Sunflower Promise

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Move forward to five year where Chanhee is becoming Chunji the kind yet jokey blogger while Byunghun becomes L.Joe the solemn yet loyal CEO. Live have been hard to those two but they manage to face it-not together.

They never met after their last encounter-before Chanhee left but then a coincidental meeting between those two sparks something that dimly lit in their heart.

But Chanhee is getting married and L.Joe doesn’t like it.

If only they could meet each other before, then this won’t be happening.

No matter where the sunflowers, it would still face the sun. So does my love. It will always for you.


So, this is the sequel for 'We Aren't, Are We?'

and yeah, i'm crazy for not updating instead of writing a new... crazy am I?

so.... byebye...

Sorry for not updating the others...

Click 'em

Sunflower Promise || My 10th Hug || Stupid Nonsense||Hey, chicken! Happy Valentine... || Pink and Yellow? Maybe. Not. || We Aren't, Are We? || T.E.A.L || ABCDEF Love || Head Over Heel || 1 4 3 - 4 8 6 || Stop Loving Me! || Can I Be Your? || Our Break Up || Baby Kitten || S P E L L || L F L || From Vintage to Unique


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dysch05 #1
Chapter 9: hahahaha sweet and cute..
always smile when read it.
nice story author-nim.
Byungchan_angel #2
Chapter 9: Hehehe.. Cute >.<
Jongie_00 #3
Chapter 9: so cute >.< kekeke . . Happy Ending . ~ 20th March 2014 !! Hahaha . . SPM . . Just like my sister . . Hahahaha . . She's nervous now . . XD
Chapter 9: channie pregnant, right? Yay happy for them!
Chapter 9: aww .. another stoy ends.. >.< .. its so cute .. <3
Choi_Umeki #6
Chapter 8: :o he touched Channie's cakes
Chapter 7: hope chunji will open his heart for ljoe again!
Chapter 6: Finally they married.
Byungchan_angel #9
Chapter 6: They married~! >.<
Jongie_00 #10
Chapter 6: Kekekeke >.<