Part 2

Love and other complications

A/N: So here's the final part of the story. It's a gift to all my readers and subscribers and also since its officially March 2nd in my country, its my birthday!!! :D yayyy!!!! so I decided to post it on my birthday :D Once again a big and heartfelt thank you to every one for reading the fic. 

I should probably warn you that its the labor scene also the scene where Sehunnie's poor head takes a lot of hits :P my poor poor maknae but since its Lulu so he can be easily forgiven :D

Hope you all enjoy it and I should probably end my mini-rant to the story ---- 


Sehun was running late. It was like the day was meant for him to be late. Since the time he had woken up he was cursed with being late for everything. He was supposed to meet Luhan at 7 and there he was still at the office as the clock showed 7:17. It wasn’t supposed to be like that but the sudden meeting was inevitable and that’s how Sehun was late. When the meeting was finally over, Sehun looked at the clock. 7:30. He cursed and literally flew out of the office, ignoring Jongin’s voice wishing him luck. It wasn’t until he was in his car half way to Luhan’s shop that he realized that he had left his phone in the office. ! Sehun cursed in his mind. But going back to retrieve it only meant further delay, so Sehun kept driving.

When Sehun parked in front of Taste of Heaven, he was surprised at the CLOSED sign and lack of Jongdae and Joonmyeon, not to mention a certain cute deer. It wasn’t like Luhan to close the shop so early. Half the time Sehun begged him to close at 10 but Luhan refused to since customers came in well after 10:30. Luhan was stubborn like that. So for him to close the shop at 7:38 could only mean --- !!! Luhan must have been feeling unwell.

Without wasting any time, Sehun got inside through the back door, since the front was locked.

“Hyung? Luhan hyung?” Sehun called when he found no one.

The silence was his only answer.

Sehun checked the kitchen and still did not find the pregnant boy.

“Luhan hyung?” he called again and this time he was awarder was a faint, “S- Sehun-niee?”

Sehun frowned. He didn’t like the sound of Luhan’s voice. “Hyung where are you?”

“I-in the h-hall. Sehunnieee… aaahhh!” at the painful sound in Luhan’s voice, Sehun ran to the hall. His eyes widened at the sight of Luhan on the floor, holding his belly.

“Oh my God hyung!” Sehun knelt beside the pregnant boy and pulled him to his chest. He eyes got teary at the pained expression that marred Luhan’s otherwise happy face.

“What happened hyung? Did you get hurt? Where does it hurt?” Sehun asked as his hand roamed over the pregnant boy, searching for an injury.

Instead of answering Luhan hugged him tight. “Sehunnie you – you came. I thought you won’t come” he murmured, lips touching Sehun’s throat.

Sehun hugged him tighter and rubbed his belly when he found Luhan holding it. “Shhh…shhh, hyung it’s okay. I’m here now. Ofcourse I came. I promised I would come. Is junior hurting you again? Hmmm?” Sehun put his hand over the skin of Luhan’s distended stomach and instantly gasped at the hardness of the normally soft and warm flesh.

“Hy-hyung” he looked at Luhan in panic.

The pregnant boy gave a pained smile, “Junior wants to come out... now”

Sehun stared as shock gripped him. He had no experience in how to deal with someone who is in labor. His first instinct was to call Jongin but then realized Jongin would be even more useless than him. He looked at Luhan when he felt the older boy was talking.

“--- were supposed to come at 7. But you didn’t show up and – and didn’t even call *wince* I – I thought you won’t come. I called you so m-many times but- ahh- but you didn’t pick up the pho-phone, so I called for the ambulance. It's probably on the way now” Luhan ended with a groan as yet another contraction passed.

Sehun felt helpless as he adjusted the laboring boy in his arms and alternated between massaging his back and belly. When Luhan relaxed after the contraction, Sehun told him the truth.

“Sorry hyung. I had a last minute meeting so I was late. And I was already half way here when I realized that I had left my phone back at the office. That’s why I couldn’t take your ca---ahhhhh!!!” Sehun screamed when Luhan hit the side of his head, all of a sudden.

Looking at the laboring boy Sehun gulped. Gone were the pain lines, Luhan looked angry…more like …murderous.

“What was that for?” Sehun whined at the sharp sting at the side of his head. That only earned him another hit on the same spot, only sharper than the last one.

“Oww! Hyung! Stop hitting me!”

But Luhan was far from done as he kept on hitting the younger boy right above his ear.

“That *smack* was *smack* for forgetting *smack* your *smack* damn ing *smack* phone, you irresponsible brat *smack-smack*”

“Ow! Ow! Seriously hyung hitting me won’t bring my phone back” Sehun whined, trying to dodge the hit only to be pulled back by his ear.

“I know that and I am hitting you so that you won’t repeat it in future” Luhan glared at him and started twisting the younger’s ear.

“Ahhhh ahhh! I’m sorryyyyy” Sehun complained as he tried to pull his ear out of Luhan’s iron grip which only made the pregnant boy to tighten his hold.

“You are sorry? I am in ing labor and you are sorry? What if I had tripped and fallen? What then?” Luhan pulled Sehun’s ear.

“But you didn’t!” Sehun wailed.

That flared Luhan’s anger up, “THAT’S NOT THE POINT YOU---” whatever he was about to say turned into a cry of pain when a contraction came. Luhan dropped the hand holding Sehun’s ear to hold his belly as he whimpered in pain.

The younger boy couldn’t stop his tears to run down his cheeks at the elder’s pain.

“I’m sorry hyung, I’m so sorry. I wish I could take away your pain. I swear if I could I would, in a heartbeat” Sehun sobbed helplessly.

Luhan looked at the boy and smiled tiredly as he wiped away those tears. “Pabo Sehunnie” he murmured, trying to catch his breath after the contraction.

Sehun took his hand and squeezed it, “I won’t forget my phone again hyung, promise I won’t. Forgive me, please?” he put out his best puppy-eyes and pouted cutely.

Luhan chuckled, “Yeah you are forgiven. Junior would hate me if I don’t forgive his Appa”

“Yeah, he would. Junior loves me mo--- WHAT?” Sehun looked at Luhan, eyes wide as saucers.

“What?” Luhan smiled at him.

“What did you just say?” Sehun blinked.

“I said that you are forgiven” Luhan smiled innocently.

“No, after that” Sehun frowned at him.

“Junior would hate me if I don’t forgive you” Luhan suppressed a giggle.

Sehun made a frustrated face, “Argh! Not that!”

“Then what?” a small giggle escaped Luhan’s throat and Sehun glared at the older boy half lying in his arms.

“You know very well what” he growled at Luhan.

The pregnant boy pretended to think, “Well I don’t seem to remember…”

Sehun narrowed his eyes at him. “Fine then. I’m leaving, since you clearly don’t remember anything” he made a show of getting up but Luhan caught his face with his hands and pulled him down for a kiss.

Sehun was shocked at the first but quickly melted into the kiss. It was like his dream came true. Everything he hoped would be in the kiss, it was real. Luhan’s soft lips tasted better than anything else and Sehun devoured that taste, not wanting to leave the warmth yet. He Luhan’s lips, asking for permission to enter and as the older boy parted them, Sehun’s tongue entangled itself with Luhan’s. They explored each other and only broke the kiss when the need to breathe became unavoidable.

“That was…” Sehun panted.

“Marvelous!” Luhan finished as he pecked Sehun once again on his close mouth. “Do I still need to repeat myself, Appa?” he smiled looking at the younger in his eyes.

Sehun found himself smiling from ear to ear, as tears of joy filled his eyes.

Luhan smiled as he wiped them with his thumb, “Please don’t cry Sehunnie. I’m supposed to be the hormonal one here, not you” he teased his new young lover.

Sehun laughed and kissed Luhan’s button nose, “You don’t know how long I have waited for this day to come. I promise I will forever protect you and Junior.”

Luhan gave a teary smile, “I know you will Hunnie. And Junior knows too. We both love you so much”

“I love both of you too, more than anything else and anybody else” with that Sehun once again claimed Luhan’s lips till he felt the older boy stiffen.

“Baby?” Sehun asked worriedly as Luhan groaned in pain.

“Damn…what’s taking this ambulance so long to come?” Luhan cursed, getting restless.

“Shhh calm down… it will be here any minute” Sehun rubbed circles on Luhan’s contracting belly.

“I can’t ing calm down, you idiot. You try carrying a baby for nine months and go through labor and then come talk to me. Moron” Luhan yelled at the younger boy.

Sehun blinked. Where did that sweet Luhan go who was kissing him just a moment ago?

“What are you blinking at?” Luhan growled at Sehun in annoyance.

“N-nothing at all. Are you okay now?” Sehun asked sweetly which only got him a hard smack at the side of his head. “Ow! I swear I’m getting a concussion like this”

“Good. That will teach you a lesson for not telling me how you felt for so long” Luhan ended with another smack.

“Ow! What? Now that’s my fault? I wasn’t the one who said that he had no faith in love at all and was not interested in having a relationship ever again” Sehun rubbed the throbbing side of his head.

Luhan narrowed in eyes in a menacing look, “You expected me to go first? I am pregnant whose partner left at the first mention of responsibility. You wanted me to tell you first? I knew you were a moron but I had no idea that you were that much of a moron” and he punctuated each word with nice pulls to Sehun’s ear.

“Oww!!! Jesus! I had no idea you were this violent! Do you want to pull my ear off or something?” Sehun howled in pain.

“Serves you right. If I am suffering then you should too. Think it as a punishment for not answering my calls. I had to call for an ambulance, ALL BY MYSELF!”

Luhan was about to hit Sehun once again but the younger boy caught his arm.

“Okay okay I get it you are mad, I’m sorry, I am the world’s biggest moron but you are stuck with this moron now, like it or not” he said sincerely.

Luhan looked at him for a moment and softened his eyes. Thinking he had calmed down, Sehun let go of his arm. That was a huge mistake for he was once again hit by Luhan’s smacks at the side of his head.

“You *smack* are *smack* damn *smack* ing *smack* right *smack* that you are *smack* the world’s *smack* biggest *smack* moron *smack*”

By that time Sehun pretty much gave up on stopping Luhan and surrendered to his fate of being hit on the head by his laboring boyfriend.

“Are you done?” he asked calmly and winced when Luhan screamed, “No I’m not ing done” and a few more smacks were showered on Sehun. The right side of his head throbbed and he was pretty sure his ear had turned red with the amount of abuse it had undergone, courtesy to Luhan.

“Sssehunnie” Luhan’s panicked voice reached his ears and Sehun focused back on his laboring boyfriend, “I- I need to push” Luhan moved painfully, to get to a better position.

Sehun’s hand, that was softly massaging Luhan’s belly, stilled.

“W-what?” he asked wide eyed.

Luhan gave him an annoyed look, “Are you deaf? I said I need to push” and Luhan did. He gave out a blood curling scream and gave a big push.

“No! don’t!” Sehun grabbed Luhan’s hand, as if that would stop him from pushing.

“What do you mean no?” Luhan gasped for air, “That ing ambulance is taking forever and I can’t hold on any longer. I can’t – ahhh!” Luhan scrunched up his face in agony and gave another push.

Unable to do anything else, Sehun let Luhan crush his hand as he kissed the older boy’s damp forehead and whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

“I’m scared Hunnie” Luhan sobbed after one hard push. But before Sehun could come up with something encouraging, the sounds of the ambulance reached his ears, “Hey do you hear that baby? The ambulance is here. Don’t be scared baby. I’m right here with you”

After that things moved surprisingly fast. Luhan was put inside the ambulance and Sehun rode with him. In a daze Sehun managed to call (using Luhan’s phone, of course) Jongin and asked him to inform the rest of their friends. Then he called Joonmyeon to let him know about Luhan. No sooner had he wrapped up the call than he heard Luhan screaming for him from his bed in the delivery room, where the doctor was guiding him.

Sehun quickly entered and took Luhan’s hand in his own and brushed the damp hair from his forehead.

“Where the were you?” Luhan yelled although he was crying from all the pushing.


Sehun winced and looked apologetically at the doctor for, both, the high pitched voice and choice of colorful language of his boyfriend.

The doctor, a middle aged lady only gave him a motherly smile saying it was alright.

“Baby I was only calling our friends so that…” once again he was cut off by Luhan, “YOU THINK I ING CARE ABOUT OUR ING FRIENDS RIGHT NOW? I WANT THIS BABY OUT, OH SEHUN”

“I know baby and you are doing such a great job. You look beautiful baby, so strong and so beautiful” Sehun murmured as he let go of Luhan’s hand to caress his cheek, who smacked the side of Sehun’s head with his free hand.

“That strong enough for you?” Luhan sneered but the next moment he yelped in agony as he pushed to bring his child to the world.

Sehun pouted and tried look hurt at being constantly hit but that didn’t change Luhan’s attitude.

“Don’t pout. You deserve this. You ing , you deserve this for making me go through this pain…aaahhhh!”

Sehun didn’t think it wise to correct his boyfriend that it wasn’t him who was responsible for Luhan’s distress.

“Alright Luhan, you are almost done. I want you to give a long hard push and I promise it will be over” the good doctor lady told Luhan calmly.

Luhan took a deep breath and grabbed Sehun’s hand. Gritting his teeth he pushed with all his pending energy that was left in him to birth his baby.

Despite the crushing pain that Sehun felt in his hand and Luhan’s scream of agony, another sound came to his ears. The sharp sound of the cry of a new born.

“Congratulations. He is a healthy baby” the doctor informed the new parents.


Luhan opened his eyes and blinked tiredly at the hospital room. He felt disoriented for a while and couldn’t remember how he ended up there. But then, after a few moments, it all came flooded in. The cake, his water broke, Sehun not taking his call…Sehun hugging and kissing him, Sehun holding his hand through out, him hitting Sehun, the pain – oh that excruciating pain but then his baby was born, his junior was finally born and Sehun was crying.

Speaking of, Luhan turned his head to find Sehun dozing off on the uncomfortable looking chair. This was the person Luhan fell in love with, not realizing at first. But he was glad. Sehun was the best thing that happened to him and junior. His ex was nothing but a spineless who bailed out at the first thought of parenthood and he was actually older than Luhan. But Sehun? Sehun was younger and yet he was ready for it. All Luhan wanted was someone to love his child as much he would and that someone couldn’t be better than Sehun. Luhan’s eyes fell on Sehun’s right ear. It was sporting an angry red color and the older boy felt guilt eating up his insides. Sehun was only helping him and that was how he treated his lover.

He reached out to take Sehun’s hand and intertwined their fingers. That raised the sleeping boy who yawned cutely and blinked like an owl. And then it hit him that Luhan was awake.

“Hey Baba” Sehun gave a big smile, “you woke up, finally. I missed you”

Luhan smiled back, “I missed you too Appa”

Sehun leaned forward to brush away the hair from Luhan’s eyes and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, then to each of his eyelids, then nose and finally his lips.

Luhan giggled at the shower of affection and kissed back, pouring his whole heart into it. He would be lying if he said that he had never imagined kissing Sehun but the reality was much better than his imaginations – way much better.

When they broke the kiss, Luhan raised his hand which made Sehun to pull back slightly, in the fear of getting hit by his boyfriend again.

But Luhan stopped him and gently touched his ear and head, caressing them softly.

“I’m sorry” the older boy pouted apologetically, “I was a major to you”

Sehun buried his head in Luhan’s neck, enjoying Luhan’s soft fingers in his hair, “You are right. You were a major to me. But that’s alright. You only get to be my ” he giggled and received a punch on his shoulder for his cheekiness.

“Hey no more hitting or punching me from now on or else junior will seriously hate you for hurting his favorite father” Sehun told his lover.

Luhan rolled his eyes, “We’ll see who his favorite father is. Now where’s my son?”

Sehun kissed Luhan and got up. He picked up a sleeping baby bundled in baby blue outfit and placed him in Luhan’s waiting arms.

“S- Sehunnie, he – he looks like an angel” Luhan whispered, eyes b with tears of joy.

Sehun smiled, “That’s what I said too. He looks just like you, baby”

Luhan nodded, he couldn’t take his eyes off his baby.

“Have you decided on his name yet? We can’t really keep calling him junior forever” Sehun asked.

Luhan remained silent for some time, then asked, “Do you know what you name is in Chinese?”

Sehun shook his head.

“Shixun” Luhan smiled and looked back at his son.

“That’s not what I asked you baby. I asked his name not mine”

“I know what you asked and in order to know his name you need to know yours too. Or else how are you going to understand why I named him Shihan?” Luhan looked Sehun straight in the eyes.

“What does Shihan mea—oh!” Sehun looked from Luhan to his baby and back to Luhan.

“You – you are naming him after us? My name?” he asked not believing his own ears.

“Why? Aren’t you his Appa? If one half of his name comes from his Baba, then it's only natural that the other half should come from his Appa. Are you not happy?” Luhan asked bouncing the child in his arms.

Sehun looked lost for words. He wrapped his arms around Luhan, “Thank you baby. Thank you so much. I can’t be happier. Shihan is the perfect name for him”

As if on cue, baby Shihan opened his beautiful baby eyes, blinked at his two fathers, yawned and went right back to sleep.


The End.

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XiaoShixun #1
Lu <3
296 streak #2
Chapter 3: aaww can't wait for more~
296 streak #3
Chapter 2: too much violence :D :D *laugh*
Poor Sehun :D :D but I can't stop laughing~
296 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh !!! Luhan will give birth to the baby~~~~~~
Sehun, where are you~~~
Ohluhan101 #5
Chapter 1: Can I ask something ? When authors make them pregnant , do their stomach grow ?
blackfrost #6
Chapter 1: I really like jongdae here...
Re-reading this for the 3rd time because I love this! <3 =))))
Chapter 4: Poor Sehuniee~ Hahaa! Great story authornim!1 Im going to read the sequel yay! :P
Chapter 2: Yay Sehunnie is the appa! Sehun will be a great father *wipes tears*.It's just...too adorable for words omg.Sehun is my bias but I couldn't help but laugh so~ loud when Luhan was hitting him XD
Chapter 2: I'm glad the baby looks like Luhan and not the heartless moron who left his resposibilities >w<