Mi'lady, if you will?

Heart of An Angel
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Remember I will be changing the color for languages you are speaking:

{Black} for Korean - {Blue} for English - {Red} for Chinese

I do not own any Korean Idols/Bands or Pictures...I ONLY own the plot, OC/Fictional, and Story.


"This is a good track, Cheon." Mino commented nodding his head to the beat.

You nodded as thanks and said, "WINNER will be writing the lyrics for it and will have to make a track for these lyrics."

You then crawled over to reach your bag and pulled out a sheet of paper with words written all over it, handing it to Seunghoon since he was the closest to you out of WINNER.

"Wow... These are good..." Seunghoon muttered as he read them.

"Thanks." You smiled and started eating as the guys pitched in to feed themselves as well. "I'm sure you guys can do it. You 'taught' me well."

"What's this for?" Taehyun asked curiously, ignoring your comment as Team B snickered a little.

You looked at him with tteokbokki in your mouth and blinked as B.I laughed.

"You'll find out later. She doesn't tell anyone what it's for until you finish the songs." Jinhwan answered for you as you smiled and nodded.

"Noona, why are you so cute~?" B.I cooed.

You swallowed the food in your mouth and your lips before cooing, "Because I look younger than you~"

All the guys burst out laughing as well as B.I who was shaking his head at you. As you all ate, all of a sudden, YG walked in and noticed you sitting in a circle with the guys eating causing everyone to immediately stand up to bow and greet him. Hanbin discreetly nudged you with his foot to make you get up greet YG. You shrugged and just waved to YG.

YG shook his head at you and asked, "How's the practice going?"

"Tiresome, Sajangnim. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" You asked back.

"I'm checking on your progress and the guys' monthly evaluation." YG simply yet bluntly replied..

You looked surprised and asked, "That's today?"

YG nodded and pointed out, "They were supposed to be training."

"Mian." You shrugged. "They'll be ready in half an hour."

"I'll be back in five hours. You're going to be included in their evaluation." YG said then walked out.

"MWOYA?!" You exclaimed immediately getting up and running out the door to chase down YG.

"Aigo...this troublesome girl..." B.I sighed shaking his head before continuing to eat.

"Troublesome? We haven't seen her like that." Mino said in confusion.

"She changed when she came back from Hong Kong. She used to be an angel as she is now until she turned eleven. At that age she started becoming rebellious. From then, it started to get worse which caused her to be sent over to Hong Kong once her father had enough of her behavior two years later. But when she got back she practically became an angel again." Jinhwan chuckled.

"I wonder what happened..." Taehyun muttered as you walked back in.

"Jackson happened." You answered, dropping yourself in between B.I and Seunghoon. "I'm indebted to him because he saved me in Hong Kong."

"But aren't you a thir-" B.I started until you glared it him to keep his mouth shut.

"Yeah, but I didn't learn how to defend and take on more than five people myself at the time." You sighed in distress.

B.I furrowed his eyebrows and curiously asked, "For how long are you indebted to him?"

"There's no length. Just like how you don't know how long you're going to live. It's life. Unpredictable and unfair." You gave a small smile then looked at Seunghoon and asked, "Can I lie on your lap?"

Seunghoon blinked and nodded causing you to smile and rest your head in his lap.

"You guys can have my share. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when you're ready to practice." You mumbled and closed your eyes, slowly falling sleep for the nth time this week.

As you were sleeping, the boys continued to eat and chat about, mostly about you.

"Do you know what this thing is about?" Mino asked everyone again referring to them making songs for you.

"We don't know until a few days after we give it to her." Jinhwan answered.

"Then do you know why she's been sleeping in the recording studio and practice studios lately?" Jinwoo asked.

Team B shook their heads with a sigh as B.I answered, "All she said was that she's working."

"You think she's planning to debut?" Mino asked aloud.

"I don't think so. Why now six years after the disbandment of Destiny?" Jinhwan asked quietly.

"It’s been six years?!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

B.I nodded. "When Sarang passed, Cheon didn’t want to do music and focused almost all of her attention on ice skating. If she does decide to debut as a soloist, I can almost guarantee the world of idols will change. She's practically a genius."

"How come she doesn't want to debut?" Taehyun asked confused.

"Two reasons. One, she doesn't want to abandon ice skating." Bobby sighed. "She loves music a lot which is why most of the music that she skates to are of her making."

"Really?!" Everyone asked surprised.

The original three Kim's of Team B rolled their eyes and nodded. Jinhwan then spoke up, “The other reason is because she doesn’t want people prying in to her private life.”

B.I then mentioned, "Some fans tried to probe into her private life during the time she was in Destiny as well as after Sarang’s passing. It scarred Cheon when fans found out that Cheon’s been best friends with Sarang and they constantly asked questions about Sarang. During Cheon’s trainee days after Sarang’s passing, the two of us always ended up sleeping in the room when we were writing songs. She pours all of her feelings out in her music. She’s afraid of someone listening to them and not liking them."

"You two are really joined at the hip. You know a lot about her." Jinwoo commented with a laugh, trying to ease up the solemn atmosphere.

"It was originally the four of us together until she left for Hong Kong after Sarang’s passing." Jinhwan mentioned.

Seunghoon was caught up in his thoughts and suddenly asked, "Do I even have a chance with Cheonsa?"

"Yes." Everyone answered rolling their eyes.

"E-Eh?" Seunghoon stuttered in confusion noticing their annoyed behavior.

"Isn't it obvious, Hyung?" Yunhyung chuckled as Junhwae added, "Noona likes you. She asked if she could use your lap."

"Plus, you two have been hanging out and she doesn't even hang out with us that much." Bobby mentioned then asked, "What do you two even do?"

Seunghoon just shrugged. "We're just here and there. Usually in the practice studio dancing. If not that, then we're at the ice rink."

"Ice...rink?" B.I asked in disbelief. "You go with Noona to the ice rink?"

Seunghoon nodded in confusion and replied, "Yeah. Why? Is there something wrong with that?"

"Hyung, you're an idiot." B.I simply stated. Bobby then jumped in, "What he means is that Cheon never takes people with her to the ice rink. She only takes people who are really close to her and so far she has only taken five people that aren't her coaches or family."

"Who's the fifth person if it's the three of you and Seunghoon?" Mino asked interested. “Was it Sarang-ssi?”

“It was Sarang…” B.I nodded with a sigh. "Her best friend that passed away a six years ago. They were joined at the hip more than me and her."

Taehyun noticed the solemn atmosphere and questioned, "How is she good friends with you?"

"We're childhood friends." B.I answered simply.

"How is that possible if she was born in Busan?" Yunhyung asked confused.

"She's been in YG the longest with him and practically spent her childhood here." Jinhwan answered for you.

Bobby laughed and said, "I thought it was funny how people thought her and Hanbin were dating when we were in Japan for the YG Family Concert."

Everyone laughed and nodded in agreement. "All those articles were nothing compared to the next teaser that sajangnim's released."

"Why would he release a teaser for October now?" B.I asked confused. “It’s months away.”

"To get everyone excited." Seunghoon simply answered with a laugh.

“Or so people could forget about the issue.” Seungyoon mentioned.

Mino decided to change the topic and ask, "So what do you know more than the rest of us?"

"A lot. She tells me almost everything." B.I smiled. "She's like a real Noona."

"Her and Jinhwan used to look like a real couple back then." Bobby mentioned with a smile watching Seunghoon's expression.

Everyone looked surprised excluding Jinhwan. "What did they do?"

"What couples do. Hold hands, cuddle, kiss on the cheeks, all those kinds of things." B.I shrugged, joining

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Might post another update today. It all depends on my work load.. :D


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slilings #1
namhoonie1996 #2
Chapter 17: More!!! Hahaha great story
Chapter 17: it's so fluffy I'm gonna die (despicable me 2) XD . But no really I love it !!^^
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 16: Yay they are finally together!
Yup still so cute. :)
Aww only one more chapter ;__;
KPoPfAn4EVA #5
Chapter 14: Ahhh too cute!!
Chapter 11: I read all the chapters when i'm supposed to be studying T_T this is a great story and i wish seunghoon would soon man up and just confess already xD
Chapter 8: I couldn't help but laugh and smile at this chapter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too cute haha ^^
Update soon when you have the chance :D
Chapter 5: Seunghoonie is JELLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha ^^
Chapter 4: Ah, getting to no each other know are we......
Haha ^^