
Just Live

In the great kingdom of Aeternitas, there lived 9 heroes.

A great family of 9, as the commoners would call them.

Although they were born of different families, they practically lived together and grew up together.


These 9 heroes were known for their strength, cooperation, braveness, and their knowledge, which of course, lead them to their long list of victories they brought in the name of Aeternitas.

These girls fought to bring peace to all countries around the world.

They started training since they were extremely young and won their first victory at the young age of 15.


Most would say that they were too young to see bloodshed and that they should spend their time experiencing life and making the most of their time, but the girls were happy with what they did.


They didn’t like killing others… but they were willing to do what was needed to uphold peace and to let the land prosper.


The girls were proud to represent Aeternitas.


The 9 heroes' names were:

Kim Taeyeon, of the Kim family which specialized in using spears

Kim Hyoyeon, also of the Kim family which means that she also used a spear

Hwang Miyoung, also known as Tiffany, of the Hwang family, which specialized in using swords

Choi Sooyoung, of the Choi family, which specialized in using halberds

Seo Juhyun, of the Seo family, which specialized in bombs

Lee Sunkyu, also known as Sunny, of the Lee family, which specialized in camouflage and deception.

Jung Sooyeon, also known as Jessica, from the Jung family, which specialized in archery

Im Yoona, of the Im family, which specialized in horseback combat

and Kwon Yuri, of the Kwon family, which specialized in hand to hand combat.


These 9 heroes were quiet famous and are known just about anywhere.

They can be read about in books and are often talked about in daily conversations.

In short, EVERYONE knew them pretty well.


But the only thing that was hidden from the public was that within this group of warriors, was that 2 of them were in a relationship with each other.

The infamous Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Tiffany were in a relationship with each other.

How it came to be still remained a mystery to the rest of their group.

The only thing the other 7 members knew about the two was that one could not live without the other and that they were literally inseparable, even on the battlefield, they fought together.


Well anyways, it was the day before the rumoured final war and the 9 heroes were around attending to their business and getting ready for the war.

Hyoyeon was with the strategist going over possible counterattacks.

Sunny somewhere in the kingdom talking to her sources and trying to get some intel on the enemy forces.

Seohyun was in the kingdom's shed preparing and inventing new bombs to use on the enemies.

Yoona was in the stables checking on the horses and talking to the fellow horsemen.

Sooyoung was unquestionably in the kitchen indulging herself in food.

Jessica was in her room polishing her arrows before sleeping early to get ready for the next day…..even though it was just the early afternoon.

Yuri was in the practice area getting some exercises done and also teaching army men about self defense.

And as for the two lovebirds, they both went to the village to have their armour repaired and polished for tomorrow.


"I don’t want to go to the blacksmith!" Tiffany said as she stomped her feet and gave Taeyeon a pout.

"Aww, come on. It will be fun, I promise we won't be there for long." Taeyeon said softly as she tried to calm her childish girlfriend.

"Nonononononono! I don't want to go! Last time I went, I got charcoal smudges all over my face!" Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows as she recalled her appearance from the last time she went to the blacksmith.

"I don’t even understand how you got charcoal smudges on your forehead." Taeyeon mumbled as she raised an eyebrow remembering the funny memory.

"I don't care, I am not going to the blacksmith and that's final!" Tiffany firmly stated as she put on her best glare and folded her arms.

"Alright then… can wait outside or visit other stalls as I talk to the blacksmith" Taeyeon sighed.

Seeing Taeyeon comply with her request, Tiffany's little frown/pout/glare immediately faded away and was replaced with the warmest and happiest smile.

Taeyeon chuckled at the sight and then held her girlfriend's hand as the slowly made their way to the market.


"Fany-ah we're here, you walk around nearby as I go and talk to the blacksmith about our armour and possible upgrades. I won't be too long!" Taeyeon said as she released Tiffany's hand and childishly waved at her as she ran into the blacksmith's shop.


The people in the market were not surprised at the hand holding that the pair displayed as they knew that within the 9 warriors, Taeyeon and Tiffany shared the most unique bond. Although they have stated that they were only extremely close friends, many of the commoners already knew that they shared something more, and were very happy to see such heartwarming care given to each other.


I guess I have some time to burn then Tiffany thought to herself as she looked around to see if there were any interesting stalls open.

As she scanned the area, one particular tent at the end caught her eye.

It was decorated in purple drapes and had very intricate designs covering almost the entire tent.

Tiffany slowly made her way to the tent and cautiously walked in.

Woah, what is this place? I have never seen anything like this! Tiffany thought as she walked around slowly examining everything in the tent.

Eh? What is this? Tiffany tilted her head to the side in confusion as she picked up an unrolled scroll.


On the scroll was a painting.

A painting that told the story of their most recent battle to be exact.

The image showed Seohyun off to the side throwing a bomb,

Sunny, sneaking behind an enemy soldier with a dagger in hand,

Jessica, on top of a little hill with her bow drawn back and aiming at a soldier that was about to attack Yuri from behind as she back flipped a soldier.

Yoona was on her usual horse, Aero, taking down an enemy with her double sided axe.

Sooyoung was off to the side fighting off a few enemies with her halberd.

And finally, she saw herself and Taeyeon in the middle standing back to back smirking with enemies surrounding them.

At the bottom of the scrolls was the name "Battle of Mons Magnus" (Battle of the Mountains) written in fancy bold cursive writing.


"Wow" was all Tiffany could say as she ran her fingers across the painting.

After a few seconds of further admiration of the painting, Tiffany rolled the painting back up and when she was about to put it back, something stopped her in her tracks.

She looked down upon the place where she first took the scroll and saw that there was actually a pile of paintings all unrolled showing all the previous battles that the girls have fought.

Tiffany stood in awe as she looked at the number of scrolls that made the pile.

One stacked on top of another.

There must be over 50! Tiffany gasped as she looked at the pile.


"Amazing isn't it?" A voice behind Tiffany suddenly said causing Tiffany to drop the scroll she held in her hand.

Tiffany turned around and saw a frail old woman wrapped in a shawl.

"Umm…err…y-y-yea" Tiffany stuttered as she was still trying to process the situation.

"I'm sorry to have startled you, my name is Visio. It truly is a pleasure to finally be able to meet one of the 9 heroes in the flesh." She said as she was about to bow. (This was to show respect to the warriors as they are so highly respected and talked about throughout the land)

Tiffany immediately rushed over to stop the old woman from bowing.

"Please, don't bow, it too much. It is a pleasure to meet you too Visio! Tiffany Hwang at your service" Tiffany said as she bowed towards the elder.

"The final war is tomorrow, are you ready?" Visio said as they both made their way to the table and chairs in the middle of the tent

"Well, I am kind of nervous and scared" Tiffany said honestly.

It was the FINAL war, the war to end all wars. Tiffany was scared for what she would have to face on the battlefield and scared that she would not be able to bring peace to the land.

"I'm sure you shall be victorious, I can tell. And I shall prove it to you by showing you the great prophecy that I found the other day." Visio said as she got up and walked to her bookshelf to pull out a very small but extremely old scroll.

"Now let me read this for you since I am sure that you have not been taught the ancient language."

Tiffany nodded and then shifted her gaze onto the now unrolled old text lying before her.

And so, Visio began to translate the great prophecy to Tiffany.



Taeyeon walked out of the blacksmith forge an hour later and looked around trying to spot Tiffany in the crowd.

"Tiffany!" Taeyeon called out, no one answered, and she was only given a reply of stares and bows from the people around her.

"Tiffany!" Taeyeon called out again

"Coming! Just give me a minute!" Taeyeon heard the voice come from the tent at the end of the road.


"Thank-you Visio, for sharing your discovery and giving me the strength to fight tomorrow's battle" Tiffany said sincerely and she bowed once again.

"Fate has decided upon the events that shall happen tomorrow. Fight with all your strength and work together with your team, I shall cheer you on until the very end" Visio said as she smiled towards the hero.

Tiffany smiled and a tear ran down her cheek and she couldn’t help but run over to the old lady and engulfed her in a big hug.

"I will miss you Visio" Tiffany said as she released the old woman and walked towards the entrance of the tent.

"I will too Tiffany, good luck tomorrow" Visio replied as Tiffany walked out of the tent.


"TaeTae!" Tiffany yelled as she ran over to where her girlfriend was waiting.

"What's wrong? Have you been crying? Why are your eyes red?" Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows in concern as she looked at Tiffany's face.

"Oh, nothing. I was just sad that the old lady in the tent was so lonely. I just cried a little bit since I had to leave her." Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon.

"It's okay, we can visit her after the war!" Taeyeon said confidently.

"Hahahaha, oh you will try visit her alright" Tiffany chuckled.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Taeyeon questioned.

"I'm hungry! Let's go eat and then go to the beach, TaeTae. I want to see the sunset by the water before we go back to the castle" Tiffany said as she ignored the question and took Taeyeon by the hand and started to drag her to the nearest food stall.



After obtaining a full stomach, Taeyeon and Tiffany walked hand in hand to the beach and sat down in the sand together.

The waves gently washed up onto their feet and back down into the ocean, the soft breeze blowing through their hair and the sky was a beautiful reddish purple until it met the water where the golden sun was just peeking over the horizon bidding the sky goodbye.

Tiffany had rested her head on Taeyeon's shoulder, and Taeyeon rested her head on top of Tiffany's.

They sat there for a couple of minutes enjoying each other's company before Tiffany spoke.

"TaeTae, tomorrow is a big day. Are you ready to give it your all?" Tiffany asked as she kept her eyes on the sunset.

Taeyeon lifted her head off of Tiffany's head spoke, "with you by my side, I will be ready to face anything" she said gently as she placed a gentle kiss on the crown of her lover's head.

"What if we become separated during battle?" Tiffany asked quietly

"Well, I would fight until I find you again!" Taeyeon replied " I won't stop until I find you again"

By this moment, Tiffany had sat up straight and was looking deeply into Taeyeon's eyes.

Hearing Taeyeon's last statement, Tiffany let go of Taeyeon's hand and gave her a tight hug.

"I love you" Tiffany mumbled

"As do I, I love you too Fany" Taeyeon gently said as she returned Tiffany's hug.



The day of the final war had arrived. The famous Battle of Magnus Tandem (Battle of the Great End)

Aeternitas' troops were arranged in their battalions and neatly organized and spread out as far as the eye could see.

In front of the armada stood the 9 fearless warriors.

Dressed in their elaborate armour and with their weapons in hand.


On the other side, was the enemy, with a similar armada formation, except instead of having 9 warriors upfront, there was a lone man on a horse leading the army.

Young Seung Kwan. Leader of the resistance.

He sat on his horse proudly in front of the great Aeternitas army.


After a few minutes of silence, SeungKwan and the 9 girls raised their weapons and pointed it to the sky.

A second later, the weapons were swung down, slicing the air before them and a loud battle cry erupted from both sides before millions of footsteps could be heard.

The soldiers from both sides charged to the middle of the battlefield.


Only a few minutes have passed and there were dead bodies scattered all over the battle field.

The 9 heroes were off doing their own thing, fighting enemies with ease.

The enemy lord was doing the same thing, cutting through Aeternitas' armada with ease.

Explosions and the clash of weapons were heard everywhere. Screams and shouts were also heard.

But this did not faze anyone. The fight continued.

Hours have past and the war was still going, the number of dead bodies have multiplied greatly and everyone had cuts and bruises all over their bodies.

And it still went on.



It was nearing dawn and alas, the battle was almost over.

Hyoyeon, Yoona, Tiffany, Sooyoung, Sunny, Yuri, Jessica, and Seohyun were all over the battlefield dealing with the last bits of the enemy armada as their army continued to fight on as well.

Taeyeon was on a little hill have a duel with the enemy lord.

Taeyeon was seen fighting with all her might even with wounds covering her body.

She and Tiffany had become separated during the battle, but still stayed near each other.


Seconds later, a yell of victory was heard.

The war had ended and the enemy lord was down, with a spear through his heart.

Taeyeon was standing above the hill with her arms in the air.

The girls had just killed the last of the soldiers and dropped their weapons and cheered with Taeyeon.

They smiled and began to walk towards each other, ignoring the cheering of their fellow soldiers.


But at that moment, one final battle cry was heard and an arrow flew out of nowhere and the sound of armour hitting the ground was heard.



Taeyeon, who was closest to the now downed Tiffany ran over and knelt beside Tiffany before cradling her in her arms.

The rest of the girls sprinted over to Tiffany.

As soon as they reached Tiffany and Taeyeon, Sunny quickly turned her head to identify the wretched man who did this to her family member, only to see the man who shot Tiffany fall face first into the ground, dead.

"Fany-ah! Hang in there, we will get you to a medical tent!" Taeyeon said as she began to lift Tiffany in her arms.

A soft "No" was heard among the rustle of armour pieces.

Tiffany, who had an arrow through her chest, looked up to Taeyeon who had tears falling like a waterfall down her face.

"What do mean no?! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE FANY! YOU WILL DIE IF WE DON’T GET YOU TREATED NOW!" Taeyeon half yelled at the dying Tiffany.

"This was meant to happen TaeTae" Tiffany paused and coughed, coughing up some blood in the process. "This is part of the prophecy"  Tiffany whispered.

"What prophecy? Don't be silly Fany, we have to get you to a doctor now!" Jessica quickly said

"Visio told me." Tiffany said as before she coughed again.

In this final war,

Blood shall pour.

And there shall be no gain,

If there is no pain.

The enemy may stand strong,

But it won't be for long.

As one hero will stand tall,

and watch as the enemy falls.

But with one last battle cry,

One hero shall die.

Down with the enemy lord,

Was the hero who held a sword.

With that, the war shall be won.

At light of dawn.

Tiffany recited what she recalled Visio telling her yesterday at the tent.


"See, I was meant to die today." Tiffany weakly said and she coughed up even more blood.

"No, this isn't true. You can live Fany." Taeyeon said in between sobs as she looked down at her dying lover, still cradling her in her arms like a baby.

"Fany-unnie" Seohyun began, "Why didn't you tell us earlier? Why do you have be so selfish?"

She asked as she looked at her weak unnie with tears continuously falling from her face.

Tiffany only smiled as she looked around her, seeing her family member all crying broke her heart, but she knew that what had happened was inevitable. She knew ever since the trip home after the market and finding out that the old woman was actually the Goddess of Vision [Latin word for Vision is Visio, see what I did there? ;) ]

Tiffany turned her attention back to her lover who was crying uncontrollably while staring at her, she then, with much effort, brought her hand to Taeyeon's face and caressed her cheek.

"TaeTae-ah" she said before wheezing "will you sing that lullaby you always sing to me? One last time?"

"Fany-ah" Taeyeon was about to continue, but was cut off by Tiffany.


Taeyeon looked at her lover's pleading eyes that were also now producing tears.

A almost inaudible "Okay" was heard by Tiffany, and she gave her lover a weak smile.

Taeyeon wiped her tears and began to sing. (Listen to this as you continue reading ) 

If you must wait,
Wait for them here in my arms as I shake
If you must weep,
Do it right here in my bed as I sleep
If you must mourn, my love
Mourn with the moon and the stars up above
If you must mourn,
Don't do it alone

If you must leave,
Leave as though fire burns under your feet
If you must speak,
Speak every word as though it were unique
If you must die, sweetheart
Die knowing your life was my life's best part
And if you must die,
Remember your life

You are
You are
Oh, you are
You are


 Taeyeon paused here for a little while wiping away her tears that had welled up in her eyes.


She opened to continue and heard Tiffany's weak voice singing, harmonizing with hers.



If you must fight,
Fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night
If you must work,
Work to leave some part of you on this earth
If you must live, darling one,

Just live
Just live


Taeyeon sang the last part alone, and when she looked down to her lover, she saw the once beautiful sunset eyes slowly closing.


She was about to yell out Tiffany's name but stopped as she heard Tiffany breathe out the last 2 words of the song.


"Just Live"

And with that, the sun had risen just above the land, and the sunset there were once in Tiffany's eyes had finally disappeared.


And there we go! 

What do you think? 

This oneshot popped into my head as I heard the song earlier that day.

The song is called "You" by Keaton Henson

Please tell me what you think of the story!!! PLZ COMMENT!!!! (I would really like to know how I did and what you guys think of the story!!!)

Thank you for reading!!

And check out my other stories (that i have yet to update) if you hve the time!

Until next time!!!


-ShadowKnight Out-

P.S Aeternitas means Eternity in Latin......don't you guys think latin makes names sound cooler? ;)


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afzadoojoon #1
Chapter 1: It was awesome but if it happy ending it will be more awesome!!!
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 1: so sad uwaaaah almost cry *sob* *sob* *sob*
SleeplessHiME #3
Chapter 1: Maaan it was awesome, action, romance and drama in one shot
It was completely amazing
I like ti!!
Redrum #4
Chapter 1: I think I just shed a tear lol awesome one shot :3
Oh and dont forget to update 'The rest is up to you' too!!! I'm waiting for these three to be updated hehe. Goodluck and hwaiting author!
Action+angst+fantasy are my favourite genres haha. I will be anticipating chapter one!