
When the Cherry Blossoms Fell

"Hey, they say it's five centimeters per second."

"Huh? What is?"

"The speed of falling cherry blossoms..."

- 5 cm per Second 



He was tolerantly waiting at first, but few more minutes of waiting and he will surely run out of patience


Jongin taps his foot in rhythm with the music he is currently listening to as he waits for his friend, Chanyeol and his History notes that he borrowed for a report he needs to do right away.


If he remembers clearly, Jongin asked him to meet him at the cherry blossom tree near the school gates at four-thirty. But it was already five minutes after four-thirty yet Chanyeol is nowhere to be found. At four thirty-six, Jongin decides to send the guy an SMS reminding him that they should be seeing each other now, incase his friend forgets that they had to meet.


In less than a minute, Jongin receives a reply from Chanyeol which contained an exaggerated amount of emoticons and a message saying he is, ‘sorry but I suddenly got myself in detention’, but not to, ‘worry. I asked my classmate to bring my notes there’.


Jongin sighs and replied with an, ‘okay thanks’, cursing his friend in his mind. He slumps down the grassy floor under the cherry blossom tree observing the other students exit the school to go home. A cherry blossom leaf that fell on his leg made him shift his attention to the falling leaves, brushing off those that fall in his shoulders and blowing off one that fell on the tip of his nose.


The falling pink leaves reminded him of an animated movie he watched before.


“It takes a cherry blossom leaf, five centimeters per second to touch the ground.”


He focused his gaze on a newly-detached leaf slowly falling towards the ground to join the others painting the floor with a light pink hue.


‘Then if this tree is twelve feet tall, converting feet to centimeters, then it would probably take that leaf – ‘


“Excuse me, are you Jongin? Kim Jongin?”  Someone asked which cut Jongin from his thoughts.


“Huh? Uh, yeah.” Jongin replied as he stands up brushing up the grass and dust in his pants and straightening his uniform.


He takes a good look at the person opposite him and finds himself looking at a smaller guy, who Jongin thinks is a junior like him basing on the blue tie he was wearing.


The other male smiled at him his round eyes turning into crescents plump pink lips molding into a heart shape smile, which sent Jongin’s heart on a race.


“Ah, I knew it. Channie describe you perfectly well.” The guy said which Jongin barely heard as he was busy staring at the beautiful person in front of him.


Jongin watched with admiration the guy opposite him taking a good note of his milky white skin and long eyelashes. How come he has never seen this beautiful person around school? Not wanting to lose his opportunity of getting to know the guy, he asked for his name.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce myself,” he replied as he continues to rummage through his bag. “I’m Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo.”


And Jongin thinks that his name is as beautiful as he is.


“Your friend Chanyeol asked me to hand you this.”


Kyungsoo showed Jongin  Chanyeol’s History notes smiling as he does so, making Jongin knees go wobbly and filling his stomach with butterflies. He took his friend’s notebook accidentally (maybe even purposely) brushing his hand with Kyungsoo’s sending small bolts of electricity down his spine.


Jongin said his thanks earning Kyungsoo’s ‘you’re welcome’ in return. When Kyungsoo was done with what he came for, he bid goodbye. Jongin did so too – against his will.


He watched as Kyungsoo walks towards the school gate clutching the strap of his sling bag, hair bouncing as he walks and shining as it gets hit by the sun’s rays.


Then, out of the sudden, Jongin finds himself running. Running towards Kyungsoo and grabbing one of his arms and turning him around.


Kyungsoo looked at Jongin, shock written all over his face.


“J-Jongin!” Oh, how he love hearing his name spoken by Kyungsoo’s deep and beautiful voice.


One centimeter.


“Is there anything that you need?” Kyungsoo asked and tilted his head lightly to the side.


Two centimeters.


Kyungsoo blinks repeatedly still confused with what Jongin’s doing. “Jongin?” He grabbed Jongin’s hand which was grasping his arm and shook it calmly.  How soft Kyungsoo’s hand is, Jongin thought.


Three centimeters.


Jongin gathers up all the courage he has to ask Kyungsoo one thing.


“Um, Kyungsoo…”


“Yes? What is it?”


Keep calm, Jongin, keep calm.


“Would you want to go for an ice cream… for a while?”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widen and a flush of pink is slowly creeping on his cheeks. He looked surprised, embarrassed even. Was he too straightforward? Jongin mentally rips his hair. Of course who wouldn’t be embarrassed like Kyungsoo? It was their first time meeting each other yet here he is asking for a “date” if it could be called that. But he admits Kyungsoo is cute when he’s like this – eyes wide and cheeks flushed.


Four centimeters.


Jongin’s can hear his heartbeat on his ears as he anticipates Kyungsoo’s answer, crossing his fingers tightly behind his back.


Soon enough, a smile crept on Kyungsoo’s face. A smile which Jongin thinks is beautiful, innocent and pure. And it was enough for Jongin to find himself falling for the beautiful person in front of him, five centimeters per second, maybe, even faster. 



God, this is so lame. I'm so sorry. /hides in my turtle shell forever

I wrote this sometime in June? Or July? I can't remember. Only got to post this year just because. 

I guess you could say this is a prequel to my other fic, Hiraeth

Anyways, thanks for reading! 

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akaonim #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!!
AeChaPark #2
Chapter 1: aasdfdjhsf; got a lighter feeling after reading this. The mood is so relaxing <3 I love it Mommy Eomma~
Chapter 1: Kyeopta! Author-nim enough to mke up my bad day! :)
Chapter 1: This was absolutely beautiful! Darn. I loved it so much. The simily with the cherry blossoms and how you described the details Jongin so suddenly sees in Kyungsoo... simply magical. ♥
Chapter 1: this is adorable :3 and well written

thank you for writing this :)