Without A Sound (Voice of the Seas, Voice of My Heart)


I'm calling you without a sound.

I'm shouting with a voice you won't hear.

I'm calling you even if you can't hear it. 

Water dissolves words, but he still tries to make himself heard.


How can Kris, the Son of Poseidon can be so powerless when he can control what makes people live, and also what destroys lives?



Title and first three lines of the summary are from Infinite’s Voice of My Heart. To be honest, I didn't realize it could be this story’s theme song. Listen to it (here) or look for its lyrics after reading (here) , it’s a good one!

I'm probably continuing this son of gods AU for quite a stretch of time. Actually, I am currently working on Sehun's story. 

Written for adyorable. :)

Talk to me on twitter! I'm @keiyowoo !:D


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2436 streak #1
Chapter 1: awwww this is sad... it wasn't bound from the start with the limits presented in this au... why, isn't a god powerful enough? huhuhu

Yifan reaching out in all his possible ways tho
Chapter 1: So short... but quite impactful. I like how you potray Yifan's longing through the water's movement.
Kpop707 #3
Chapter 1: Don't mind me, just silently screaming inside my head here.
adyorable #4
I'm going to pop nonexistent popcorn in our microwave as I wait for other comments.

Lmao but seriously, I really like this. I flailed in the car when I first read it!!!!!