
Just Friends
"9 am at the usual." a melodic voice says over the phone as then hungs up. 

I run a frustrated hand through my hair and sigh heavily. There's something inside me saying that I shouldn't go but knowing him, I figured out that he wouldn't take a 'no' for an answer. I shift uncomfortable in my seat inside the Library but decided to gather my things anyway and head out to meet him. 

8:55 am, my watch says as I jog up to the coffee shop where it all started.

•FLASHBACK• I stare outside the busy streets of Myeongdong from my seat near the window with my favorite book in my hand and a cup of machiatto in front of me. I shake my head internally at how busy Seoul is. It's crazy. Even the coffee shop I'm in is unusually packed today.

"Excuse me?" a voice brings me back to reality and I turn my attention on that voice.

"Yes?" I answer hesitantly.

"I uhh- There aren't available seats anymore and this one is the only open one... Can I uhh- seat with you? If that's okay with you that is." The man with said but I got in by the pair of doe eyes staring back at me.

"Um, miss? I can go if you want to." He says as he snaps his fingers before my face and I redden. How can I dose off again? This guy must think I'm a weirdo.

"S-sure." I awkwardly wave my hand back towards the seat across me.

"Luhan." He says to me with that dazzling smile of his as he extends a hand to me. 


The bell that hang on the door shook as I opened it signalling my arrival. My eyes quickly scanned the room and I immediately spotted a familliar mass of blonde hair facing back at me. I tiptoed my way to him and blocked his eyes with both of my hands.

"Guess who?" I asked lowering the pitch of my voice and he flinched. His beautifully soft hands ever so slowly took hold of my hands and chuckled. 

"Ya. You still haven't outgrown that prank? You've been doing that for the last three years." Luhan teased and knocked my head softly.

"And you're still as violent as the last three years." I snapped back and I didn't fail to notice how his eyes disappeared into cresent moons as he laughed beautifully. 

"Come and sit. I want you to meet somebody." he told me and that's when I realized that he picked a four-seater table and not the usual table we have by the window.

I felt my heart clenched painfully as my mind went through all the possible scenarios that may happen today. All of them leads to one ending--- me with a broken heart. And it seemed that I guesses it right when Luhan suddenly stood up and motioned somebody towards our table.

"I'm sorry I was late." a beautiful brunette apologized as she gave him a peck on the cheek. 

I tightened my grip on my skirt under the table but still kept a smile on my face. Luhan even assisted her to her seat beside him. An act that he never did to me for the whole three years of our friendship.

"She is the person I wanted you to meet. I'm sorry if I kept her as a secret from you. I just wanted to surprise you.  This is Seohyun, my girlfriend." Ouch.

"Hello, I have heard a lot from you. It's nice meeting you, finally." Seohyun smiled to me with a hand extended. I hesitantly shook her hand and wow, her hands are so soft unlike mine which are rough because of all the papercuts I have accumulated in the past as a writer. 

The couple instantly started a conversation which I, sadly, isn't invited in. I stare at both of them and sighed inwardly. They are perfect for each other. I guess my best friend finally found his Aphrodite I thought through glassy eyes and looked away.
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