
Pushing the Limits.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the grammatical errors in the chapter, because English isn't my first language. So everyone who willing to be a beta reader to help fix my mistakes, please comment :D

“Get him!” someone shouted. Lay snapped out of his thought and started running for his life. He didn’t know where he was going, but he just kept running like his life depends on it. Sadly, he didn’t know the way around the city. For his entire life, his parents locked him up in the attic which forbids him to see the outside world.

So the only thing Lay can do is keep running or he will get killed. And getting killed is the last thing he want to happened, when he never experience a normal life. But after seeing the looks that the groups of murderers were giving him when they saw him from the window, right away he knew his life was in danger.

Lay still could felt the shiver going down his spine when he saw those murderous looks.

He could have run immediately when he saw the dead bodies, and they would have not seen him. But he was so shocked that his two left foot wouldn’t move, until he saw them running towards him. When he saw them he knew he had to start running or he will be dead like his gege and jiejie. But, he wondered if his brother and sister are dead does that means his parents are too. Suddenly he heard gunshots going off; Lay tried his best to not faint because of the fear roaming through his body. 

“Get that guy right now; I don’t care if he’s dead because it’s better off if he’s dead, so he won’t rat out.” He heard someone shouted. Lay eyes lingered at a tree, and thought maybe he could hide behind it. But he knew that wouldn’t work.

The shouting was heard again from a distance.

“You can’t hide from us, because we will get you no matter what. We always get our victim. And our next victim is you scar freak.” He heard. Lay tried to find somewhere to hide, because he knew if he didn’t he will be dead in the next minute.

While looking around for a spot to hide, a thought starts lingering through his head. Before he ran away, Lay saw a similar tattoos one the murderers’ right arms. He had no clue what they mean, but he knew remembering them might help him in the future. The future he hopes he will have, which depends on these next couple of minutes. 

Then Lay saw an alleyway and ran towards that direction. A garbage can caught his attention and knew that was his only hope of being alive. He immediately jumped into the garbage can, not caring what was inside because that's the last thing on his mind.

Lay closed the lid and covered his mouth, so he will keep quiet. But that really didn’t help, because there were rats and bugs roaming around his body. He tried his best to not shout because of the movement he felt around his body.

The familiar voices are heard again and Lay knew it was the murderers.

“We have to find him right now, call the others to help us. Tell them to halt the next plans. Tell them not to kill the others yet.” Lay heard someone said and wonder who they were going to kill next.

“Finding the guy is our top priority right now, because if we don’t find him he might ruin our plan.” Another voice is heard.

“Do you guys remember what he look like?” one said.

“It’s not hard to not remember what he look like.  He has a scar on both of his cheeks that look like a Y and a K. If we find a guy with those scars, he’s our victim. Because I’m 100% sure nobody have similar scars like his.”

“Yeah, that will narrow down the list. We have to tell the others about his description, and that the main part they should be looking for are the scars.” Lay heard and gasped. Right away he knew they were right, not many people have the same scars he has.

He still doesn’t remember how he got them, but he knew he got them when he was 3 years old. The year that he lost all his memories. The reason why he doesn’t remember any memories he made during those years.

“What will happen when we catch him?” one asked.

Lay leaned his ear onto the garbage can, so he can clearly hear their answers. But he knew one of those answers was to kill him, because who wouldn't kill someone when they witness you murdering someone.

“That’s an easy question; we will kill him so she won’t tell anyone what we did. If that doesn't work, then we will silt his throat, so he won’t be able to talk ever again.” they answered.

 “Okay I warned the others, they are looking around too. I don’t think that guy ran that far he still should be around here. Everyone spilt up; if we do it will be easier to find him.” he heard, and then didn’t hear anymore talking. 

Lay sighed of relief, 'Thank god..' he thought. He was lucky that these murderers didn't check tha garbage can, because if they did he knew he wouldn't be alive by now. Now he just have to sit back for while in case those murderers come back.

"Smart murderers would of check in the garbage can, but it seem like they weren't smart. One to zero it seem like I'm the winning now. HAHA! I won, I might not die today." he whispered to himself, while dancing very quiet.

While sitting in the garbage can, he could help to feel a tint of happiness in the inside because he doesn't have to be stuck in the attic anymore. After 15 long years, this was his first time ever going out . Somewhat he was a little glad that he was able to get out, but also he felt sad because his siblings were dead.With all the abused he was endure by them since he was 3 years old, they were still his family and it would heartless for him to want his sibiling and parents dead.

When he know deep down he wouldn't mind if they were dead because it means that he will finally have freedom from his so called family that treated him wrongly since he was just a toddler just because of his unique scars.

"Hehe I'm so heartless for wanting them dead.." he giggle, then he suddenly heard shouting and foot steps.

Immediately covered his mouth and prayed that they won't look in the garbage can. If they do, curse himself for actually doubting their intelligence. Maybe karma is working towards him for thinking that everything be alright.

"He's over here!" Lay heard a voice and his body starts shaking because of nervousness.

'Oh god don't tell me they find me, stupid mouth you should have not doubt their intelligence.' he thought and closed his eyes, waiting for his life be taken away in just a couple second.

'Bye Bye life, I hope I have decent afterlife.' Lay said to himself. Until he suddenly felt the lid of the garbage can starts opening. Everything happened so fast, but the next thing he knew a tall man was covering his mouth.

"Sh, be quiet they might find me.." the husky voice was heard.

'Who is he? If he was one of the murderers he wouldn't of not jumped into the garbage, then who is he.'

Lay eyes lingered to the man's face and his eyes widen when he saw the familar shaped scars on the others right and left cheeks. The only differences is that the scars are shapes of the letter C and K. And he wondered why this man had them too. 

Before he could asked, suddenly the man with the curly hair looked at him with his big rounds eyes.

"Don't make any noise when I uncover your mouth okay or I will punch your cute face!" the man quietly threaten him.

Lay eyes widen while nodding his head, the last thing he want to happened is getting his precious face getting punch by a babyfaced young man with cute chubby cheeks that he just want to pinch right now. The curly hair uncovered his hand from Lay's mouth and lean his head towards the garbage can to see if he can hear any voices outside.

Before he jumped into the garbage can, he was getting chased by a group of his parents guards sent to catch him.But he ran fast enough that he was able to found somewhere to hide before they caught him. Now, he's stuck inside of a dirty garbage can with a small brunette. The curly hair didn't hear anymore voices and wondered if that means they left and went to looked somewhere else. 

If they did that means he will be able to get out this garbage can and find a nice shelter that he will be able to stay for the night because he didn't want to stay inside of a smelly dump.

He slowly opened the lid, but before he could he felt a hand slapped his. The curly boy looked at the culprit and saw the small boy looking at him with his innocent eyes and pointing at his cheeks.

"So? Do you have a problem that I have these scars on my face!" the curly hair boy hissed which scared Lay who looked down. He knew maybe it was wrong to asked the curly hair boy about his scars.

"No, don't you see my cheeks I have the similar scars like yours. I just want to know how you got them." Lay shuttered.

The curly hair boy tilt his head to have a better view of the small boy face. Suddenly his his eyes lingered towards the other milky white face and saw the similar scars on the small boy cheeks. 

The only differences was that the scars were shaped of a Y and a K, while his was a C and a K. This was the first time ever seeing someone who had the same one like his. He really thought he was the only one on earth that had these scars, but maybe he was wrong.

The curly hair boy tilt Lay head up and caresses the scars.

"Do you remember how you got them?"

"No, that why I want to ask you the same question. But you don't have to answer."

The curly hair boy confusedly look at him, "Why don't I have to answer?"

"Because I don't want you to get mad, because it seem like you don't like talking about those scars. I understand what you're feeling because, I don't like talking about these scars too." he softly said.

"Oh.." the curly boy said then added, "Did you get them when you were 3 years old too?" 

Immediately look up staring at the man, "How did you know? Did you get the scars when you were three too?"

The curly boy nodded his head, "Because I got it when I was 3 years old too, but I don't remember how I got them. It was like the day I woke up in the hospital I forgot everything that happened for the first 3 years of my life. I felt like a new born baby. It been 15 years already and I still don't remember them. I just know I got them when I was 3."

"Oh god that happened to me too. When I woke up the next day I forgot about everything except my name. How weird that the same thing happened to both of us?" Lay said and added, "Is it just a coincidence or did we know each in our past life.."

The curly boy shrugged his shoulder, "I have no clue, but this is getting scary" he mumbles and commented, "and smelly.." He covered his mouth and opened the lid so he can't get out of the garbage can. The curly boy jumped out of garbage can looked around to see if there are any of his parents guard lurking around.

He was too busy looking around that he didn't see a pale Lay looking very sick after spending a hour in a smelly garbage can, but also...

"I think I'm going to puke." Lay muttered and puke on the first thing he saw.

The curly boy suddenly felt suddenly someone wet on his favorite shirt. He looked down and starts whining, "Why did you have to puke on me? Do I have a sign on my face that say "PUKE ON ME" ?" the husky voice whined.

"No, because you have a dead rat on your behind.."

"WHAT?" the curly boy squealed.


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Please update soon!! >.<
Chapter 1: aww when will u update ;;
Chapter 1: pls update soon pls
author-nim please update soon >w<
Chapter 1: I think exoticpandacorn thought seems true right?!? It makes since though......
Chapter 1: Omo I KNOWWWWWW the Y is for yixing the c is for Chanyeol and the k on lay is kai and the k on Chanyeol is Kris.....makes complete sence^-^*
Lollyholly #7
It's interesting and kinda weird, but I like it :)
skyerenciel #8
Chapter 1: This story is cute! I'm a little confused though, the murderers said Lay's scars looked like L and K but later you said it was Y and K?
shineesmegami #9
Chapter 1: I like this all ready. Please update soon.
GwagHyeYu #10
i dono y, but im cracking up at de foreword. XD