
Death Dream Diary

It's already 11.00 pm and Luhan was getting ready to pack up his things and scanned his employee ID card at the attendance machine. He cycled on his way home. The weather was quite cold and Luhan shivered when the wind blew and hit his face. He can felt the cold wind pierced right through his bone. Right after he arrived at home , he ignored everyone at the living room and just walked straight to his room. He was so tired and can’t wait to sleep. 

Being a part time worker at a convenience store was quite tiring but Luhan never regretted it because it was his own choice. Luhan dream was to be a photographer but he did not wanted to burden his parent so he tried to find his own pocket money to buy his camera equipment and to pay for his photography class. Before he jumped onto his bed , he stopped in front his sister’s room . He peeked into her sister’s room through the door that was slightly open. 

He saw his sister was writing and focusing on a book . Without her sister realized, he entered the lavender scented room and shocked her from the back. His sister hurriedly closed the book that she was writing on it. “What are you writing?” Luhan asked her. “Nothing..” . “Let me have a look on what were you writing just now”. Luhan grabbed the book from her sister’s hand and ran to his room . 

His sister chased him and whined so that Luhan will give her book back. “Luhan give me my diary back!”. Luhan laughed looking at her little sister tried to get the book back from him. “Haeun! What is wrong with you ? Stop running and shouting!” . Their father shouted from downstairs . Both of them automatically stay silent and when Luhan was in daze, Haeun took back her diary and ran back to her room and hurriedly closed the door. 

Luhan tried to get that diary back but he stopped his will because he was afraid that his father will scold Haeun. His father never scolded him and his brother , Sehun but his father always scolded Haeun and never tried to accepted Haeun in this family. Luhan went back to his room and jumped onto his big comfy bed. He throwed his bag on the floor and grabbed the pillow with closed eyes.

Luhan felt sorry to Haeun because it was not Haeun fault and it was not Haeun own will to live together with us as a family. The whole family loves Haeun but only Sehun and their father that never accepted her. It was all because of jealousy , hatred and grudge. Luhan felt asleep along with the thought about Haeun and his father. Luhan needed enough rest for tomorrow photography class. 


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