Chapter 1

Midnight Hollow University - A Storyline

Chapter 1 - A new beginning


Baekhyun sighed as he watched the trees wiz past him, the leaves rustling green under the heat of the sun. The sky was blue and white clouds dot the sky. Today was a perfect day, however, Baekhyun’s mood cannot be said the same. Today was the day Baekhyun entered University, and Baekhyun did not see the point in this. He was old, far older than most of the students that will be attending the university, but he looked a ripened age of 18. His knowledge as vast as all the seas and oceans combined and so, why did he need to attend such a university?


The car jot up as it ran past a rock, pulling Baekhyun out of his little daze. He turned his head forward and caught a glimpse of his impending doom. Midnight Hollow University. The car swerved through the gates and past the administration building.

“Head straight before making a left turn 200 meters from now,” Baekhyun called from the back seat. The driver nodded at the instructions and carried them out. Shortly after, the car stopped. They had arrived at what almost seemed like a castle. Baekhyun stepped out of the car and took a waft of fresh air as his driver hurried to truck to take out the luggage. He looked up see his residence, a big, majestic building aged through time. The bricks shone grey as it reflected the light from the sun, making Baekhyun squint his eyes. Time has not done much damage to the rocks, it only enhanced its beauty.


“Here is your luggage, young master, shall I carry them to your room?” the driver inquired. Baekhyun simply shook his head.

“That won’t be necessary Sebastian, I’ll take care of everything from here on. You may return now, tell Auntie there’s nothing to worry about”.

Baekhyun took the black luggage he had and began to venture up the steps.

“Alright, take care young master,” and with that, Sebastian bowed, entered vehicle and drove away.


Baekhyun turned his attention to the steps once more as he lugged his huge case through the doorway. The interior of the building was as just as elegant, if not more, than its counter exterior. The floor was polished marble and the main stair case stretched up the center and separated into two as it arched its way into the second floor. Everything was finished with mahogany. Simply put, it was breath taking. Not even Baekhyun’s household, was as perfectly preserved as the red wood that framed the hall.


“You must be Byun Baekhyun, right?” a voice called from behind. Baekhyun spun around and bowed immediately.

“Yes, my lady”.

The voice chuckled pleasantly as it resonated through the hall.

“You don’t have to be such a bummer Baekhyun-ssi, just refer to me as head mistress, alright?” her eyes glistened with joy and excitement. Baekhyun straightened up and nodded obediently.

“Yes, head mistress,” Baekhyun replied, still stiff from the encounter of such authority. The Head mistress shook her head as she smiled. She walked up to Baekhyun and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Relax,” she smiled, “now go settle in, and we’ll talk after ok?”

Baekhyun nodded his reply and the head mistress took her leave up the stairs. Baekhyun grabbed his luggage and went to the receptionist and asked for his room and key.



Baekhyun now stood in front of his room, the golden tag beside his door glimmered the number 40 in black letters. He took his key, unlocked the door and turned the doorknob. The door flung open, revealing an awe-inspiring room. The room was spacious with a gorgeous tan colouring the room. All the furnishings were once again mahogany, framing the room with elegance. The sheets were white in comparison, adding contrast to the coloured room. The flooring was polished maple that was elevated slightly above, a slant of marble right by the doorway connecting seamlessly to the wooden flooring. The section of marble was no more than a meter that extended from the door outward, allowing for shoes to be taken off as to not damage the wooden floor.


Baekhyun closed the door and slipped his shoes off. In his socks, he walked to the window and brushed the curtains aside. If the room took his breath away, the scenery probably took years off his life then. Baekhyun had the joy of looking outwards into the forest and lake in the nearby distance. The lush green lined the horizon, making a jagged line that defined the sky and ground. Baekhyun stared a few seconds longer before tearing he eyes away from the window and plopping himself on to the bed. He sprawled across it, legs still hanging over the side, and brought his arm up to cover his eyes. It hasn’t been that long of a day yet, but Baekhyun decides to take a rest and enjoy the rest of the day, napping. And napping, he did.


A/N  (please read??)

Hello~ first chapter is up~
Anyways, sorry if it’s really choppy, there’s a lot of information that I didn’t include, and if you don’t know anything about the RP, it’s going to be really confusing for you. This chapter is only the beginning, so I just wanted to set the image and tone. Everything will clear up a bit in the next few chapters or so ok? You’ll also understand why Baekhyun acts the way he does. I tried to be as detailed as possible, but it looks like I did a really bad job (sorry, I at descriptions ; n ;) Also, I'm my own beta, so if you spot any mistakes, please do tell~

The story is going to be a bit slow at first, but WORRY NOT, for I have a lot in store for you guise :3

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and I’ll update… probably next week (got lots of exams this week ; n ;)



Here is sorta what Baekhyun’s room looks like.

And if you’re a bit confused about how the flooring works, fear not, for here is the explanation.

So it’s sorta like that, were it connect seamlessly, except it’s the other way around, were the wood is higher than the marble. This little section is for your shoes to be taken off so you don’t ruin the flooring.  

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Chapter 2: wow that floor is confusing me ~_~.....anyways update soon and keep up the amazing work :)
you should add exo bla bla that related to the story as your tags so you will have lots of reader :3
Chapter 2: nice lol keep up