Chapter 9

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Siwon's P.O.V

I reached home quite late that night. Even though the exams were just a week away, I couldnt concentrate on my subjects as Kyuhyun's words kept replaying in my mind like a tape recorder.

"I am losing my mind here! What do I do?" I said to myself. Suddenly my phone rang and it was Yonghwa calling me.

Hello lover boy...

"Dude! Yonghwa can you stop making fun of me please!" I sighed exasperatedly.

Why? I like calling you that...lover boy *chuckling*

"Stop eating up my brains. I am quite messed up as it is already!" I said to him.

What? What are you talking about? Did something happen?

And I narrated the entire incident that had happened in the council room today evening to Yonghwa.

"Oh! Dude! This is serious! Good thing the President was quick to think about rusticating those scumbags! Are you two ok now?

"Ya we tended to each others wounds with a first aid kit and well...things kinda out of hand" I said sheepishly.

What do you mean? Dont tell me....

"I couldnt control myself! It just happened in the spur of the moment and I dont think he will speak to me ever again! I am a hopeless hormone-driven muscle head arent I?" I whined.

Well you forgot serial kisser..You are hopeless Siwon! Kissing the President thrice in a month! I wouldnt have even imagined in my wildest dreams that this day would come! And if you are saying that he responded to your kiss, maybe you've already started penetrating that defensive wall of his!

"You think so too?" I asked him.

Well I wouldnt bet on it if I were you but lets see. Meanwhile it would be wise of you to control your raging hormones around him for a while!

"Alright! Well what were you upto?" I asked him.

Nothing much. I wanted to ask you if you needed help with anything for the exams.

"Oh! Ya. That too. Just when I thought my life couldnt get more screwed up than it already is. Do you think you could help me with Mathematics? I at it" I told him.

Um! Sorry dude. I am just as hopeless as you are in it. I tell you what! Both you and I can ask Kyu to tutor us. Afterall he is a math genius!

"What? Ask Kyu? No way! I am willing to fail in Math rather than asking for his help. He will probably lose his mind if I ask for help" I told him.

What? No! You dont understand! Kyu may seem to be difficult to approach but he is a genuine helper. And dont worry, even a moody person like him couldnt be angry for that long

"Alright then! If you say so." I agreed.

Ok we both can ask for his help tomorrow. 

With that Yonghwa and I decided to pull up our socks and prepare sincerely for the midterms.

Kyuhyun's P.O.V

Just when I manage to be successful to forget about his advances, he keeps adding more for me to ponder over. I faced the mirror and examined my wounds carefully after peeling away the bandages. There were red and purple patches over my forehead, my cheeks, my neck and arms. While tracing my fingers over them, the kiss that Siwon and I shared earlier in the council room came into my mind. I sat down on my bed and wondered why Siwon was so persistent. Even after my countless rejections, he just throws himself to help me.

"You are a fool Siwon! Why cant you realise that both of us arent meant to be together? My dad would kill you if he ever knew about all this. And I cant afford to have any more collateral damage in my life anymore." I said to myself clutching my head and facing the floor.

With so many things going on in my head tonight, I wouldnt be able to study properly. So I thought of arranging a meeting with my Kyuline at our usual place. Its been a long time after all!

At "The Blue Tulip"....

"Kyuhyun-hyung! Long time no see! Whats with all the wounds? Did you pick a fight at school?" Minho asked me as I entered the club.

"Well its a long story Minho! I am ok now!" I said.

"You are bound to pick fights if you continue acting like a douche-bag!" Jonghyun added.

"Oh really! Let me show you how much of a douche-bag I can be! Come here you bastard!"I hollered at him and he chuckled.

"Well well. Look who is here! Its Kyuhyun-hyung's bodyguard!" Minho said and I turned around to see Changmin approaching us.

"Why dont you start acting your age Minho?" he fake-threatened Minho while Minho and Jonghyun were busy flirting with girls.

And after looking at me, his cheerful persona fell and turned into a deep scowl.

"What is all this Kyu? Did those guys hurt you today? I am gonna kill them tomorrow!" he started getting ballistic.

"Changmin! Dont worry, I am in one piece as you can see! Siwon was there too" I tried pacifying him.

"What? Siwon was there? So it was him wasnt it? I knew that rotten piece of cant be trusted" he said.

"What! No! I meant Siwon saved me from those bullies. He got pretty beat up too. And you dont have to worry about those troublemakers as I got them rusticated today." I said and he visibly calmed down.

"Siwon saved you? And you rusticated them?"he asked me again.

"Yes. And if you truly value our friendship you would stop this cat and mouse chase with Siwon from now. The last thing I want is for my council imploding from within! Promise me Chwang!" I ordered him.

"Ah! Do I have to? Guess I dont have any choice since you pulled the "Chwang" card at me. And I cant believe that it still works you bloody manipulator!" he chuckled and agreed to be friendly with Siwon.

"I know! Thats why you are my right hand man! Now lets party shall we!" I said.

I truly treasure my friendship with Changmin and the Kyuline. They help me forget about my issues in a flash but then as Siwon said earlier, I have been looking for temporary excuses to avoid my problems when the truth is that I would have to face them sooner or later.

Next day at school....

Siwon's P.O.V

Oh well here goes nothing! Another day and another chance to meet up with the love of my life. I just hope he is not as cranky as always. As I was early, there was no one inside the classrooms. Instead of getting killed from boredom, I decided to leave my bag on my desk and take a stroll around the school grounds till the classes started.

After rounding off a corner around the school gardens, I heard someone playing the harmonica. Wondering who it could be, I went near and found out that it was Kyuhyun.

Here he was! A bundle of talent and good looks but has an undeserving sad life and it pains me whenever I thought about it. He stopped playing after realising my presence and turned his head to look at me.

"Um! Sorry if I had disturbed you. You can carry on!" I said and was about to leave when he called out and said "Siwon! Wait"

"Just come here and sit beside me" he said with a pleasing expression.

I was taken by surprise at this sudden gesture. Cho Kyuhyun, the President of the Student Council, Ultimate Moody person actually wanting my company! I guess pigs do fly!

"Are you sure? I mean after what happened yesterday I thought you wouldnt want to see my face!" I said honestly.

"Well! Its no doubt that I was deeply perturbed with yesterday's turn of events. But then I realised that if I be myself around you like I am always around my council members and the other students, things would seem less complicated" he said.

"I am not quite getting what you are trying to say" I replied.

"What I meant was that I would act normal around you instead of always blowing my top. As I am an emotionally driven person I tend to get vulnerable to my surroundings very quickly and behave rashly. And I promised you yesterday didnt I that I will not be vulnerable anymore" he said to me.

"Does that mean that you wont push me away when I kiss you?" I .

"That however is a different story. And I would appreciate it if you wouldnt do that anymore. And if you are wise enough, you should know to remain in my good books as long as you are the SS. That way I wouldnt have to rethink about having you in the council." he told me.

"What about drugs? And alcohol?"I asked him.

After listening to my question, he quickly got up and prepared to leave. "Kyu! You cant run away from this question forever. And I am not asking you as someone who is in love with you! I am asking you as a friend. Please stop all this" I said but he never turned around for a reply and left me standing there.

In the classroom...

Kyuhyun and Changmin noticed me coming inside the classroom while Yonghwa had already arrived and was happily chatting with Zhoumi. Suddenly I glanced at Kyuhyun, as he egged Changmin on about something inaudibly. Within a few minutes, I noticed Changmin approaching me and standing beside me. I got up from my seat and faced him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Changmin I am tired of arguing and bickering with you. Just leave me alone!" I said to him while he continued staring at me.

"So am I. Guess we are sailing on the same boat!" he said.

"What did you just say?"I was dumbstruck as I had never dreamed that this day would come. Today was full of surprises indeed. First Kyuhyun becoming soft at me and now the eternal douche-bag is warming up to me.

"As much as I would hate to say it, I am sorry for being a jerk for this long and I am thankful to you for saving Kyuhyun from those bullies yesterday! It really means a lot to me." he said sincerely. So Kyuhyun had told Changmin that I was the one who saved him but in reality it was actually the other way around.

"Aw! Well he is my friend after all! I am obligated to help him out in times of need!" I said and shook hands with him. He smiled at me faintly and returned to his seat beside Kyuhyun. I glanced at Kyuhyun and he did the same so I mouthed a thank you in his direction while he put up a faint but heartwarming smile as reassurance. I sensed something wonderful building up inside of me! A feeling that said that it could be the start of something beautiful.

"Whoa! Did I just witness that? Shim Changmin actually apologised to you. Wonder what made him change his mind about you?"Yonghwa asked me while I replied to him but my eyes still fixated at Kyuhyun who was now busy talking to Zhoumi. "Just something beautiful!"

At lunch break, Yonghwa and I approached Kyuhyun for requesting him to tutor us for Mathematics and he agreed without any second thought. He said "I will tutor you two after school as I have decided to cancel council sessions till the exams are over. Just dont be late!"

And thus the extra classes with Kyuhyun proved to be quite helpful for the both of us. Every day for a week he would give us pointers and techniques to solve even the toughest of the questions and during the final tutoring session, Yonghwa said that he had to go home early and so Kyuhyun and I were left in the council room. He gave me a small mock test before the midterms and I had managed to successfully work out all the problems that he had given. Since it was the weekend again, I was excited for my dad's visit.

Kyuhyun's P.O.V

He was fidgety all through the test. Almost as if he couldnt wait to get home or something. And so when I demanded for his notebook for evaluation, he practically shoved it in my hands, got up and left the council room in a flash. What was that all about? But his notebook is with me now! How was he supposed to study when his notebook remained with me? I immediately got up in hopes of catching up with him and ran. But to my dismay, he was nowhere in sight! And I cant hold onto this notebook till the weekend was over! This notebook has to reach him no matter what and I thought of the only logical solution for it. I had to go to his house myself and return his notebook but I dont even know where he lives. Then I was struck with an idea. I called Yonghwa and asked him if he knew where Siwon lived and thankfully he knew and gave me the address to his apartment. I called my driver and informed him that there was no need to pick me up from school as I would be reaching home late tonight.

To my luck, he didnt live far away from the school. In fact it was quite near and I didnt have any problem finding the address. I stood at his doorstep and rang the bell holding the notebook in my hands.

As soon as I rung the bell, the door opened revealing a lean man dressed in casuals probably in his late forties greeting me.

"Um! Sorry to disturb you sir but isnt Siwon here?" I asked him.

"He is inside! I am his father! And who might you be young man?" he asked me.

"Oh! Good evening Mr. Choi. My name is Cho Kyuhyun. I am Siwon's classmate and I came here to return his notebook that got stuck with me. Could you give this to him?" I asked him as I held out the notebook.

His father though, after I introduced myself, had a mixed expression on his face and just stood there as if trying to interpret what I just said. As I was left there at the corridor wondering what was wrong with him I heard Siwon's voice calling out from behind him. And after noticing that it was me, he gave me a faint smile. He then turned towards his dad and said "Dad! He is the Council President of my school. Just call him inside" in a hushed voice.

"No its ok! I just wanted to give you this. I was leaving anyway" I told them and was about to leave when his dad stopped me.

"Why dont you join us for dinner? I would be more than happy to know just how wonderful my son's love interest is for myself!" he exclaimed. After he said that, Siwon visibly cringed and facepalmed while I was left stunned and my jaw dropped.

"Dad! You're just....ugh! Why dont you come inside Kyuhyun? You must be feeling cold!" Siwon said and reeled me inside his house.

While his dad proceeded towards the kitchen, Siwon and I were seated on the couch. He took his notebook and placed it on the table while looking at me with a sorry puppy dog face as I glared at him and asked "I cant believe you! You actually told your dad everything. Now the only thing that could make this whole situation worse is telling him that you had kissed me not once but thrice in a month!"

"Ah! Well about that. I sorta kinda told him about that as well. You see my dad's like my best friend and I am used to telling him everything!" he said to me. Meanwhile I hurled a pillow at him in anger and that didnt go unnoticed by his dad. He came back and started laying the plates and dishes on the table for dinner.

"Lovers quarrel I see!" he teased us. And I couldnt help notice the fact his dad was quite cheerful and outgoing. If only I had a father like him.

We proceeded to the table and started eating. His dad kept pulling Siwon's legs every now and then and I couldnt help feel good about it. Then suddenly I became nostalgic as I was reminded of all the dinners that mom, Jino and I used to have sans my dad of course. It had been a long time since food tasted this good. In the middle his dad asked me "So Kyuhyun! I hope you wouldnt mind if I told you to stop taking drugs and alcohol. Siwon has told me everything about your dad and your separation from your mom and little brother."

I choked on my food and Siwon offered me a glass of water. I never mentioned anything about my family to him but how did he know? Siwon understood my surprised demeanour and said "Sorry! I had asked Zhoumi about it and he told me everything. I couldnt help it Kyu. I care about you so much that I had to do something to help you out and I realised I could do that only if I knew whats troubling you."

After a long pause, his dad told me "You arent the only person who has sufferings. I felt my whole world crashing down one day when Siwon's mother died of cancer. But just then I realised that if I gave up, what would become of my only son?"

I said "But sir atleast you have Siwon! I dont have anyone that I love and thus no reason to live a long life. Jino and mom got separated from me because of my dad. Because he wanted me to have no attachments to anyone and he wanted me to succeed him."

"No one to love you? What about my son? Siwon has proved his love to you time and again. Why do you seem reluctant to accept his love?" he asked me.

"That is the problem. I cant afford to have anyone get affected because of me and my dad. If he ever knew that Siwon and I were ever in a relationship, he wouldnt hesitate to kill your son with a snap of his fingers. He has managed to make my mom's and Jino's life a living hell already after separating from them. I am sorry if I sound rude but I just dont deserve Siwon's love. And I would appreciate it if you could talk some sense into him and tell him to treat this as nothing more than an infatuation. Thank you for having me over for dinner Mr.Choi. It was a pleasure meeting you but I have to leave now" I said and proceeded towards the front door.

"When will you learn to stand up to your feelings? Till when can you ignore your growing feelings towards my son? I can see it in your eyes Kyuhyun. Face your problems by facing your dad and stand up for yourself. You will feel alive" his dad told me.

"If only I had a dad who was as understanding as you Mr.Choi. Siwon you are so lucky and I cant help but feel jealous. Good night. I will see you at school!" I said and left.

By the time I reached home, I found my dad sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Where were you? I leave my house under your care and you keep wandering off to god knows where late into the night! Answer me boy!" he hollered at me.

Anger reaching its peak, I yelled "This is a free country and I am an adult male capable enough to take care of myself and this house. Unlike some adult males who dont value their family and wander off having flings and one night stands"

"Why you ungrateful little ! How dare you speak disrespectfully to your father! Cho Kyuhyun!" he yelled at a higher pitch while I ignored him and shut myself inside my room.

Anger boiled over and rage coursed through my veins. In a fit of anger, I threw my school bag in one corner and started breaking and thrashing everything in my room until there was nothing left to break. Sighing and sobbing loudly, I reached for my drawer and found my only salvation lying there. Siwon's dad's words kept echoing through me but the pain was too much for me to handle. As a last resort, I punctured myself and felt the drug coursing through my veins relaxing me in the process. Then Siwon's smiling face flashed in my mind followed by Jino's and mom's faces.

"I am sorry guys. I have failed you three miserably! Please forgive me." I mumbled and felt darkness take over.





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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)