Chapter 14

My Immortal
Myungsoo pushed himself off of Amber, stumbling back as he fell to the ground. He shifted himself back up against the wall for support. He pressed his hand hard against his stomach, applying as much pressure on the wound as possible. His breaths were short, but heavy as he maintained his composure. 
The knife slipped out of her hand, hitting the hardwood floors. Hearing the noise, Amber immediately snapped to her senses and scurried over to Myungsoo. Her eyes welled up as panic took over. 
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! You're gonna die!" she cried in terror. "We-, we have to get you to the hospital!"
Myungsoo tried to calm the girl down, "Amber, breath!"
Sobbing, Amber tried to do as she was told, though it was rather difficult. "I-, I can't! You're bl-, bleeding'"
He cupped her face in his hands, unintentionally smearing his blood on her tear stained cheeks. He gently reassured her, "I'm fine."
"I stabbed you! You-, you're not fine! You're bleeding. I have to call-, I have to call an ambulance!" Amber sobbed breathlessly. 
Just as she was about to run off and call for help, Myungsoo grabbed her wrist to stop her. She turned around with confusion on her face. He just stared at her and shook his head. She looked into his eyes, searching for any bit of reason she could find. She didn't understand why he wouldn't let her get help. 
"What am I suppose to do then?" she was meek with her words. 
"Just help me into the bathroom," his lips were dry and voice was coarse. 
His pale face did nothing to help ease Amber's mind. However, she did as he directed and draped one arm over her shoulder, helping him to his feet. She constantly glanced at him as she assisted him to the bathroom; his skin began to glisten from the sweat that formed on his face. Amber's eyes narrowed as the battle in her head just added to their troubling silence. No words were exchanged during their brief walk, a better word would be limp, towards their destination. 
"Turn the shower on and help me over there," Myungsoo said as soon as Amber placed him on the toilet. 
It didn't take long for the water to turn warm. Amber quickly helped the boy into the shower place. He seated himself up against the shower walls and used it as support. While the water soaked him from head to toe, the clear runoff quickly changed to that of a blood red. Amber's breathing quickened with her heartbeat. 
"There's so much blood," she whispered, fear and worry eating her up. 
"It'll be fine. I just have to wash it off," Myungsoo stated. 
He held his breath as he slowly began taking his shirt off, wincing in the process. Amber hurried to his side, to help him. She pulled his shirt up off over him as delicately as possible, trying to inflict as little pain to the injured boy. 
"I'll do it," she said as she reached for a small towel, becoming drenched under the water that poured over him." 
Myungsoo's expression softened, watching his 'savior' clean his cut. Her puffy eyes were hidden underneath the tremendous amount of water gushing over her. It quickly washed the bloodied hand print from her milky white skin. PShe was so concentrated in her task at hand, he couldn't help but smile through the pain. 
"Does it hurt?" Amber inquired, eyes still focused on his injury.
Myungsoo chuckled lightly, "Yeah, like hell."
Suddenly, she stopped wiping his wound and leaned back, away from him. She was in disbelief. Her questioning eyes searched his for answers. 
"How-, how is that even possible?" she stammered, looking back down at the cut, that was now merely a scar. 
He knew it was bound to happen. Living with her, she would eventually find out. He just had not expected it to happen so soon. He didn't know exactly how to tell her. Maybe he should answer her question first. 
He took a deep breath, still cringing from the pain, "I'm. . . Immortal." 
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TEEHEE i updated ;D


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Chapter 38: Annyeong haseooo...
Chapter 38: When will you back..
What happen to myungsoo.. Is he really leave amber..
Chapter 38: Aaaahhh... I'm soo late for the party and just found your story by now.. I know it's.been years and you might be forgotten about this story, but I want to tell you that I love love love this masterpice and I was laughing ans crying at the same time while reading this.. I hope someday you'll continue this story.. Great job...!!
Chapter 38: Hi... Iam still waiting for this to continue..
Chapter 38: Gossshhhh... Its been way to long...
Are you still in aff ???
Bring back myungber pleaseeeee...
If you are okey let me know...
Really hoping you will complete this story =)
xxxluili #6
Chapter 38: I need an update pleaseeeee
taipanda #7
Chapter 38: :( terminalo porfavor!!!! Me encanto
Chapter 38: Update please
Chapter 38: Oh my god please update this work of art!
Chempot #10
Can we have an update please? Please? No pressure though. Hahaha!