Chapter 5

Tormenting Me

Chapter 5 || Imprinted


Her breath shook uncontrollably through her lungs and past her parted lips, her palms sweaty and her fingers weakly enclosed around her led pencil which rattled ever so slightly, rendered her incapable of simply keeping it against the blank page of her notebook. Her eyes just couldn't keep still, finding her gaze frantically bouncing off one person to the other without even considering the idea of focusing her sights on just one place. Although Jaeyun was currently settled in the middle of class during a lecture and surrounded by at least thirty other people, the nerves inside her body were just going into a never ending frenzy and keeping her from relaxing even a single muscle.




Jaeyun's entire body jolted in her seat at the sudden sound which alienated her delirious trance. “Whoa sorry—didn't mean to scare you.” Swiveling her head to the side, Jaeyun saw the boy seated beside her cautiously reaching down to retrieve his pencil off the floor while eyeing Jaeyun a bit oddly (most likely for her over-the-top reaction). A sigh naturally made it past Jaeyun's lips as she propped her elbow on her desk and rested her head in her hand. All the guy did was drop his pencil on the ground yet I got so startled by it. I need to get a hold of myself—I'm way too jumpy right now...


Jaeyun inadvertently found her fingers glide along her arm rested against her desk, feeling the cotton material of her sweater sleeve graze against the goosebumps that had long since risen on her arms the moment these uncomfortable and uncalled for feelings began to trouble her. She felt sick to the deepest regions of her stomach and coupled with a throbbing migraine and muffled aches in her chest, she was surprised she hadn't passed out yet undergoing such physical and mental stress.


It had been so long since she had last dealt with this type of tortuous strain on her body, and it was something she thought she would never have to deal with ever again until now.


Craning her head down, she squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to escape this hurting for even one second if possible. However, it quickly became an attempt she regretted not even a moment too soon because upon closing her eyes and entering the dark emptiness of her own mind, she could only see one thing and one thing alone.




A frighteningly pale and ghostly Luhan with that stretched out, eerie smile belonging to only him. And those wide open eyes—those empty dark pupils surrounded in an endless expanse of white. Those very eyes that seemed like they were staring right into Jaeyun's very soul, yearning to reach deep in and slowly tear it right out of her.


Jaeyun's eyes shot open in a matter of seconds, feeling her heart kick starting to a breakneck pace at the sight of this man, or rather this thing. Not even in my own thoughts, can I escape him, huh? She thought, almost in a sense of pity. Feeling her gnawing paranoia now triple in volume, Jaeyun tugged her sweater tighter around her hunched over body.


Back when I was outside, I didn't even realize it then, but I was beginning to feel a bit better. But now that I'm back inside, I feel just as bad as I did last night when I had met... Jaeyun stopped herself from making the mistake of thinking too deeply on the subject matter. It's... strange... But why? Jaeyun did a quick scan of her surroundings. I know he's probably in here somewhere but where? That's probably how he likes it anyways—me wondering and guessing where he is while he silently watches on.


A wave of grief began to slowly roll across Jaeyun's chest, drowning and suffocating her frightened heart. Why? Why is this happening to me again? Have I done something to deserve something like this again? And how long will this tormenting last this time around?


Jaeyun was abruptly awoken from her thoughts when her fellow classmates around her began to stand up from their seats and head towards the exit. Class was finally over? Peering down, Jaeyun saw a blank, untouched notebook page stare back at her apathetically. She might as well scribble off 'passing freshman year' off her goals list.


Hurriedly tossing all her belongings into her book bag, Jaeyun practically fled the room in the hopes she wouldn't be left alone in the room. Now speeding down the halls and weaving (though not successfully) past students , Jaeyun was planning on making a straight beeline towards the nearest exit. She wasn't exactly sure where she would be heading past those double doors since all her classes were finished, but all she really knew was that she needed some fresh air.


Just then, a hand grabbed a hold on Jaeyun's shoulder which stopped her dead in her tracks. Feeling her heart halt to a startling beat, Jaeyun whipped her head around, momentarily praying that whoever grabbed her wasn't who she thought it was.


Excuse me, you're Oh Jaeyun right?” Heaving out a deep breath of relief, Jaeyun relaxed herself a bit when she saw that the person who had stopped her was just another female student. She looked like she might have been in her last class but they hadn't chatted with each other at all before. So why would she have stopped her so suddenly?


Yes, I'm Oh Jaeyun.”


Oh, well there's a guy outside who's been asking for you.” Jaeyun knitted her eyebrows at her in utter confusion.


A... guy?”


Yeah, he didn't give me his name but he asked if I knew where you were. Actually, he was asking everybody for you—and I do mean everybody. Didn't know it was possible for someone to try and talk to so many people all at once.” Does this girl have the wrong Oh Jaeyun or something because I don't know anybody who'd make that much of a ruckus. Jaeyun thought curiously. “He's waiting outside by the entrance, by the way. I think you should go now because he seemed like he was in a hurry.” Nodding a slightly confused 'thanks' Jaeyun parted ways with the girl and started towards the exit once again. Though now her strides were a bit more gradual and indecisive. What guy would want to see me so badly anyways?


The second Jaeyun pushed open the door and took one step onto the pavement, she heard her name being called by a rather loud voice. Startled, Jaeyun turned her head this way and that to find the owner of the voice. Before she realized it, Baekhyun had already rushed over and was now standing before her. “Huh? ...Baekhyun?” Jaeyun slowly started, the name coming out of faster than it could even fully process in her own mind. Wait a second... don't tell me Baekhyun was the one who was asking for— Jaeyun's inner debate was cut short when Baekhyun immediately bend his entire upper body down towards Jaeyun in a perfect 90 degree bow. Jaeyun's eyes rounded in nothing else but pure shock at this point.


I'm sorry!”


Jaeyun blinked. “...What?”


Baekhyun stood up straight once more and looked Jaeyun right into her eyes, taking in a deep breath. “I'm sorry for acting so weird around you and avoiding you all this time and I'm also sorry about last night with Bomi since it was my fault she didn't return back to the dorm ok so don't blame her when it's really all MY fault but what I'm really trying to say here is that I'm sorry for everything alright!!” Jaeyun continued silently gawking at this boy like he was some type of foreign alien with two heads or something. She wasn't sure when exactly he started or finished speaking, let alone understanding what the hell he just said to her. “So... do you forgive me?” He added, thankfully at an intelligible pace this time.


Um... ok...?” Not even seeming a bit grateful or relieved that Jaeyun accepted his apology, Baekhyun didn't skip a beat and spoke once more.


Great, now let's go back to your dorm room.” And just like that, Baekhyun had Jaeyun by the wrist and was practically dragging her down campus towards the path to her dormitory. Realizing her current situation not a moment too soon, Jaeyun didn't hesitate to attempt to yank her arm out of Baekhyun's clutches.


Wait a second, Baekhyun!! What are you doing?!! Let go!!” Jaeyun protested, using both hands to break herself free. But it was obviously to no avail since not only did Baekhyun have a considerable grip on her but also because she was already weak and drained from her sleepless ordeal at the cafe the night before.


Bomi's last class for the day should be ending in like 20 minutes or so and I think she'd be really happy to see you already at the dorm waiting for her when she returns.” Despite his reasoning, Jaeyun still made a worthy effort to try and break herself away from Baekhyun's grip. But in the end, she realize there really was no getting out of this since the odds really were against her here. So here she was, shamefully walking behind a rushing Byun Baekhyun; hand-to-wrist like she was some type of child in trouble by their parent.


The problem here, however, wasn't entirely Baekhyun but the fact that Jaeyun did not want to step foot inside her dorm room again. Not after what had happened before.


Memories of last night's encounters rushed through Jaeyun's mind like a fast-forwarded movie which only made her even sicker to her stomach than before. What am I going to do? Who knows what will happen if I were to step back into that place?


Just then, Jaeyun's hairs stood up on end as an electrifying shock bolted right down her body. Something didn't feel right. Something definitely wasn't right here.


Something was behind her—something hurrying, something angry. Her stomach began to painfully twist and contract as an unsettling feeling began engulfing her at an alarming rate. “Baekhyun... please, let me go.” Jaeyun whispered. It only felt right to not say it too loud. Baekhyun didn't respond back and kept walking.


It was coming closer; a heaviness around her enveloping her even tighter.


Baekhyun, let go of me.” She said a bit more urgently though still maintaining a hushed tone. Once again, Baekhyun disregarded her completely as the two made it past the doors of her dormitory and towards the staircase. Second by second, one step after the other, Jaeyun gradually began to feel more and more anxious; a sense of danger and alarm rapidly beating at her chest. The two were now on the floor on Jaeyun's room and it was at this point where Jaeyun wasn't sure if she wanted to get inside that door room or prolong this walk even more.


She began tripping on her own feet as her legs began to tremble uncontrollably on her. The hallways they were in were completely empty yet for some reason she could hear something behind her. There was no denying it.




Panic now coiled itself around her entire body at the realization. It was definitely the sound of footsteps—hard but quick footsteps that was trailing directly behind her. “Baekhyun.” Jaeyun called out, going back to her methods of attempting to pull her wrist out of his grasp.


We're almost there. Just keep walking.” Was all he said. Hearing the footsteps coming even closer, Jaeyun took a chance and peered over her shoulder.


A gasp was caught right in the middle of when for just a split second, she saw a tall, dark and ominous silhouette of a man walking a few steps behind her.


But just as quickly as she had seen it, it had disappeared from her sights in the blink of an eye. But she knew it was still there. She knew he was still there, for she could recognize that silhouette anywhere. Now filled with an even greater sense of urgency, Jaeyun began yanking her wrist out of Baekhyun's hand. “Baekhyun, let go!!!” she now shouted.


Just keep walking!” Baekhyun retorted back with just as much force. Why is he so determined to hold onto me?? Jaeyun was startled when she suddenly felt another hand enclose its fingers around her other wrist by her side.


These fingers were cold.


No... no please...!




Just keep walking and you'll be fine!” Baekhyun barked, now seeming to walk a bit faster than before. The other grip on Jaeyun's wrist was now beginning to tighten at an alarming rate, sending shots of pain up her wrist.



Baekhyun, let go before he gets angry!!!



And with monstrous force, Jaeyun was abruptly yanked backwards by the wrist, finally breaking free of Baekhyun's hold and landing onto the ground with a loud THUD. “Ahh...!” Jaeyun painfully hissed, clenching onto her wrist.


Jaeyun! Are you alri—“ Before Baekhyun could kneel down and assist Jaeyun to her feet, he stopped midway when his face suddenly went completely pale. Managing to glance up at Baekhyun, though still a bit blinded by the pain in her wrist, she saw Baekhyun now receding a few steps away from her. With is head hung down low, Jaeyun could have sworn she saw Baekhyun's eyes clenching shut just behind his long bangs. His eyes remained squeezed shut for a few seconds more before they shot open again and he promptly pulled Jaeyun up onto her feet by her arm and rushed her towards her dorm room.


Thankfully with the door unlocked, Baekhyun was able to rush both himself and her into the room where he slammed the door shut. The both of them stood there without saying a single word to one another and were simply trying to catch their own escaped breaths. Feeling her legs about to give out at any second, Jaeyun dropped herself down to sit on her bed; still hanging on securely to her throbbing wrist. Baekhyun followed suit and plopped down into the wooden chair at the desk on the other side of the room.


I can't believe that just happen. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure what just happened... Jaeyun thought to herself. She was still trembling and her heartbeat was still incessantly banging against her eardrums nonstop. Too many things were just happening all at once, she didn't even know where to start picking out of her memories to recall anything. Though I could blame a part of this on Baekhyun, I really should be thankful for his help. Looking up, Jaeyun was surprised to see Baekhyun staring right at her.


Upon making direct eye contact, Baekhyun instantly averted his eyes away from hers as he cleared his throat. Once again, Jaeyun caught Baekhyun squeezing his eyes closed for a few seconds, then opening them up again. Now that I think about it... Baekhyun seemed to have had the same sense of urgency as me just now... But, how could he—


Hey, is your arm alright? You keep holding onto it.” Baekhyun suddenly called out.


Surprised by the sudden question and sudden interest, Jaeyun hesitantly replied, “Huh, oh. I-it... it just hurts a little.” Actually, it hurt a lot. How could it not when it was yanked at so hard by whatever force was behind her? But to avoid any more issues, she had to lie. “I think I might have hurt it falling down just now or something.” Baekhyun stood up from his seat and strode towards Jaeyun, who shrunk back just a bit.


Uh, mind if I take a look?” he offered with a hand, a little too obviously uncomfortable with the question. Jaeyun, also feeling the same amount of awkwardness, reluctantly extended her arm out and placed her wrist into Baekhyun's palm. Pulling her sleeve up for a tiny peak, both Baekhyun and Jaeyun were shocked at what they saw wrapped around her wrist.


Dark red finger imprints.


In a flash, Baekhyun released Jaeyun's hand from his own and took a step back. Jaeyun on the other hand was still staring at her own marks in shock. T-there's no doubting where these marks could have come from... She thought.


During the silence, the door suddenly swung open. “Oh, Jaeyun! You're here!” came Bomi who grinned ear to ear at the sight of her roomie. “Ah, oppa you're here too.” But just before Bomi could finish speaking, Baekhyun rushed right past Bomi and right through the door. “Huh, oppa? Oppa, wait you're leaving so soon? Baekhyun!!” Bomi called out, poking her head out the doorway. With Baekhyun now far out of sight, Bomi pouted to herself and gently closed the door behind herself. “He's acting strange again...” she commented. She then glanced over at Jaeyun. “Hey, you don't look too good either. Are you okay?”


I'm... I'm just... tired...”



Double update ahhhh!!!!


I think I broke a record here since I literally wrote this entire chapter in 4 hours when usually it takes me a day or two to write one. It's because I really wanted to give you guys a double update ASAP since I've been inactive for so long!!! >.<


But yeah, how's the suspence so far? Are things getting confusing? GOOD because things will be getting a million times more confusing later on!!! Like I wrote before, I'm still getting back into the writing grind so forgive me if these two chappies ain't up to pare like my other chapters. I'll try to update again soon (but if you know me, my 'soon' doesn't exactly have the same definition as everyone else's 'soon' lol)


Also, SPOILER ALERT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Chapter 6 will include a certain someone we all know and love. I wonder who it'll be hmm!!!




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[Tormenting Me] An update has finally emerged!!!!


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flowergirl137 #1
yo it's been years. I used to read this when I was 14 and I'm 21 now lmao XD the story is so good, too bad the author is missing already. where are you author-nim T^T
Chapter 6: Yo author-nim I know this story last updated 5 years ago. I was 15 years old then and now I'm turning 20 and I am still hurting cuz WHAT HAPPENED TO JAEYUN?? uwu. I hope you're doing well author-nim anddd I hope that someday you'll continue this super mega awesome story of yours. Love u.
wonxbunny #3
This story’s amazing!! I hope you find it in you to complete this story one day <3