☾ exoarmyV1C;

Je T'aime Archive

Heavenly Tears

Calling for exoarmyV1C

LiddoInspirit's note:
Well, reading an angst fanfic is a change for me. But I like how this is a good angst story.
First Impression;
Title: I think you might need to make it a bit more detailed so that it draws people to read it. 6/10;; Foreword: I think you need to add more detail to where the story left off. 7/10;; Format: It was good. 10/10
In Depth;
Plot: I think the plot was pretty good. It made sense with the story. 13/15;; Characterization: The characters interacted well with each other but there could've been more characters to help in the story. 12/15
The Basics;
Grammar: The grammar was pretty good. I like how you described the setting of the story. 18/20;; Flow: I liked how it was sad, but a part that I thought was weird imagining is when they were . 8/10
All About Me;
Overall Enjoyment: 8/10


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Chapter 21: Hi! Thank you so much for the review! I haven't been able to see the review up until now because it said that the page was in draft status... I don't know, maybe I did something wrong. But wow, Thanks again! ^^