What is Love?


All their lives, the three Kim brothers-Junmyeon, Jongdae, and Jongin, have strived to stay away from werewolves. Ever since their parents died in a fight between hunters and the wolves, they knew that no good would come from befriending a wolf.

However, the wolves are coming in closer and closer, and where wolves go, hunters are sure to follow. Will the Kim family be able to stay out of the conflict? Or will they meet the same end as their parents?





Notes: Fantasy au! Their city is swarming with magical creatures. And you can brick me with the un-original town names, but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment...Also, this fic was written when I was trying to focus more on family and friendly relationships. It is full of love and fluff and cheese, but there will be some major conflict as well.

The main pairing here will be krisho, with minor pairings being hunhan and taochen.

The first few chapters are written and will be posted every few days or so, but after that updates might get a little slow as my life is starting to get busier and busier and it gets hard to find time to write.


“Don’t stay up too late yourself hyung.” Jongdae pushed himself off the floor with Jongin still clinging on to his neck. “You have work tomorrow.”

Junmyeon gave his brothers a tired smile. “Is there any food left?”

“Yeah, we left your portion on the table.” Jongdae began dragging Jongin away. “Good night hyung! Eat well.”

“Good night.” Junmyeon smiled and walked into the kitchen. He and his brothers lived a hard life of constant work, stress and worry. But they had each other, and Junmyeon wouldn’t trade his life for anything else in the world.


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2451 streak #1
Chapter 5: yes Yifan, the way you took Jun to your own apartment definitely didn't help your case! but for real tho, the fact that he let Jun go, he let Jun decide for himself and would follow whatever it is Jun decided on... HUHUHUHU it was heartbreaking when Jun decided to go and he cried all his way back

but one year later, he's worse, he's miserable... and since it was his decision to leave Yifan, he had to live with it and had to realize for himself that he truly loved the other and is miserable without him, it really had to be him and him alone... thank goodness he had supportive brothers who want him to be happy and Dae even accompanied him to meet Yifan again! Yifan really stood by his word to not show up ever again to Jun... i say that was a year wasted in misery, but if that didn't happen, who even knows if they'd come to the point where they're in now

and oh look, seems like Jun's parents left behind magic spells to protect their kids from unwanted werewolf attacks, but the fact that a wolf just has to be permitted in the house shows that even Jun's parents thought that it would be okay for their kids to be associated with wolves... Jun, you aren't dishonoring your parents in any way!

wish there was more tho! wish we knew more of Jongin's condition, wish we had more of ChenBaek too and wish we had more episodes of Jun and Yifan making their relationship work... but tbh, thank you for this authornim! it was a nice read :)
2451 streak #2
Chapter 4: Yifan you idiot! why'd you kidnap Jun???
that won't help your case! UGHHHHHH

for real tho, Jun is too dense for his own good... everybody around him has figured it out already before him...

Sehun is a hunter? did Tao want to go with him to the ski resort to be killed? was he just gonna tell Sehun that he's a wolf?
2451 streak #3
Chapter 3: poor Tao indeed, but if what he really wanted was to corner Sehun to know what he knows abt their pack, then he's right where Tao needs him... Tao already knew that Jongin might back out anyway

i see that Dae isn't as resistant abt wolves unlike Jun huh... ofc Dae knew coz of Baek, coz Baek works at the apothecary where they buy their necessary stuff

ahhhh with the way Yifan is affecting Jun a lot more lately, it'd be interesting to see how Jun would react once he knows of Yifan's true identity
2451 streak #4
Chapter 2: i see Luhan's intuition is good! HAHA
doesn't help when he suddenly blurts his thoughts out loud tho!

what does Dae know abt Zitao tho? all i know is that, if he was so sure abt it, he would've outright asked Jongin to just stay away from the other and not simply be careful around him, don't you think?
2451 streak #5
Chapter 1: Jun, Yifan is a werewolf! ordinary humans wouldn't have a chance to kick a vampire and even win a staredown... i honestly don't remember if i read this already before, but Yifan must be a powerful werewolf if the other 2 vampires didn't attempt anything after Yifan dealt with one of them

the relationship between the siblings is so sweet and cute tho! :)
Chapter 5: this is so lovely!!! i love how you write kim bros in here! but poor luhan im sure sehun will comeback or he'll meet someone else later ((btw hunter!sehun sounds so hot ohgawd ;;;)) i really really love this and thank you for writing ^^ ❤
Chapter 5: If ever you consider writing the sequel, please know that there's a lot of potential in this fic. It may not be something original but I surely loved the Kim brothers' relationship and that of Krisho's too. It could've used a tighter plot line though, but it's already good on its own.
Chapter 5: The ending <3