Chapter 10

Addiction, Affliction, Affection

Siwon's P.O.V

I cant believe my own ears! Did Kyuhyun really say what I heard him say a while ago?

I would appreciate it if you could talk some sense into him and tell him to treat it as nothing more than an infatuation....

An infatuation? Seriously Kyuhyun you need to get your facts right! What more do I have to do to get you to trust me? Cant you see that the more you push me away, the more I am drawn towards you. And my love for you just keeps getting stronger with each passing day. You can wish for all the things in the world but you simply cant tell me to treat my love as an infatuation! No!

My dad stayed over the weekend and tried to cheer me up but I told him to never mention about it as it began eating me up from the inside. Eventually my dad went back to his apartment and the day of my first midterm exams came. As I was getting ready to go to school, I decided to avoid Kyuhyun and see whether he gives even the slightest hint of missing me.

"I have had enough of running behind your back and now its your turn!" I thought to myself and set off to school.

The very first exam was Mathematics. And thanks to Kyuhyun's tutoring everything went well. After exams I glanced over in Kyuhyun's direction. He was surrounded by a horde of students who cross checked their answers with him to evaluate themselves. Suddenly Yonghwa tapped my shoulders and asked me "Arent you gonna cross check your answers with him too?"

"Um! No. I have decided not to pay attention to famous people from now" I said it out loud on purpose so that Kyuhyun could hear. It seemed like he heard it and turned his head and looked at me while I just ignored him and proceeded to talking to Yonghwa.

"What? You and not paying attention to Kyuhyun! Are you drunk or something?" he asked me.

I rolled my eyes at him and told him "For once in my life if I am being serious about something then I am dead serious. I would appreciate it if you could support me rather than ridicule me."

"Alright dude! Jeez. Mind if I ask you why the sudden change of mind?" Yonghwa asked me.

"Lets just say that I have my own reasons for doing so. Now if you will excuse me I need to go to the library" I told him.

"Whatever you crank monster!"Yonghwa yelled from behind.

Then another exam passed by but still no hint. If there ever was an award for the "Most Stubborn Human on Earth" then Kyuhyun would win it hands down without a hassle. But maybe he is waiting for the exams to pass over. Afterall he does have a reputation to uphold being the Honour Student and all that. Its ok. I decided to give him some time till the exams were over. I just hope he doesnt disappoint me in the end.

The next day.....

Same old same old....Just a look at me then....Poof!

The entire week passed by like that and I was left hanging for dear life.I pacified myself saying encouraging words to myself that he will come around some time or the other but he seriously was testing my patience. If this went on I dont know what to do! I had to admit that I was getting worried about the two of us. And it was already the last exam tomorrow. I decided to confront him if he still didnt feel like coming and approaching me tomorrow.

The next day....

Before the exams started, I wanted to return some of the books that I had borrowed from the library as their due dates were approaching. Inside the library I noticed Kyuhyun sitting on a bench and studying. I slowly neared him and sat down opposite to him while he lifted his head up and noticed me. He raised his eyebrows upwards briefly and turned back to reading once again while my eyes never left his face. He was deep in concentration and didnt let my presence upset him in the slightest. That worried me. How could he ignore me? Girls from all around go desperate for even the slightest bit of attention from me. I guess it worked differently for men.

Suddenly he lifted his head again and made eye contact with me. "Is everything ok Siwon?" he asked me in a low tone.

"Huh? Um. Ya why wouldnt anything be fine? Everything is hunky-dory. Yes sir! I mean what could possibly go wrong now that you and I are back to square one! he he...ugh...I think I am making a fool out of myself and I talking!" I blabbered like there was no tomorrow and mentally slapped myself for my stupidity. Smooth Siwon...Really smooth...I just wish the earth would swallow me whole now.

The librarian heard me blabbering loudly and ordered me to get out immediately as the students got disturbed. After apologising to her and the students inside the library I bolted out from there. I heard a faint voice from far behind me calling my name out and I noticed it was Kyuhyun coming running towards me. As soon as he came near me heavily panting I asked him "Did the librarian kick you out too?"

"Ha! What? hoo....I mean no! Its almost time ....hoo....for the ..hum...exams to start. You and I have the same exam hall. So I thought we could go together" he said to me.

"You really dont have to act like you and I are the best of friends Kyuhyun and especially not to cheer me up. Because we both are meant to be more than just friends and its about time you realised it for yourself."I told him.

"Why do things always have to end up at that note? I dont ever want to talk about it again." he yelled at me in anger.

"Oh we will talk about it again. I can assure you that much!" I huffed in anger and started towards my class for the exam.

Kyuhyun's P.O.V

I had been wondering about Siwon's behaviour for the whole week. He had been acting strangely towards me ever since the incident at his house. He behaved as though he and I were complete strangers. Although I felt weird about this sudden change, this was what I had wanted from him. And I thought that his dad had been successful in convincing him. But I was wrong. He had taken the whole so called infatuation jibe seriously I guessed. This sudden outburst from him was uncalled for and I was surprised to see Siwon angry for the first time. Making up my mind to not let this get the better of me, I prepared myself to write the exam to the best of my abilities.

After the final exam drew to a close, students heaved a sigh of relief and some were even seen flirting with their girlfriends and boyfriends as a means of relaxing and catching up. But I had a bad feeling about my encounter with Siwon as he had said earlier. The Annual Sports day was only a month away and there were loads of work needed to be done.

"Gather all the council members and meet me at the council room today after school. We need to discuss the events and methods to select the participants for the Sports Day."I told Changmin.

But when the time for the session came everyone except Siwon turned up for the meeting. Yonghwa said that Siwon had excused himself from the meeting as he wasnt feeling well and had left for home after school.

"He didnt tell me anything about it! I guess there is no use in starting the meeting without him. Sorry guys but you can go home" I told them and they left.

The next day at school, I found Siwon talking to Yonghwa as usual. His behaviour towards him was just normal but as soon as he saw me his expression turned grim and then he turned away. Bloody hell! Who does he think he is anyway? Ignoring the President's orders and not turning up for the council meetings when he knew that there were loads of files that needed his attention. This time I approached him personally and warned him that if he didnt turn up for today's meeting, I would have to reconsider his position of the SS. He just gave me a nonchalant look as if it didnt concern him at all.

Things just started turning from bad to worse as Siwon continued showing his cold shouldered attitude towards me. There was not much time left for the Sports day and all students had started asking me about the selection out of anxiety. I was beyond tensed and almost felt like I could snap at any moment. Finally on one fine day, Changmin asked me "Why do you still stick with your decision to have him as the SS when you can get him to resign whenever you wanted?"

"He is the only person in this school who has the potential to be the SS. But I think you are right. Its time to make decisions!" I said and left the council room.

Siwon's P.O.V

I felt bad for having over-reacted to Kyu. I hadnt meant to be this harsh at him but circumstances made me do so.Yonghwa and Zhoumi asked me what was wrong with me and warned me to snap out of it and concentrate on my duties if I dont want to get fired from the council. I tried being professional about it but having to be around Kyuhyun all day long discussing about the various events for Sports day could emotionally drain me. And I didnt think that I would be able to handle that! As I was approaching the front gate of the school to go home, I was confronted by Changmin. He blocked my way and so I asked "Could you move over? I need to get home"

"I am sorry! You are not going anywhere till I am done with you" he said and punched me squarely on my stomach. I fell down on the ground with a thud clutching my stomach.

"Why did I ever listen to Kyu when he made you the SS and wanted me to become friends with you?" he wondered.

"Look! I dont know what your problem is. Just let me be alright. That way no one gets hurt" I told him after picking myself up.

"The only one who is gonna get hurt is you. You jerk!" he said and hit me again. This time I was bleeding from the mouth.

"Do you have any idea how much stress Kyuhyun is under this time? He is over-working himself and is refusing to get himself a new SS. You know why? Because he feels that you are the only capable person out there! He has been constantly staying late after school to get things done on your behalf just to save your sorry you incompetent fool!" Changmin yelled at me. And I was staring at him with my mouth gaping open. Kyuhyun had been covering for my absence all along. Everything seemed to be going wrong. I didnt wish for this to happen at all. All I wanted was for Kyuhyun to open up to me and warm up to me and not consider my love as a mere infatuation but things have gotten out of hand. What if he did something to himself not being able to handle the pressure? I wouldnt be able to forgive myself if that ever happened.

"I just dont understand why he is being stubborn about you when clearly the fact is you dont deserve this post. You are nothing but a burden to all of us, you hear me!You know what! I am gonna complain to the management about your inefficiency as the Sports Secretary. Lets see what they have to say about all this!" he continued while I interrupted "Changmin! I am really sorry that I didnt realise that I was being a total jerk. Is Kyuhyun still here?" I asked him.

"What? Of course you dope! How would he get things done in time if he left for home as well?" he asked me back but I didnt mind him and dashed towards the council room. But when I got there he wasnt there. I had to find him but where could he be. I searched the cafeteria, the school gardens and even the music room. But he was nowhere to be found. I started panicking and thought of all the possible untoward things that could happen to him. Slapping myself back to reality again, I thought of the only place that I hadnt searched for . The terrace!

By the time I reached the terrace, I was panting and short of breath. But I saw the one person that I wanted to see. And he seemed miserable. There were dark circles under his eyes that suggested days of sleeplessness. Poor thing has not only been doing his duties but mine as well. He was now holding a bottle of Soju and seemed to have already finished one previously. Some of the lists of the candidates for the events have already been accounted for with the Sports day being a week away and they were lying on the floor beside him. When I approached his lying figure, he looked up at me with those bloodshot eyes of his. His face was flushed red and he seemed to be completely drowned in Soju by now.

He gently got up swaying a little but still managing to keep balance precariously. I extended my arms to support him but he slapped it away and said "Choi! You ....cccamee. II..knneew .........yoou would commme. CChhangmiiin...bbeat yyooouu up sssoo bbad I ...I sseeee"

He was faltering and seemed like he would drop unconscious any minute now. This was all my fault. I promised him that I would not disappoint him as the Sports Secretary didnt I? I am responsible for this. If only I didnt get clouded by my ego and if I only I had fulfilled my duties as the SS, this wouldnt have happened. Kyuhyun wouldnt have to go through this torture. I was ridden with guilt for having caused this as I was the one who promised that I would protect him at all costs.

"Kyuhyun. I am sorry. I just wanted you to open up to me. I didnt mean to cause you so much pain. Now please drop the bottle and come to me."I said sobbing.

"NNooo! JJusst ....gooo...aawway....!! LLikke hhoow ......yoou hhad bbbeeeeen ....iggnnnoring me all aloonnng!" he slurred and faltered dangerously.

"I was wrong about ignoring you babykyu! You dont know how much I have missed you over the past weeks. I am sorry now please let me hold you"I said and tried catching onto his arm but he swung it away from me so harshly that the momentum threw him off balance and he would have hit the ground if it hadnt been for me holding him up by his waist. His face was buried on my chest but he still seemed to be fully conscious. I held onto his waist and hugged him burying my face into the crook of his neck and inhaling his scent that strongly gave off an alcoholic smell.

"Why couldnt you just fire me? You could have done that but you didnt do it. Why?"I asked him.

"II...I ddoont knnow ....wwhhy! II...I I jjuust ccooulldnt!" he said to me honestly.

"I know why! Because you have started feeling something for me. You couldnt bear to replace me from the council not because I was the only person capable but because you sub-consciously want me to be beside you always. Why doesnt something as simple as this get through to your otherwise genius brain?" I asked.

He lifted his head up from my chest and looked into my eyes with a puzzled expression. And then it turned into a sad one and tears started forming in his eyes and flowed freely down his pale cheeks.

"II...I ammm.....affraaidd....afffraid ...oofff ....looovee. Heee...took mmom ann..and Jino aaway fffromm.... meee!!! II...amm. aaaffraiid SSSiwooon" he sobbed loudly. My heart broke into a thousand pieces after having to witness this sight. What once were two pure orbs of milk chocolate now had been drowned in tears. I lifted one of my hands and wiped away his tears with my fingers and his cheeks while I held him securely against me flush with my body with the other hand.

"Kyu! Baby look at me...Please dont cry. Everything will be fine as long as you are not afraid of your own emotions. Once you start to realise your feelings for me, everything will fall in place. You wouldnt have to go through this torture anymore. And I would be with you right here beside you in every step of the way. Please stop taking drugs and alcohol. I will provide you with the salvation that you need from now on. Please baby! For me!" I said as I held his face with both my hands. He looked at me with those sincere tear laden eyes of his and flashed a sincere smile at me and nodded in response.

And that was enough for me. That simple gesture had spoken a thousand words to me, conveyed a thousand meanings and gave me the strength and reassurance to love Cho Kyuhyun once again with all my heart and soul. Gently, I placed my lips over his forehead and kissed him there. Then I kissed his eyes that tasted salty due to the tears. Then his sharp nose, then his two pale and flushed cheeks, then I kissed his earlobes and gave them a gentle that earned a low but audible moan from him, then I ducked and kissed the length of his slender neck and bruised the skin of his neck with and bites. There was no doubt that he was enjoying this as he had his fingers meshed into my hair. I lifted my head up from assaulting his neck and met his half lidded eyes. I then closed the remaining gap between us by gently placing my lips atop his. This time it was different and I was sure that it was definitely not because of the alcohol in his breath. It was because he had responded to my kiss instantly without any regrets or hesitations and it felt just right! Just wonderful! His fingers roamed over the strands of my hair while one of my hands held him in place behind the nape of his neck and the other roamed over the rest of his body rhythmically. I deepened the kiss further while he parted his mouth for my tongue to probe further into it. After a few more seconds of an intense make out session, we both separated from each other for air while our foreheads were still touching.

"I love ..much...."I declared.

"I....l..looovee...yoou ....tooo"he slurred and both of us happily relished this wonderful moment where nothing else mattered except being hopelessly and irrevocably and unconditionally in love with each other.....

There! Finally Kyuhyun and Siwon as Wonkyu make their appearance. I wanted to update this chapter before tomorrow coz I am heading out of town for an important family function. So I wont be able to make an update tomorrow....Meanwhile feast your eyes upon the 10th chapter and marvel over its Wonkyu goodness for an entire day as I come up with another update probably and hopefully by day after tomorrow...Till then ...happy reading my lovelies..and dont forget to drop in your comments


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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Wow... Yonghwa in the story.. It's a surprise, i like it.. I'm excited to read this story.. I'm sure this is a happy ending story right??
Chapter 26: just to wait for 2 years more it´s unfair :/ but I enjoyed your story anyway specially at the beginning
wheres-my-cookie #3
Chapter 26: Awww it's ended :((( it was nice seeing their relationship eventually get better from the start and then Kyu accepting Siwon.

That stupid Yeon Hee though I hate her! Why did she have to kill Kyu's father :(( even though he tried to send Kyu away....

It was so sad when they had to separate though >< but I'm glad they're finally together again ^^

Thank you for writing this amazing story! :D I'm glad I found this ^_^
Chapter 26: 7years...and now another 2... you surely do know how to torture poor Siwon... why does Kyu act like its ok to be away for such a long time? can't they at least fly to see each other... but as you've said... their love is timeless...

Thank you for a great story... it got us snarky&coldKyu VS bubblyfriendWon. Reading the development of their relationship was really fun. Hope you'll keep up the great work and come back soon. We'll miss ya... xxoo
katharine #5
Chapter 26: your story was amazing,i love it so much.
really great job.
good luck in your other stories.
Chapter 26: It's a great ending, though wonnie had to wait for 2 more years as if 7 years apart wasn't already enough. Anyhow, I'll look forward to ur return with another great story. :)
Chapter 25: I'm sad this is ending :(
i hate it when parents die T_T
i think you have a really good writing style, you should start with the next fic soon :) <3
Chapter 25: Love it....can't wait to see what will happen next...i'll wait the epilogue......<3
richan24 #9
Chapter 25: Is this the end of the story?I hope you can make a sequel out of it.
Chapter 25: hmmm... I'm gonna miss this. I'm gonna come back and reread this fic...if you end it with a happy ending. I know you will ;) No matter how long wonnie has to wait, please don't make him wait in vain. Thank you for your hard work :)