Chapter 4

Family Ties

Tao’s POV

“Stupid Exo-K closed another deal again” Kris slammed the paper on his desk.

“Should we go pay them a visit?” Luhan smirked as he sat down next to me, playing on his phone.

Xiumin Hyung walked in. “Let’s let this one slide” He spoke as he sat next to Kris Hyung.

“Why?” Chen asked. “I feel like punching someone”

“Well find someone else” Xiumin spoke. “They have enough to deal with right now”

“Woah, since when have you ever cared for K, Hyung?” Lay asked him.

Xiumin Hyung sighed and looked at the 5 of us. “Exo K’s little sister got attacked tonight”

Everyone looked at him, shocked. It was weird but it was this unspoken rule between Exo K and Exo M to never attack each other’s families, weird but it works. It’s the only thing we can agree on.

“What do you mean attacked?” I asked as I gulped. Jihae is hurt?

Xiumin rubbed the back of his neck before speaking. “Apparently Park Dongwoo of Park Industries her last night”

“WHAT?!” I shouted as everybody looked at me.

“Tao?” It was Kris who spoke “You alright?”

“I-I’m fine” I stuttered. I haven’t exactly been honest with the group. They didn’t know that my best friend is our rival’s sister and I don’t plan on telling them soon. I stood up and faced Xiumin.

“Hyung, is it okay if I leave early today?” He looked at me “I have something I need to sort out”

“Is everything alright, Tao?” Xiumin asked me “Are you in trouble?” I shook my head and smiled.

“Just forgot to do something” I grabbed my jacket and put it on “I’ll see you guys tomorrow or later tonight” I walked out before they could question me further.

I dialled Jihae’s phone as I hopped on my motorbike. She’s not picking up her phone. I guess her house it is. I put my helmet on and made my way to her house. I haven’t been to her house in years just because I didn’t need to see his brothers, it was better to see her outside of their mansion. I finally arrived in front of their gate. For once there were no security guards but the gate was still locked. I looked at the fence and decided that I could climb it. The things I do for that woman, seriously.

I finally made it to the other side and landed on the grass with a thud. For a second, I stood still and admired the house before me. I don’t understand, Exo K is filthy rich so why did they need to go into this business? A second later, I made my way towards the door. I knocked and waited as Sehun opened the door.

“What do you want?” He asked me. “How the hell did you even get in?”

“Jihae” I spoke “Where is Jihae?”

“She doesn’t want to see you” Sehun said as he started to close the door, I stopped the door with my foot and forced my way in. I could hear Sehun shouting behind me as I moved quickly to locate Jihae. I could smell food, maybe she was eating breakfast. I found the dining room and barged in, not caring about the 5 guys staring at me.

“W-What are you doing here?” Jihae asked me as I looked at her. Her body covered in bruised and her face seemed pale and soulless. I made my way towards her and hugged her much to the protests of her brothers.

“T-Tao” She whispered as she cried and slowly hugged me back.

I pulled away as I wiped her tears “I heard what happened” I spoke. “What that bastard did to you” She looked at me. “Where does he live? I’m going to kill him”

“Already said that, you can’t kill him” It was Kai who spoke.

“I can and I will” Tao replied.

“T-Tao” Jihae’s voice brought my attention back to her. “It’s okay”

“It’s not okay!” I yelled as she flinched.

“Do not ing yell!” Sehun said.

“You yelled too ” I retorted.

“Both of you stop, please” Jihae said. She sighed. “Tao why don’t you sit down”

“You’re letting him stay?” Chanyeol asked her.

“He’s my best friend, Oppa” She looked at Chanyeol “He deserves to know what happened too” she turned to Suho. “Oppa, he can stay right?”

Suho reluctantly nodded as Jihae told everyone to sit down. For a moment we just watched her as she stared at the ground. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it much to her brothers’ dismay.

“H-He didn’t me” She spoke. “At least he didn’t get to” She sighed as I squeezed her hand again.

“It’s okay” I smiled.

“He kissed me, he d me and-“She stopped as she cried. Before I could hold her, Kai was by her side and took her in his arms. He hugged her and whispered encouraging words to his twin.

“H-His hands” She frowned “He touched me” she looked away ashamed.

“He told me that was all I was worth, just a dumb that men touched” She cried. “I was nothing but a rich spoiled brat who needed to learn her lesson” She kept crying as the rest of us tried to contain our anger. That ing , I am going to murder him.

“I-I feel so dirty” She admitted. “No matter how many times I shower, I could still feel him touching me” She looked at Kai. “He’s right, I’m just a cheap who-“

“STOP!” It was Chanyeol who shouted. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Jihae”

“O-Oppa” She whispered.

Chanyeol sighed “He is a ing low life who deserves to die, you did nothing wrong” He smiled as he looked at her. “Please don’t ever think like that” He pleaded “P-Please”

She nodded “I’m sorry”

“Don’t be sorry” Baekhyun smiled. “You have nothing to be sorry about”

“Okay, this is getting too serious for my liking” Sehun stood up “How about we go to the arcade room and go play games” He looked at me “Even the panda can come”

“I have a name” I said as I heard Jihae giggle.

“I prefer Panda” Sehun smirked as they got up.

“I’m going to ing kick your ” I mumbled as Jihae turned to me.

“What was that Tao?” She clearly heard what I said.

“N-Nothing” I smiled. “Let’s go play” She smirked as she led me to their arcade room. Just how rich is my best friend exactly.

I walked in and stared in awe as I admired their game room. This was better than any arcade places I go to.

“Like what you see?” I looked to my right and saw Jihae next to me. I nodded as she laughed.

“We even have a snack bar, come on let’s go get food” She took my hand and dragged towards the various foods and drinks. I sat on one of the bar stools as I watched her prepare the food. As she reached for the chocolate, I got a full view of her bruises.

“Do they hurt?” I asked her as she turned around. “Your bruises”

She shrugged “Not so much anymore, only when I get bumped or hit something” I kept looking at her.

“I’m fine Tao, a little banged up but I’ll live besides our lawyer said that he’s going to jail plus they’re family is bankrupt now” She sighed. She didn’t like that his family suffered too but she couldn’t say anything, she was mad and she couldn’t change anything even if she wanted to anyways. Everything was a done deal.

“Do you want to go on a little field trip?” I asked her as she turned to me.

“Where?” She asked.

“I want to introduce you to my friends” I don’t know what compelled me to do that but I felt that it was time for my friends to meet her.

“Your friends?” She gulped. I laughed as I looked at her.

“They won’t hurt you, I promise” I smiled. “I’ll be right there, the whole time”

After a few seconds she sighed. “What the hell, I might as well” She shrugged “I have a feeling I’m going to be involved with this business anyways might as well meet the competition I guess” She laughed.

I smiled. Now that she’s involved, I have to work harder to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. I know Exo M will never touch her but I can’t say the same about the other gangs. Not everyone is as understanding as us.

“Let me just tell my brothers” She smiled as she walked towards her brothers.

“No!” I heard one of them say before walking over to me and grabbing my collar. “Where the hell are you taking her?” Kai asked.

“Kai, let go” Jihae asked.

“Yeah, listen to your sister Kai” I smirked as he looked at me and dropped his grip. I fixed my attire before speaking “Relax will you, I’m just taking her outside for a bit of fresh air”

“You’re taking her to meet Exo M?!” Sehun yelled. “Are you insane?”

“What?” I looked at them “You know my group will never hurt her” I sighed “You know I won’t let anything happen to her”

“That we can’t be sure of” Chanyeol said.

“If I wanted to harm Jihae, I would have a long time ago” I looked at him. “I had plenty of opportunities” I added.

Jihae stepped in “I’m going with Tao, I will be back” Before they could say another word “I need to get out of this house” She looked at Suho. “Oppa?”

Suho once again gave in “Fine but if there’s anything wrong, give us a call” She smiled.

“Hyung, you’re letting her go?” Baekhyun asked.

“I-I trust Tao with Jihae” Suho finally said then he stepped closer to me. “But if anything happens to her, I will destroy you and your gang. Got it?” He said as I gulped. Suho actually scared me.

“Y-yeah” I stuttered as they laughed. “I’ll wait outside, Jihae” I muttered as I walked out.

I leaned against my motor bike as I waited for her. I called the group to let them know.

“I will be arriving soon with someone I want you to meet so that means no weapons, no drugs and for Luhan Hyung please no women!” I spoke as they laughed and said that they’d take care of it. I hung up the phone as I saw Jihae walk out with a smile on her face. I handed her a helmet.

“Ready?” I asked as she nodded.

“W-Will they like me?” She asked as she bit her lip.

I chuckled “That’s what I’m afraid of” she looked at me “I think they’re going to like you too much and soon you’ll be replacing me with them” she giggled as she jumped on the back and placed her hands on my waist.

“That’ll never happen” I smiled “You’re my only panda”

“Ya! I’m not a panda” I whined as she laughed.

“Just go” She said as we drove towards my friends.

When we arrived, I took her hand as I led her into the building. Before we opened the door, I turned to her.

“I apologize in advance for their behaviour” She laughed.

“I’m sure they’re not that bad” This time it was me who laughed. I opened the door and as soon as I walked in, all eyes were on my best friend.

“Kim Jihae?!”

“Whoaaa maknae has a girlfriend”

“She’s pretty hot”

“She’s pretty”

“Wait, isn’t she Exo K’s princess?”

I blushed as I looked at Jihae who seemed overwhelmed by my friends’ words.

“S-So these are your friends, huh?”

I gulped, this was about to get interesting.

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flower99 #1
Chapter 4: she's with exo m now. ^^
Chapter 4: Amazing story. Update again pleaseee...
Chapter 4: wow~what a awesome chapter and hope you can continue this story!! Thanks for the amazing ideas - Yuki