☾ DivineDionne;

Je T'aime Archive

Before the Dawn

Calling for DivineDionne

LiddoInspirit's note:

- For me personally, I sometimes like reading oneshots. But not most of the time. And this time when I read this oneshot, it was really good.

First Impression;
Title: Sounds very mysterious . 8/10 ;; Foreword: It was sometimes confusing. 5/10 ;; Format: The format was good . I like how you add sentences together to make small paragraphs. 10/10
In Depth;
Plot: I like it! It has a very mysterious feeling to it. 13/15;; Characterization: I think that the characters are introduced too fast, and it'll be hard to remember who is who. 10/15
The Basics;
Grammar: I like the way you used very descriptive words. 16/20;; Flow: This is a long oneshot lol . Personally for me I think that the story flow is good. 10/10 
All About Me;
Overall Enjoyment: 8/10 


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Chapter 21: Hi! Thank you so much for the review! I haven't been able to see the review up until now because it said that the page was in draft status... I don't know, maybe I did something wrong. But wow, Thanks again! ^^