhabited his mind. He tried to shake the feeling once again and hurried to finish dressing her. 
Myungsoo lifted Amber into his arm, struggling to control himself in such close proximity. He couldn't help himself. His nostril burned with her scent, inducing his supernatural state. His eyes glowed as he began placing kisses along her jawline. 
He stumbled over the paint pen, breaking him from his action. He snapped back to reality, panting hard as his eyes narrowed on the devil's trap. That was the only solution. He couldn't let himself hurt her again. He immediately laid the girl down on the floor and made his way into the circle. 
- - - - -
Amber 's eyes fluttered open and she was surprised to see Minho standing over her. She could see the surprise on his face as he shouted across the room. Everything was happening in slow motion and it was hard for her to make anything out. She was slowly coming to her senses when someone who appeared to be a doctor stood over her bed. She blinked a couple of times before all her senses came back to her. 
"How are you feeling?" the doctor asked as he checked her vitals. 
Amber slowly sat up, rubbed the back of her neck. "Sore?"
"You were out for a couple of days, but it looks like you're going to be okay." He reassured the two. "I want you to stay over night just to be sure. You can check out tomorrow morning." 
Minho thanked the doctor. When they were alone again, he looked over to her with eyes filled with concern and worry. "Are you okay?" 
"You heard the doctor. I'm fine," Amber smiled, hoping to lighten the heavy atmostphere. 
Minho frowned when he saw that she wasn't taking the situation seriously. Why was she taking it so lightly? 
Amber was hesitant, "Um, what am I doing here? Who brought me here?" 
"I brought you here. Do you not remember anything?" Minho asked, staring at the girl incredulously. 
"Of course I do. I just-," Amber paused, contemplating whether it would be a good idea to mention Myungsoo. She didn't know why she was disappointed to hear that it wasn't him. She sighed and decided to keep it to herself since she still hadn't figured out what to do about the whole situation. "It's nothing." 
"You what? Wonder where that freak is? You're unbelieveable. Look at what he's done to you! He you and you're okay with it?!" Minho shouted, the anger rising in his chest.
"He didn't me!" Amber refuted though her voice quickly became a whisper, hoping her boyfriend would not hear whats to come. "I consented." 
Minho could not comprehend the situation whatsoever. Did she really say what he thinks she said? Almost as if he was in denial, the boy chuckled. "You're kiddng, right?" 
Amber was silent which made the boy even more furious. He began pacing back and forth. "Why would you? I don't understand! This doesn't even make sense!"
"He's my friend and needed my help," Amber tried to explain, her eyes edging on the verge of tears. 
Minho could not contain his rage. "Needed your help? Is this what you call 'helping a friend'?!" 
"It's hard to explain. I just-, I-," 
"It doesn't even matter. You don't have to worry about him anymore." 
"What-, what did you do to him?!" 
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TEEHEE i updated ;D


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Chapter 38: Annyeong haseooo...
Chapter 38: When will you back..
What happen to myungsoo.. Is he really leave amber..
Chapter 38: Aaaahhh... I'm soo late for the party and just found your story by now.. I know it's.been years and you might be forgotten about this story, but I want to tell you that I love love love this masterpice and I was laughing ans crying at the same time while reading this.. I hope someday you'll continue this story.. Great job...!!
Chapter 38: Hi... Iam still waiting for this to continue..
Chapter 38: Gossshhhh... Its been way to long...
Are you still in aff ???
Bring back myungber pleaseeeee...
If you are okey let me know...
Really hoping you will complete this story =)
xxxluili #6
Chapter 38: I need an update pleaseeeee
taipanda #7
Chapter 38: :( terminalo porfavor!!!! Me encanto
Chapter 38: Update please
Chapter 38: Oh my god please update this work of art!
Chempot #10
Can we have an update please? Please? No pressure though. Hahaha!